Newsletter: December 2021

Newsletter: December 2021

ISSUE # 269

December 2021

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

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If you follow me on Facebook or on my website blog you will see that I update these transits as they come close. I suggest that you do so to keep up with the added information I am posting on each. This newsletter is a template for the coming month.


This month we will see a number of difficult aspects that will have an effect on our economy and our culture. Some will be short lived, but others will change the direction and definition of things for a very long time. The Supreme Court is on the verge of overturning Roe V Wade, a law that has been in place for more than half a century. They are doing so not from any precedent or because the world has changed and requires a reworking of the law, but solely for personal and partisan purposes. A very large majority of Americans do not want this law overturned. So what does that say about a court that ignores the rights of the majority and allows a small minority to rule?


 In 2016, before Trump was elected, I wrote an article titled: “What a Trump presidency would mean”. In that article I listed 10 issues that I thought Trump would champion. I won’t go through them all now. The article is somewhere on my website or floating in hyperspace. I can make it available if there is interest. But the one topic that is pertinent now is abortion right. As the Supreme Court hears arguments regarding Mississippi’s law limiting abortion to 15 weeks of pregnancy, I am reminded of that article in which I stated:


Some of the things that he… will most certainly attempt to implement include the end of Planned Parenthood and Roe V Wade, outlawing safe and legal abortions. Let’s be clear about this. What we’re really talking about is the right of poor women to have this procedure. Abortions will still be readily available to the rich. Their doctors will just mark down “removal of cist” on the chart and pocket some cash. I firmly believe that a woman’s body is her own business and nobody has the right to dictate her choices. Since abortion became legal there has been a huge drop in crime attributed to the absence of unwanted children particularly in poor communities. That will be reversed and we will see a big upswing in crime and homelessness over the next few decades. Those of you who believe that a woman’s right to choose is inherently secure and guaranteed are sadly mistaken. It would take a single vote by the congress or Supreme Court to reverse this.

As the three liberal justices have voiced, if this court indeed overturns Roe V Wade or dismantles it to a point of insolvency, the results will be far greater and more damaging to our nation than we can currently imagine. About 70% of Americans believe that Roe should not be overturned. They may not believe in abortion or have the procedure done, but they do believe in a woman’s right to choose. That is why it’s called “pro-choice”. If you don’t want an abortion then don’t have one. But what gives you the right to prevent someone else from making a choice, however difficult it may be, to end a pregnancy created through rape, incest or that will harm the mother and possible end her life? First of all, as I said above, this is a war on women, and particularly poor women, many of color. Anyone who believes that rich women will not be able to get an abortion are fools. Not only will the procedure be performed by highly respected doctors in all states, but their insurance will pay for it. And if those women of means cannot get it done in Mississippi, or Texas, or Alabama, or any of the red states, they will just hop on a plane and go to New York or California and have it done there. The indigent, who can least afford to raise another child, will bear the brunt of this political and callous decisions.

We are supposedly a nation of laws with three branches of government set up as checks and balances to protect us from any one branch usurping too much power. The judicial branch is supposed to protect us from partisan imbalance and to ensure that the country stays sane and stable during times of unrest or violent disagreement. Roe V Wade is the law of the land and had been for more than 50 years. As was recently argued before the Supreme Court, nothing has changed in our society or the world to allow for the undermining of that law. The only thing that has changed is that Trump was able to appoint 3 justices, all of whom are so right-wing they would embarrass Joe McCarthy. If this decision in fact goes the way than many of us believe it will, that will undercut the very purpose of the court and show it for what it has become – a group of partisan hacks with no regard for precedent or the letter of the law. It would in effect make the Supreme Court a useless, partisan and biased entity with little credibility and no chance of holding this tattered and neurotic nation together. If you don’t like the direction we are going, you have one chance to make a difference. VOTE!!! And fight with every ounce of strength you have to ensure that right. The stench of hypocrisy that this court is evoking will pollute our nation for a very long time. Here is our nightmare. Welcome to America’s nervous breakdown.

