This month lunar peak falls on Monday May 16th at 12:14 A.M. EDT at 25 degrees Scorpio 18 minutes, & it’s a Lunar Eclipse! As many of you know, Eclipses come in pairs. They’re afraid to travel alone (lol). This one occurs in Scorpio, with the Sun in Taurus, where the Solar Eclipse happened on April 30th. We are going to experience the completion of the Taurus-Scorpio polarity and issues of values and joint ventures will be heightened. So much is resting on the economic situation in the world. There is the worst inflation in 40 years, a weakened stock market, food shortages, supply chin problems and a world on edge as it decides just what it values most. War is raging in Ukraine and it will escalate. As I mentioned earlier in this newsletter, “on October 25th we will have a Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio, and a Lunar Eclipse on November 8th (yes, Election Day!!!) at 16 degrees Taurus, each in the opposite sign of the current eclipses. What takes place now will in some ways be resolved on Election Day. The importance of this heavenly event cannot be overstated. Our nation and the world could be profoundly changed this year as values and resources are confronted in a new way.”

But let’s talk about some ways this can manifest.

Since I first wrote this piece we have seen a horrific attack in Buffalo New York by a right-wing white-supremacist, who callously took the lives of 10 innocent human beings and wounded 3 others. Coming, as it did, right before this Scorpio lunar eclipse simply adds to the underlying sense that we are in a year of intense actions with serious and, at times, dire consequences. Scorpio has a reputation of ruling hidden agendas and obsessive reactions. But it also is the sign of rejuvenation and the chance for a new beginning from the ashes of the Phoenix. Our nation refuses to confront the epidemic of gun violence, the underlying rage, and how all of this manifests over and over again. What does all of this imply?

For one thing, if we don’t reestablish our changing values periodically, both personally and collectively, we will stifle and become less productive and hardened. That’s never a positive approach to things. “The only constant is change”, an old saying that has more meaning the older I get. This represents a fresh, new approach to things that can lead to some important changes. It is only through an honest and, at time, painful evaluation of where we are heading that we can fix a small crack in the road before it becomes a massive sinkhole. America, and the world, has become a battleground of ideology and a struggle for the truth. The misinformation war fueled by propaganda and blatant lies threatens our ability to sift through the ridiculous amount of garbage that is spewed on a daily basis through social media and new outlets. Elon Musk may be buying Twitter. How many of you believe that will be a good thing for the average person trying to navigate their way through these muddy waters?

But we can’t change that. All we can do is keep an open mind and try not to fall prey to the misinformation machine churning out the agenda of one side or the other. The truth is out there, if you’re willing to seek it. Jupiter rules the law and lawyers, and its sign Sagittarius is well-known as the truth-teller, often with a filter to squash what needs to be heard. As Jupiter begins its journey through Aries I believe some very vital information will be released and it may have a profound effect on the world and how it assimilates information, both truth and lies. And that can certainly have a positive result. We may see some events on this eclipse that will trigger this energy and expose some lies with a profound effect. The placement of these eclipses, and the ones in the opposite signs this coming autumn, will profoundly affect us as it exposes the scope and magnitude of the divide that has split America down the middle. Battle lines have been drawn, and we shall see the results soon enough.

The equities, including crypto have been getting slammed. There are a number of reasons, including inflation, an over-stimulated economy, the war in Ukraine, and investors’ sentiment. I have warned about “Bitcon” for years, in my radio & TV appearances, writings, lectures and webinars. It was a great trade, as it ran up to ludicrous levels, but like all bubbles: “What goes up, must come down”. I have said repeatedly that this Ponzi scheme has the potential to bring down the entire economy, if it’s allowed to grow unchecked long enough. So far it hasn’t, and it is still only a violently volatile trade. Those stupid enough to think this is a real currency, and that this is just a buying opportunity dip, risk a great deal. I have seen bubbles and busts and studied the history of these occurrences. I will be doing a webinar on this subject in a few weeks and will announce it soon.

These eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio have so much to do with values and finances that it is no surprise. But the economy is actually in very good shape, it’s just over-active, like a teenager in the classroom on Friday. Once this 2nd eclipse passes we may see a bottom, and a good buying opportunity. But we are still in a bear market, and it could just be a bear-rally. Remember, there will be eclipses in the reverse signs October 25th and November 8th, and we may see a test of this bottom as we face the Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Election Day with Uranus and Saturn setting off their last square right on that point. What takes place this year will have a longer term effect than usual, and will set out society on a path leading directly to the 2024 elections and its aftermath.

Could you please tell me how to view your talks that have been recorded? I paid for the last on and wasn’t sent a link to listen to it. I have emailed several times and not sure what else to do. I paid and sent the receipt to you a proof that I paid. Could you please send the link?
Blessings to you,