On Friday February 28th at 5:06 P.M. EST this intense square will complete followed in a few days by the Venus square Saturn. The combination will give us all a few days when it may be difficult to find compromise and common ground in personal relationships. These squares can certainly produce some animosity and you may find that it’s quite hard to settle disputes. Either you or the other person may be apt to stick to your guns and not budge from your point of view. Forewarned, and all that, I would try to look for a solution that at least temporarily smooths things over. Once these aspects pass you can find a more permanent resolution to the problem. If something has been building up in a relationship and has reached a point of impasse you may have no choice but to deal directly with it.


These squares will intensify the underlying trepidation about Coronavirus and the markets. Try not to fall into the rabbit hole. Pay attention to what’s going on, take precautions and use common sense. But don’t lose your faith or your clarity. That is how a problem becomes a calamity. Think, breath, and meditate. And please, don’t forget to be kind. You friends and neighbors are just as worried as you are and they could use a smile, a funny story or a phone call.