Venus is traveling through restrictive Capricorn and it retrogrades on December 19th through January 29th. This can be a bit harsh as it requires us to examine our relationships and our financial situation. Because it is in Capricorn it will be even more necessary to be honest and clear about our goals and whether or not the path we are on will lead us to our chosen objectives. This will be pertinent in our most personal connections and in how we deal with our finances. This implies a slowdown in the growth we have been seeing. The economy is strong. It has been adding jobs like crazy, and while there are some ongoing problems, including the Covid virus, supply chain issues and inflation, for the most part we have been heading in a very positive direction. That growth may show delays, although I do not see it as a stock market crash. It could represent a correction of about 10% – 15%, and with Saturn about to square Uranus on December 24th that would not surprise me. I am playing the markets very cautiously for now. You can always buy back in. The casino never closes. But panic is not the answer. Pull some of your position back, limit your exposure and watch. I doubt that we will have a huge rally for a while, but this market is so volatile that moves of 1,000 points up or down would be in character.

Saturn is in square to Uranus, as I mentioned above. The hard aspects between these two planets often coincide with market crashes, corrections or other issues. We are seeing some of the potential problems already, and others could come up. If this new variant of Covid proves virulent and the vaccines do not protect us from it, then we are certainly going to pay a price socially, politically and economically. But if this is much ado about nothing then there will be a winter rally and our economy will remain on track towards our continued recovery. As I said, I am cautious and have shrunk my positions, but I am not in panic mode, nor am I dropping out completely. I want to ensure that there is cash on hand for when I believe the markets, or certain stocks have bottomed and bargains are there for the taking. You must make these decisions for your accounts, but there will be moments when you could find inexpensive, growth-oriented equities.

We are at a point in history when America is redefining itself. I believe that in a few years you may not even recognize this country for what it was. While this aspect is transitory and won’t have the long lasting effects of say our Pluto Return, it begins at the end of this lunar cycle that began with the Sagittarius New Moon eclipse and has seen Pisces enter the last sign of the zodiac. This is a time of great change and concern to many. Is it the twilight of the American empire? Or is it the next leg in an ongoing new century of growth and leadership? We are seeing many indicators that hint at the monumental alterations in our nation and the world. There are power shifts occurring all over the world. China is once again rattling it’s sword on the doorstep of Taiwan. Russia is amassing troops on the border of Ukraine. The political battle in America is heating up to a potential not seen since 1861. And the Supreme Court is on the verge of tossing out precedent and its political balance in exchange for partisan decisions. All of this is part of the Pluto Return.


The New Moon falls on Saturday December 4th at 2:43 A.M. EST at 12 degrees Sagittarius 22 minutes and it’s a Solar Eclipse. We begin this month with another eclipse that will set off a chain reaction in our society. I love the Sag New Moons. They come in with so much optimism and far-sightedness and while they can overdo things and often make us reach beyond our limitations, there is this wonderful spirit of faith and belief. My favorite line in “Miracle on 34th Street” is: “Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to”. That is a Sag line if I ever heard one. So while we are facing some difficult issues and the coming months will be trying, keep your faith and never stop fighting for what you believe in.

This aspect falls exactly on the rectified ascendant of America’s chart and it will have a powerful effect on things for some time to come. The Full Moon Solar Eclipse on November 19th was at 27 degrees Taurus in exact square to America’s Moon. The Moon in astrology rules the mother, and what do you know, the Supreme Court has decided that this is the time for them to hear arguments about gutting or ending Roe V Wade. The moment of our great fear is upon us. Nothing happens by coincidence. This is a time in our history when we will be called upon to take a stand on one side of the line or the other, on this, and several other issues. It also was exactly on the NYSE Sun, and we have seen a rather intense sell-off over the past few days. Now this one sits precariously perched on America’s rising sign and denotes a moment of tension and force. The issues that are being decided in the Supreme Court, including the potential demise of Roe V Wade, the escalating gerrymandering, and the dismantling of our democracy fall right in line with what one would expect during an eclipse season. But we all must stand together and fight for our democracy or we will lose it.

