Newsletter: July 2022

Newsletter: July 2022

ISSUE # 276

July 2022

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

If you follow me on Facebook or on my website blog you will see that I update these transits as they come close. I suggest that you do so to keep up with the added information I am posting on each. This newsletter is a template for the coming month.

If you’re interested in a personal reading please CLICK HERE or contact me directly through email at

I recently did the next webinar in this series on the financial markets. It covered the history of the stocks, currencies, metals, Crypto, inflation, etc. and my prognostication on the near future of our financial situation. The recording will be ready for viewing soon. The price is $40.

My recent webinar:

“America’s Nervous Breakdown” – An astrological analysis of current events is now available for purchase through my website In it I discuss the current situation we are facing politically and financially as we head into the 2022 mid-term elections. We examined the astrology charts of America, Biden, Harris, Trump, the NYSE, Bitcoin and other pertinent topics.

It was a 2 hour webinar with Q&A towards the end. The price is: $35.00. If you are interested please email me and I will set up a Paypal request and forward you the link to view the webinar.



This month is mostly about emotions, family, friends and the past. That is the energy of Cancer, the most prevalent force this month. Emotions are running high in general, especially after the recent Supreme Court rulings involving guns, abortion rights, and environmental issues, to name a few. I’m not going to get into that here. Most of my readers know my feelings about these issues and where I believe our nation is heading. I try to keep my political opinions in one place, and my astrological work in another. Sometimes they overlap. That can’t be helped. But with the pent up anger and frustration we are all feeling, I believe it would be counter-productive to get into a deep discussion about it now. But I will be posting my notes on these subjects on Facebook, my website, and through my mailing list very soon. I cannot remain silent in the face of the outrageous and quite predictable spin this court has taken, and if anyone wishes to comment on that after I have posted, feel free to do so. But for now, I wish you all a wonderful July with lots of sun, sand, friends and lovers. Go out and play. The world’s problems will not disappear or be solved right now, nor will they be exacerbated if you take a few days off and sit by the calming, life-affirming ocean, or spend time in the woods chatting with the wildlife. Happy summer and all my love. Mitch


The New Moon falls on Tuesday June 28th at 10:52 P.M. EDT at 7 degrees Cancer 23 minutes. The Moon rules this sign, and in some ways it feels most a home here. But don’t kid yourself. Just because a planet is in the sign of its rulership doesn’t imply that everything is hunky dory. Often that planet will display an overabundance of the energy of the sign. In this case, I know many born with the Moon in Cancer who can be overly emotional at times, or so attached to the past that they can’t seem to get out of their way. Now, much has to do with the house placement, aspects, and the rest of the chart. That’s why it takes so long to become a good astrologer: So much information to absorb and put in order. But suffice to say that when the Moon is here it vibrates at a high level and offers us an opportunity to examine our inner most intimate feelings.

The New Moon in this sign each summer tends to bring us back to the past. It’s not unlike Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse Five, who time travels back and forth through his life. It can be a perilous journey at times, but the reward we get when we are able and willing to look at our lives in an open and honest fashion is well worth the risk. It’s important, though, to keep your feelings in a proper place. It’s one thing to look at the past, it’s quite another to get sucked into the quicksand that has taken a lifetime to extricate yourself from.

This is the time for family, lovers, friends and all the connections that are most important. I often find July to be the time when I am immersed in my memories. August I tend to be more Leo-like and frolic (not that I don’t do some frolicking in July as well). But now I look up old friends, send emails that have been in my “save” folder for months, and try to make sense of my past, my choices, mistakes, victories and failures. They are all a part of me and who I’ve become, and like Scrooge dealing with the ghost of Christmas past, I swing from one memory to another, often with no sense of purpose except the knowledge each offers.

So go freely into the summer sun (with a strong sunblock, I might add) and see what the past has in store for you. There is nothing back there that will hurt you. Some feelings may be a little overwhelming, and when you bid farewell to the lost loves, the friends and pets that have passed over, and the dreams you keep hidden from all but your closest few, smile at what each gave you to help you on your path. They all love you still, whether they are here in body or just in spirit. They are all a part of you and you carry them with barely the weight of an angel on your shoulders.



