Astrology for the Mid-terms elections

Astrology for the Mid-terms elections

Here’s a brief rundown of the astrology for Election Day November 6th 2018. THE BIG BLUE WAVE IS COMING!

America is essentially a centralist nation. We have our progressive side represented by the Aquarius Moon and the Sagittarius ascendant. And we have our conservative side, implied by our four Cancer planets and the Sun – Saturn square. When you add it up, we prefer to sit somewhere in the middle, so both sides of our collective personality can manifest. That’s why if we move too far to either side the electorate will respond in a rather radical way. Our presidential elections most often vary from party to party. After the wild and woolly 60’s with Johnson’s “war on poverty”, expansion of entitlements and our social liberal upheaval, we elected Richard Nixon twice – the second time by one of the biggest majorities in our history.
Now we have moved much too far to the right for the collective and we will respond by moving back to the left until we are in the middle once again.

On Election Day there is the Dark of the Moon in Scorpio. This is the end of the matter. Scorpio is the most trans-formative of all the signs. It represents death and rebirth in all things. The Dark of the Moon is the period right before a New Moon when the energy favors endings. It is often a time of completions. I know many times when it has represented the end of life. And I interpret this to a large extent as the “end of the matter” for Mr. Trump and the Republican Party’s control of our government. The Democrats will have a powerfully strong showing on November 6th. But even if they win the house and the Senate, that will not represent the real end of this era, any more than it will once Trump is out of office (however that occurs). Our nation, and in fact much of the world, is in the throes of a philosophical debate that cuts to the very core of our existence, and it will take time to sort through it all. What are the rights of the individual, how should the world’s resources be divvied up, how seriously will we take the issue of climate change, and where does religion belong in this all-encompassing argument? These are issues that have been bubbling in the undercurrent for generations. So why are they so pertinent and on the surface now? It is because our nation is going through its Pluto Return. (More about that in a moment).

Besides the Dark of the Moon, here are the other aspects completing on Election Day:

There is a transiting Jupiter – Uranus inconjunct that implies a sudden and unexpected change of power.

On Election Day transiting Mercury is in opposition to America’s Uranus. This shows a sudden and radical change of attitude and opinion.

In the afternoon, the Dark Moon squares the nodes, showing a redirection of energy involving the public.

Transiting Neptune is inconjunct America’s Saturn and close to the square to the ascendant. Both aspects show dissolve of the structure and foundation, confusion and fear. That also shows a strong need to find solid footing where currently there is none.

Transiting Saturn is in opposition to America’s Jupiter, ruler of the law, contracts and the actions of government. Jupiter is also the ruler of the chart, with the Sagittarius ascendant, that I completely accept. It shows a restriction to the law, ongoing government and an actual redefinition of the physical being (ascendant). It will result in a shutdown of many things, including the implementation of certain laws and some legal matters that will quickly come to a head.

Mars is close to conjunct the Moon, and inconjunct Mercury, ruler of the 7th house of partnerships. There is an underlying anger that will come to the surface. There will be a fight that will be in public (Mars-Moon) and much information that will come out (Mars-Mercury).

All of these aspects lead me to believe that there will be a severe change in our government. This will be a massive reversal of power.

America has been the leading nation in most international issues since the end of the Second World War. As such its policies have been a good harbinger of world events and direction. But as I said above, we are going through our Pluto Return, an aspect no individual will experience. Most of you know that Pluto represents the undercurrent, that which is buried and festering unseen. In mythology it rules the underworld. It also represents the removal of waste. In the body it rules the colon, urethra, sweat glands and even the tear ducts – any way that waste is removed from the body. In a horary chart it can mean the bathroom, garbage disposal, trash etc. So when looking at world events and analyzing what is happening it should be seen as that which is buried in the collective unconscious and which needs to be removed, including any infection, or it will continue to fester.

Our society has a deep rooted infection. Called it greed, racism, hatred, fear or any other word that suits you – they all mean the same thing. There is something wrong in humanity that has been present since we lived in caves and painted pictures of ourselves and our struggle to survive on the walls of those temporary homes. Until that infection is removed we will continue to slaughter defenseless animals, conquer our neighbors, allow the strongest to take from the weakest, enslave each other, and seek to absolve our actions with transparent excuses.

We are currently in The Era of Capricorn. I have a lecture on the subject available on my website. This is perhaps the most conservative of the 12 zodiac signs and it has led to a period of ultra-conservative elections throughout the world. America is not immune to such energy, and we now have a severely right-wing government that has ignored the wishes of the majority of Americans and pushed through an agenda that is too extreme for our centralist sensibilities. While this Era will not actually end at least until Saturn enters Aquarius in 2020, it takes time for changes to be implemented. We will begin to swing back to the center, and I believe it will start to happen on November 6th 2018.

Thank you for posting this today! I am beyond discouraged. This presidency has taken a toll on so many and the mainstream progressives especially. It’s like trying to breathe heavy stale air. I hope and pray people take action and I’m ready for REAL change in our government. We need selfless people to serve in a new government structure that serves the people. No more billionaire, celebrity, lobbying, ideological government. We need common-sense, good for ALL governance! Thank you.

Thank you from another Sagittarius Rising. I’m holding my breath till Saturn enters Aquarius and Pluto does the same in 2023. Will we see a more humanitarian world?