Some of what we are seeing in the equity markets is a result of these eclipses. As I said above, the Solar Eclipse sat exactly on the NYSE Sun. While I have seen eclipses push the markets in either direction, it’s prudent to use caution in your investments. I’m not panicking, nor do I believe this is a huge market crash. Volatility will continue, and we will probably see moves in the DOW of 1,000 points up and down. There are a number of issues that are forcing the current drop. Covid, inflation, the Feds pulling back on stimulus, and the underlying struggle America and the world are going through politically, socially and economically. Astrologically, we have Venus going retrograde, Saturn in square to Uranus, and two eclipses hitting America’s chart and the New York Stock Exchange’s chart. So a correction is to be expected. If this new Covid variant turns out to be contagious and virulent then we may see a serious drop. But if it fades quickly and the economy, which has been moving in a very positive direction for the past number of months continue to show strength, then this will be a buying opportunity, not the end of the world. Remember, after the stocks collapsed in January 2020 they turned around quickly and rallied “bigly”. I’m not going to predict which way they will go. I’m only trying to be a voice of reason and show you both sides of the argument. I have shrunk my positions and sold off part of my holdings. But I’m sitting on the sideline with cash waiting to see signs that this is a temporary situation.

In our personal lives we all must take a moment to decide what we are aiming for. Our judgment may be a bit askew because of the series of transits we are experiencing, and because of the underlying tension that is ongoing it wouldn’t be wise to assume that you know which way the markets will go, or your own life. This is a time of prudence and you need to go forward with your eyes wide open. The recent school shooting in Michigan is one more to add to the list of atrocities our nation seems to want to pile on to our vicious, antiquated and self-destructive gun laws. But this time the D.A. has decided to press charges against the parents of the teenage shooter. This is a radical change in our approach to this problem. What the outcome will be time will tell. But if America doesn’t find a path to saner gun laws we are heading towards an inevitable end.



On Monday December 6th at 6:41 A.M. EST we have an opportunity to put some things in perspective. This positive aspect gives us some power over our choices that may have seemed out of our control lately. This is quick mover and will only last a day or so. But if you can focus on the positive potential it may help us better deal with the Neptune squares we will encounter in the coming week.


On Tuesday December 7th at 10:16 A.M. EST a day of disheartening confusion and discontent will prevail. Because we recently had the Sun conjunct Mercury they will both square Neptune within days and we should consider this a week-long transit. The Sun will complete this square on Sunday Dec 12th and the energy this double aspect will produce requires our close attention. You need to be very concise in all communications. Any reason to misinterpret something will most likely occur and anything can be blown out proportion with Mercury traveling through expansive unbridled Sagittarius. There will be mistakes and miscommunications, and an underlying feeling of malaise that might make it difficult to make decisions. If possible I would wait until these pass before making a choice that could have long-term effects. You aren’t seeing things as clearly as you may think and Neptune can certainly weaken the ego and our energy. Because Mars will square Jupiter tomorrow, and that aspect can expand our sense of ego to an outlandish proportion, it is even more important that you know what your realistic boundaries are. With Neptune so active creating a fog around things, and Mars in aspect to Jupiter blowing it out of proportion, this is a perfect set-up for some disastrous choices. Be smart and put aside anything that doesn’t require your immediate attention. You can always look at it in a week or so.