On Tuesday June 28th at 11:52 P.M. EDT this optimistic and outgoing transit will give us all a short respite from the troubles of the world. This is a very good day for socializing, traveling or just lounging around and enjoying the summer breeze. Your interactions with others will run smoothly and you should be rather gregarious in general. There can be a bit of laziness when these two get together. You may not feel like doing anything very energetic



On Friday July 1st at 10:14 P.M. EDT this rather intense and even dangerous square will bring its full force to bear upon us. This is not a storm to walk into without proper gear. Be careful how you talk to people. There will be an underlying anger and frustration that could easily come to the surface. If you pay attention there’s no reason why it should cause you any problems. But you must stay aware and realize that even if you are being rational the other person may not be. Much has to do with how this aspect hits your chart. And since we can’t know everyone’s astrology, it’s wise to tiptoe around any controversial subjects.

With the recent political events, including the ongoing Jan 6th hearings, the Supreme Court debacles, the economic tension, and the upcoming elections there is plenty to set people off. Don’t be the fuse that lights this bomb. Sidestep anything you can and try to let much slide off your shoulders. If you are feeling angry or frustrated it might be a good idea to stay out of the fray. You could easily get caught up in something that will be difficult to extricate yourself from.

This energy has much to do with what’s going on inside of you. You may find old feelings rising to the surface, and suppressed tension seeping out. You need to pay attention to what you’re experiencing so you don’t get caught up in your own stress. While this square certainly can and will manifest in the outside world, its origin is really internal. Take a few moments to see just what’s making you so angry. Is it really your neighbor who is getting on your nerves, or is it some other issue that is stewing within and creating the pressure and lack of patience? The better you understand what’s motivating you, the easier this will be to handle.

Expect some issues to be out of your control, and to try and draw you into a battle. You have no control over what someone else will do, so stick to what you do have control over – your own emotions and your reaction to outside stimuli. We may see some harsh and even potentially violent events occurring in the world. But that seems to be par for the course at the moment. Walk gently across the eggshells and you can circumvent most of the problems.



On Saturday July 2nd at 6:39 A.M. & 4:53 P.M. EDT these two aspects complete. Because of the proximity of Saturn to Neptune in the sky the inner planets will aspect both of these illuminations within a day. The energy will be quite changeable with the early hours focused and geared towards getting our work done. In the morning it will be easy to put your thoughts in order and to clear out the in-box. But later in the day it will become much muddier and harder to think clearly. Use the early hours for work, and the afternoon for meditation and the more poetic side. If you are astute and have the time and patience to pay attention, you will feel the shift in mental energy quite acutely.


On Tuesday July 5th at 2:04 P.M. EDT until August 20th at 3:56 A.M. EDT Mars will travel through this Venus-ruled sign. This is the most stubborn of the zodiac, and it can be difficult to bend the energy. With Mars being the impetus of force, this can feel at times like an irresistible energy meeting an immovable object. Something has to give. The stagnation this placement can create can lead to misjudgment and a pent up frustration. This can be a “slow-burn”, rather than an explosive event. In any case, it’s a period during which patience and an inner calm will do you the most good.

The interaction between people, especially the sexes, may be a bit brusque. Mars has little patience, and it prefers to be in the fire signs where it can act out. When it is in a Venus-ruled sign is feels out of sorts. It co-rules Scorpio, the opposite sign, and here it is in a weakened place where its normal energy is suppressed. This can lead to frustration and a desire to push things without forethought. That would be a mistake. You’d be better off waiting out most issues and letting the natural flow of chi manifest. Eventually Mars will find its footing in this fixed earth sign. But it won’t feel very free until it enters Gemini in August.



