Today the DOW closed down another 860 points. For those not keeping track that’s almost 2,000 points in 2 days. And I think it will continue until it is oversold. While the Coronavirus is the immediate impetus and reason for this action as I wrote a few days ago it is only the button being pushed that is exposing the underlying serious issues that Wall Street has ignored for the past number of years. This is not a normal market. It is a melt-up with little regard for reality or the usual checks and balances that keep our economy afloat. We are drowning in a sea of debt that will soon become a tsunami. Interest rates are artificially being kept low. The bonds are at an historic low, so there is no way to make any money except in the stock markets. This is being done manipulatively to make Trump look good. And the world has lost faith in America’s ability to support and lead in times of crisis. On top of this it’s looking more likely that we may have a Trump Sanders contest in November. Many in the financial markets are horrified at the thought of President Bernie. They are short-sighted in my opinion and probably honestly believe that he would strip the flesh off of the financial world and create a radical socialist society. He won’t. He would try very hard to redistribute some of the remarkable wealth we have handed to a very small part of the population and perhaps do something as radical as ensure health insurance for all Americans, something that virtually every modern nation in the world has achieved. This is neither an endorsement of Bernie nor a prediction – only an observation

No matter what the outcome of the Democratic process, and no matter whether this virus does become a worldwide pandemic or not, as big as these problems are the issues are much bigger and insidious and are rooted in the very structure of our society. And that is what needs to be addressed or we will return over and over again to times like this when fear and anger push us to the limit. America’s Pluto Return has begun. And Pluto rules the elimination of waste in the body, the home and the collective consciousness. And if you thought we could go through this aspect without some pain and disturbing events you had your head up your… I mean in the sand. Strap on your seat belts kids. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. 😉

Hi, I’m reading your novel, Death in the 12th House. Really enjoying it. I hope to contact you for a chart reading soon, but I have been bleeding money with this downturn in the market. When my bank account is fatter, I will call. Thank you for your interesting political and financial comments. I agree with you completely.