On Wednesday December 8th at 1:21 A.M. EST egos will be boundless and the energy this square can produce needs to be funneled into a creative purpose or it will run amok with little chance of control. With Mars about to enter Jupiter ruled Sagittarius in a few days this square will give us a taste of what we can expect until the end of January. Don’t let your personality or your sense of self-worth to overwhelm common sense. That is often how we get into situations that are difficult to extricate ourselves from. This is a very high energy transit, and for a day or so leading up to this and for some hours after it passes there will be an enormous amount of power being emitted. If it’s used to good purpose it can be very creative and productive. Stay alert and busy. But if it’s left to ramble unconnected it has the potential for mischief. It’s up to you how you use this.


On Saturday December 11th at 11:29 A.M. EST a deep and probing sense will prevail in our most intimate relationships. This is a difficult aspect, and although it only lasts a day or two if you aren’t careful you could overreact to something and create a long-lasting problem in a relationship. If you use this aspect carefully and with an open heart you can reach a very deep understanding with someone, clear up some long buried issues and possibly find new growth in the relationship that you hadn’t even considered. No aspect is here to hurt us. It is trying to teach us something. It’s up to us to understand the lesson. However, if you feel you are on shaky ground with someone and don’t have faith that it can survive a deep probing, perhaps it would be best to just avoid seeing them or talking about iffy issues. Remember, we use astrology to help us time things. That is one of its prominent features. Walking into Times Square alone at 2 A.M. when there is a Full Moon sitting on a personal planet in your horoscope probably isn’t the best way to use this tool. Sometimes we can’t avoid things. There is such a thing as karma. But there are so many times when we choose how to act when common sense tells us not to do so, and then scream at the gods for putting us in the situation that we purposely chose to enter. Well, common sense is not that common, as I often say. But try to use some and avoid any conflicts that you can.


On Saturday December 11th at 2:24 P.M. EST we have this positive transit that may help us deal more successfully with the Venus conjunct Pluto mentioned above. This is a time when you can express yourself in a positive and optimistic way. You might be able to tell someone something important that would be difficult to express, but in a way that will be more palatable and not as threatening. This is a good time to socialize, especially if it is superficial. You will enjoy the company of most people and certainly have fun Christmas shopping, dining out, or viewing the festivities of the season. But remember, if there is someone in the crowd that you have a difficult time relating to you should be on your guard and not be drawn into a hassle produced by the Venus Pluto conjunct. Have fun today and see the lights and the bargains, and find something exceptional to give to that special someone. The Sun is about to square Neptune, and there is a feeling of disconnect in the air. So don’t go overboard.


On Sunday December 12th at 1:21 A.M. EST the second half of this dual transit completes. This past week has been confusing and hard to direct. There may have been a few issues that you have tried your best to work through only to find that your efforts were useless. Neptune is relentless in its need to show us the spiritual side of things. It really doesn’t give a damn about the material world or what you think of as important. Its purpose is to show you what the soul needs, not the ego. Expect some confusion and misdirection today. If you don’t have important things bothering you, this can be a day to meander about and feel the flow of what this season is supposed to mean to us. No matter what your religious preference, this month has an important holiday for most of the world’s faiths. It is the one time when we all tend to look beyond our personal desires and try to connect to something deeper and more profound. Certainly we have created a culture of greed and the desire for goodies, I get it. But there is someone else that happens this time of year. That may be why this can be such a stressful period. We are in conflict between the needs of our egos (and bank accounts) and the calling of our souls. I think that’s why “It’s a Wonderful Life”, which was a disappointing failure when it was first released, has become such a perennial favorite. When I watch it, I once again become that little boy struggling to come to terms with who I am and what it most important to me. I pray that I never lose that.


On Monday December 13th at 4:53 A.M. EST until January 24th at 8:16 A.M. EDT the god of war will travel through the most expansive and uncontrollable of signs. Does that mean that battles will break out all over the world? Probably not. But does imply that there will be a lot of untethered energy being released and some caution is called for. If this transit is handled well it can be a period of profound actions and tremendous accomplishments. I certainly hope that is how this plays out. But Sag doesn’t cotton to much discipline and boundaries and limitations are beyond its understanding. If you can stay busy and focus your energy into productive actions it might be a time when you are able to move mountains. But if you let it run roughshod over you and those around you, you will most likely be digging out from the collapse of those hills.


