On Friday July 1st at 10:14 P.M. EDT this rather intense and even dangerous square will bring its full force to bear upon us. This is not a storm to walk into without proper gear. Be careful how you talk to people. There will be an underlying anger and frustration that could easily come to the surface. If you pay attention there’s no reason why it should cause you any problems. But you must stay aware and realize that even if you are being rational the other person may not be. Much has to do with how this aspect hits your chart. And since we can’t know everyone’s astrology, it’s wise to tiptoe around any controversial subjects.

With the recent political events, including the ongoing Jan 6th hearings, the Supreme Court debacles, the economic tension, and the upcoming elections there is plenty to set people off. Don’t be the fuse that lights this bomb. Sidestep anything you can and try to let much slide off your shoulders. If you are feeling angry or frustrated it might be a good idea to stay out of the fray. You could easily get caught up in something that will be difficult to extricate yourself from.

This energy has much to do with what’s going on inside of you. You may find old feelings rising to the surface, and suppressed tension seeping out. You need to pay attention to what you’re experiencing so you don’t get caught up in your own stress. While this square certainly can and will manifest in the outside world, its origin is really internal. Take a few moments to see just what’s making you so angry. Is it really your neighbor who is getting on your nerves, or is it some other issue that is stewing within and creating the pressure and lack of patience? The better you understand what’s motivating you, the easier this will be to handle.

Expect some issues to be out of your control, and to try and draw you into a battle. You have no control over what someone else will do, so stick to what you do have control over – your own emotions and your reaction to outside stimuli. We may see some harsh and even potentially violent events occurring in the world. But that seems to be par for the course at the moment. Walk gently across the eggshells and you can circumvent most of the problems.

Thank you for your guidance. And HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MITCHELL 🌈🎂