On Tuesday July 5th at 2:25 A.M. EDT until July 19th at 8:35 A.M. EDT we will all be more emotional in our conversations and thoughts for the next few weeks. With the planet of communication joining the Sun in this sign it will bring us all a stronger desire to express our emotions and to communicate more from the heart than from the mind. Issues of the past will come up. You may hear from old friends, or some news about your past or someone from year ago might arise. It could be that someone is reaching out to you in hopes of renewing a connection. That would be fine as long as you handle it in a realistic manner and don’t get caught up in things best left in the past. There might be a disturbing bit of news that you will have to contend with. But for the most part, this placement can be quite passionate and loving. Try to find that side of it and express your feelings to those you are close with. It will be much appreciated and might help solidify a contact or two.


On Tuesday July 5th at 2:37 A.M. EDT there will be a lot of energy behind our speech, but it will be malleable and can be used and directed where we need it most. This is a very positive aspect and you will find that it’s easy to say what’s on your mind. This is a good time for an important conversation. You will both have a lot to say and the impetus to express it. This is also a good time for any mental activity or for getting your work done. You can concentrate for hours without exhaustion. This is a sociable aspect and you will enjoy interacting with others.



On Saturday July 9th at 2:14 A.M. EDT expect a lot of hubris in conversations. People will be expansive and arrogant, and there will be a lack of limitation and restrictions in thought and speech. This is a time when we are likely to talk without forethought and to be overly opinionated. While this square will bring things out that may have been under the surface for some time, it’s how we go about presenting our ideas that could make this a positive or a negative moment. This will be another sociable day, but not as easy to handle as the Mercury sextile Mars mentioned above. You need to be on your guard a bit and make sure you are saying that you mean. The tongue is working faster than the mind, and it’s quite easy to put your foot in your mouth. A little forethought will go a long way today. Be careful when traveling. You may not be as focused as you think, and could be easily distracted. While this is not necessarily an accident-prone transit, it is easy to make mistakes or not be as careful as you usually are.



On Sunday July 10th at 4:39 A.M. EDT we will all be looking for new and exciting input. This is a very positive aspect that will allow us to break through some boundaries and look beyond our normal limitations. Be adventurous and open-minded. Seek out some new ideas, events and relationships. You will be more able to explore uncharted waters and might just discover something very stimulating. Take a few chances, with common sense in mind. If you walk a different path today it could lead you to a new discovery, maybe a part of the city you’ve never visited before, or a new concept that can change your perspective. It only lasts a day or so, so try to take advantage of it.



On Wednesday July 13th at 12:28 A.M EDT we will be more realistic about our relationships and look for balance and clear direction in our interactions. This is a positive aspect in many ways. It will make you clearer about the most important people in your circle, and you may find a new way of working with someone close. It’s also a good time to have important discussions about where a relationship is heading. It’s also a time to look over your finances and see if there are some things you can do to improve it. Look over your budget and see if there are expenses you can eliminate. Check your investments or discuss them with your financial advisor. With the markets in disarray at the moment, there might be a safer or better way to use your money.

If you’re interested in a personal reading please CLICK HERE or contact me directly through email at



This month lunar peak occurs on Wednesday July 13th at 2:38 P.M. EDT at 21 degrees Capricorn 21 minutes. This can be a very positive and focused Full Moon as long as you pay attention to certain things. Capricorn is a reserved energy, and this isn’t usually an explosive or dangerous lunar aspect. In fact, you may feel more like being home and watching a movie. Still, it is a Full Moon and has the ability to push things to their limits. Because of the sign it’s in, those limits have more to do with our work and obligations. You might be hunkering down trying to finish the draft of your new book, or finish painting that room that has been bugging you for some time. This is more about work and responsibilities than play. We are in the heart of summer, and any chance you get to relax, take a few days off, or just sit out at your favorite café can be rewarding. But keep in mind that Capricorn and its opposite sign, Cancer, have much to do with family, friends, the past and building towards the future. If there is a project or opportunity to put down a stronger foundation, this is a good time to implement it. Fixing up your house, cleaning out old useless stuff, or solidifying your important relationships are all positive ways to use this energy.