On Monday December 13th at 12:52 P.M. EST until January 22nd 2:16 A.M. EST we will all be a bit more conservative and restrained in our thinking and speech. This is a time to pay attention to details and make sure that you are thinking things through clearly and with an eye on your ultimate goals. You may find it difficult to express yourself in your usual way and at times words may fail you. But this sign, just like it ruler, Saturn, is only restricting you to ensure that you are on the right path and making concise and logical decisions. If you go into this period with that thought in mind, you will see it as a necessary restraint. There will be moments of doubt and some heaviness in our thoughts and ideas. Some things may occur that are difficult to accept, and there is an underlying sense of tension in the air. Some if it is in the collective and the pressures we are all feeling, whether it’s Covid, inflation, the economy or our ongoing political combativeness, with all of this happening around the holidays it makes it even more stressful and limiting.


This month lunar peak falls on Saturday December 18th at 11:36 P.M. EST at 27 degrees Gemini 29 minutes. This sign rules the 3rd house which has to do with our relationships, communications and ideas. It also represents relatives, including siblings, cousins, uncles and aunts, etc. Parent and children fall into separate houses. It also rules travel, and it is one of the more active and potentially difficult lunar peaks. In some ways this will represent one of the conclusions to the Eclipses we have just experienced. As I have written a number of times in the past, there are many cycles that the eclipses set off. Some last a few weeks or months, others last many years. But for our purpose here we are interested in the shorter term effects. Because this Full Moon falls in Gemini, what is said over the next few weeks will have long lasting consequences. The recent legal battles that have taken place did not end with decisions in the courts. They have only temporarily moved the needle one way or another. There will be ongoing fights in many venues, including the courts, congress, media, and the ballot box and we will not know the true outcome for some time to come. How the Supreme Court decides on the future of Roe V Wade will have an effect for generations. The decision won’t be handed down until this summer, but the arguments being advanced are happening right now during the eclipses and the immediate aftermath. I believe that most of the justices have already made up their minds or will do so now. As Tom Petty sang – “The waiting is the hardest part…”

On a personal level you need to pay attention to what you’re saying and how others are responding to you. Have you been honest, clear and concise? Or have you been hedging your bet and waffling in your decisions? Gemini rules communications and under this Full Moon it can be easy to misspeak or for your words to be misinterpreted. Use care and think before you speak.

Venus is about to retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th. While a recurring aspect such as a retrograding planet will not have the same effect each time it comes along, there are certain similarities that we can expect.



On Sunday December 19th at 5:36 A.M. EST until January 29th we will be under the influence of a retrograde Venus. This occurs about every 18 months and it’s a time when we are called upon to examine our most intimate relationships and make sure that we are clear about what we need from them. Because this will take place entirely in the sign of Capricorn this will be an extended period of limitations in how we relate to each other. Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn is known to restrict whatever it contacts. But it isn’t doing so just for fun or to hurt you in any way. Its purpose is to slow you down and force you to examine the situation to ensure that you are on solid footing and aren’t moving too quickly or being delusional. It also implies a time of financial restraint, usually for the same reasons. This doesn’t mean a stock market crash as some astrologers assume. We have had crashes while Venus is in Capricorn, or because it is in retrograde, but since the retrograde occurs every year and a half you would be hard pressed to find a consistent pattern of market malaise just because Venus is going backwards. There will be some slowdown in growth. We are already seeing that in the markets and some indicators in the economy. Generally we are on a rather fast recovery and the economic numbers are quite good. But because we have been in a very long bull market a correction is long overdue, and this aspect may coincide with a bear market for a bit.