With the world on high alert, the markets in a weakened state, and the situation in America so precarious, many issues regarding our sense of stability and structure are being brought into direct light and cannot be ignored. This is not a time to sidestep the important problems, but rather to face them and try to find a strong and long-lasting solution. We will not fix everything, and in fact, there is a sense that much is beyond the scope of our preset capabilities. And that may very well be true. A lot will not be decided until the Mid-term elections here in America, or the resolution of international affairs. But we can hope that some semblance of structure and foundation will prevail. That is what Capricorn wants, and this Full Moon will make that very clear. Do what you can to strengthen your own foundation.



On Thursday July 14th at 1:24 A.M. EDT reality is out the window. For a day or two most of us will be seeing things through a foggy illusion tainted but the fantasies we wish were true. If used properly this can be a very creative energy and not necessarily bad. It will require that you be somewhat realistic, although you may find that difficult at times. I would suggest that you not make any permanent decisions, especially in personal relationships until this has moved away.



On Saturday July 16th at 3:38 P.M. EDT many will be quite willful and a bit arrogant today. This is a common aspect that occurs several times a year, and it does make us a little overly chatty. There’s nothing wrong with that, but be careful not to expound too forcefully. Because this takes place in Cancer there will be an underlying emotional level to everything that happens. People are a bit overly sensitive at the moment, and if you push the wrong buttons you might stir someone to be more defensive than necessary. Still, this is a good time to discuss important things as long as you pay heed to the above. Reach out to someone who you feel alienated from, and try to find out just what the problem really is. If you approach it properly you may uncover something you hadn’t been aware of and possibly repair any damage. You may even be able to move the relationship forward. Just keep in mind that you, and everyone else, is feeling a little vulnerable and that egos are involved. Allow for the fragility of all involved.



On Sunday July 17th at 9:32 P.M. EDT until August 11th at 2:30 P.M. EDT Venus enters this Moon-ruled sign and joins the Sun and Mercury in this emotional place. This can be a very soft and caring transit when we wish to smooth things over and to embrace those we love with a warmth and understanding. As long as you don’t become overly sensitive and unable to balance between your feelings and your intellect this can be a very good aspect for relationships. There’s a feeling of family that permeates all of our connections. Friends become almost siblings, and a relationship with a significant other seems to intensify and deepen. Reach out to those you care about and let them know how you feel. They will tend to be receptive and even those who normally create boundaries may be more open to hearing it. Often we wish to spend more time at home where the comfort of our special place is most attractive. Being with your friends, your family, or your pets is rewarding. It’s also a time when many wish to redecorate or at least spruce up the place. If you’re visiting a close person you may want to pick up a bunch of flowers or some sort of decoration or tchotchke. It will mean a lot and your eye is more attuned to their taste right now than usual. Being near water will be especially pleasing. Take a trip to the beach. If you can, book a few days on the shore. You will find that your long walks in the sand have an ethereal feeling and you will revisit your past in a pleasant and unthreatening way.



On Monday July 18th at 3:01 A.M. EDT a lot of people will be looking for an argument. With the political situation in America (and around the world) so tense, it would be wise to pick and choose your fight carefully. Many issues will be brought to the surface, even if they have been buried for a long time. You may discover that someone has much different ideas than you thought. Pluto likes to bring out whatever is buried and force us to look at them in the light of day. As such, it’s important to keep an open mind.



On Tuesday July 19th at 8:35 A.M. EDT until August 4th at 2:58 A.M. EDT the planet of communication and travel will enter Leo, the sign of children, playfulness, creativity and gambling. This doesn’t mean that you have to run to Vegas and throw your money away. There will be a desire for games and adventure. But it’s really more about your interactions with others and how you converse. When Mercury was in Cancer many of us chose to spend more time at home or in a quiet restaurant. Now it’s the thrill of the chase, the beach, amusement parks, a trip to the Grand Canyon. It’s also a time to be more playful with your closest peeps.



On Tuesday July 19th at 9:39 P.M. EDT this intense and sometimes harsh transit will complete. The few days leading up to this can be fraught with tension and frustration. There is an underlying feeling of anger in our society now, as most of you realize. So don’t walk into an unnecessary power struggle. We are in an era of relentless disputes, a lack of commonality when everyone is on edge. Any hard aspect to Pluto has the potential to exacerbate that and can easily lead to misunderstandings or disputes. This can be a good time to dig into something and bring out the truth. But you have to be prepared to hear it. Once something is exposed under Pluto you cannot put it back in the box. So if you’re going to get into a discussion about something dicey, you’d better be ready to play it out to completion.



On Friday July 22nd at 4:07 P.M. EDT we enter the fixed part of summer. This is the month of childlike play and adventure. Where the Sun transiting Cancer was all about family, friends and the past, this is a lost hurrah as we quickly move towards the end of the always too-short summer. Take advantage of this time. Be the little boy or girl you hold within. Get out and do things, even if they’re a little risky. Waterski, white-water raft, take a trip somewhere new and adventurous. Do use common sense and a bit of restraint so you don’t have an accident or wear yourself out. But play, my friends. That’s what summer is for. Leo is a fixed sign. It isn’t all that changeable, and can be a little stubborn at times. Well, if you want to be friends with a Leo you must remember that they are quite loyal and a bit demanding in some ways, and if they feel hurt or slighted they can easily withdraw and make it difficult to open up. Approach things from the point of view of a child. What do you want from the situation, and what can we share that will be entertaining, and still have purpose and be supportive.



On Saturday July 23rd at 1:52 P.M. EDT we will all be outgoing and talkative. This is an easy positive aspect and there shouldn’t be many arguments. It’s a good time to chat with others and to just express your feelings. Get out and socialize. If you need to discuss something important you can do so now without stirring up the waters. People will be open to new ideas, and just might be able to listen to your side of things. This is a very good few days for travel.


On Monday July 25th at 2:13 A.M. EDT we will all be prone to overdoing and ignoring our usual limitations. This is a time when indulging in food, drink and other physical pleasures can get out of hand. Because this completes so early in the morning, you will sense this most powerfully on Sunday night. A little restraint will go a long way. It’s also very possible to fall in love, if this hits your chart just so. While I believe more in the serendipitous when looking for love, there are moments when the stars are aligned just right and we go into one place because the one across the street looks too crowded, and you sit next to someone who changes your life. Such is love. I wish it on you all. But even without meeting your next soul mate, this is a very sociable aspect and a good time to be with others.


On Tuesday July 26th at 3:13 P.M. EDT caution is called for. Arguments and disputes of all sorts are common, and with things so on edge right now it’s important that you pay attention to what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. Any reason for a disagreement will suffice if someone is looking for a fight. Don’t walk into it. If there’s something that simply must be discussed or even argued, then go into it with open eyes. You will find that you each have a lot to say and won’t easily back down. You might be able to clear the air, and perhaps something that has long been hidden will come to the surface. But if you’re just giving in to an underlying frustration, then this aspect can bring up a lot of unpleasantness and could easily build to a point of unrestrained anger.


The next New Moon falls on Thursday July 28th at 1:55 P.M. EDT at 5 degrees Leo 39 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

June 30th  4:14 P.M. – 8:40 P.M.

July 3rd 5:59 A.M. – 8:31 A.M.

July 5th 2:04 P.M. – 6:25 P.M.

July 7th 9:04 P.M. – July 8th 1:15 A.M.

July 10th 12:34 A.M. – 4:34 A.M.

July 11th  9:42 P.M. –  July 12th 5:01 A.M.

July  14th 12:17 A.M. – 4:13 A.M.

July 16th 12:36 A.M. – 4:18 A.M.

July 18th 2:43 A.M. – 7:17 A.M.

July 20th 10:19 A.M. – 2:33 P.M.

July 22nd 7:45 P.M. – July 23rd 1:11 A.M.

July 25th 4:14 A.M. – 1:45 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

July 27th 8:45 P.M. – July 28th 2:36 A.M.

July 30th 12:29 A.M. – 2:11 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

August 1st 6:29 P.M. – August 2nd 12:06 A.M.

August 4th 2:20 A.M. – 7:47 A.M.

July 2022

New York City

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