On Sunday December 19th at 7:32 P.M. EST we have a day or so of extremely positive and optimistic energy and we should all try to take advantage of it. No matter what you are going through or how you are reacting to some events in our society, try to find your positive voice and look for the good with you and those around you. We are experiencing Saturn in square to Uranus, a very difficult and shaky aspect that will test us all. We need to grab hold of any creative and loving energy that we can find to ensure that we stay on track and don’t get derailed. The holidays are very stressful and it’s easy to become overwhelmed or to feel lonely or disconnected. Today is a moment to reconnect. Call your old friends, go out to brunch with someone you miss or just think about what you truly are grateful for.



On Monday December 20th at 3:18 A.M. EST we will all be quite chatty and some unusual and rather profound ideas may come to mind. Try to stay alert and open-minded. This is a day when we can all explore some new concepts and see if we’ve been too sheltered and stuck behind blinders that should be removed. We can’t change the world in one day, but we can approach our problems from a new angle and express ourselves more succinctly as we try to figure out how to go about fixing what is broken.


On Tuesday December 21st at 10:59 A.M. EST we officially enter winter. This is my least favorite season. I know, many of you disagree, and that’s fine. There’s a time for everything, and in truth I tend to get more work done now than in the spring and summer. I’m too busy playing and pretending I’m in my 20s to sit at my computer all day. But now unless I want to spend time putting on layer after layer and then bitching about the cold, I spend more time indoors. Anyway, we are going into Capricorn, and while that sign and its ruler, Saturn are often vilified (we do get the name Satan from Saturn), this is one of the most honest, direct and honorable of the 12 signs. I have many Capricorn friends, and I find that I can rely on them very much to do what they promise and to be straightforward about almost anything. That is a trait I have always admired and come to trust throughout my life.

This is a time to be realistic and face the issues we are confronting. There will be some difficult truths exposed while the Sun is dancing here. There are some situations in our society that the collective will have to contend with. And there will be personal considerations that may be hard to accept. But Capricorn is here to help us balance and find a solid footing. It can create limitations and force us to examine our goals to ensure that we are on the right path. If you deal with your Saturn aspects properly they can be the most productive, and will build you a foundation upon which you can then use your Mars, Venus, Jupiter and other transits to expand and create. Without that foundation you are standing on quicksand and will never have the stability you need.


On Friday December 24th at 2:17 A.M. EST this powerful configuration completes. This aspect requires a strong warning with its ascension onto our consciousness. Hard aspects between these two planets are common when there are stock crashes or serious confrontations in the world. Saturn wants stability, while Uranus wants just the opposite. If these are used well you can make massive changes (Uranus) while keeping the foundation of the status quo (Saturn). Try to find that balance. If we get too abstract in our reasoning Saturn will lose it footing and all hell can break loose. We are facing some serious issues, as I’ve mentioned. One is Roe V Wade and what the reversal of that law would mean not only to women, especially poor women, but also to our status as a nation of laws. If this Supreme Court decides to overturn a precedent that has been in place for half a century because of their personal points of view, then all faith in this body will be diminished and there will no longer be the checks and balances that define America. Could that happen? Most definitely. As we approach our Pluto Return we can expect a major power struggle that will make the recent contests look like junior varsity. I am doing a webinar in a few weeks about the “American Nervous Breakdown”. I will discuss all of this at length then.

Putin is amassing troops on the Ukrainian border and he is pushing the West to step aside as he annexes what is now an independent democratic nation. Biden has his back to the wall and he is going to have to confront Putin. Well, isn’t that a lovely manifestation of Saturn and Uranus?

In our personal lives we must also stay vigilant and not allow our structure to collapse. There is a lot of pressure in the world. And many of us are feeling it quite forcibly. It’s important that you not take everything to heart. I believe we must work to secure our freedoms, of voting, personal choices and balance of power. If we don’t, then we lose. But I also think it’s important to meditate, take long walks, have nice dinners and maybe a glass or two of wine, and share your love with your closest and dearest. As always there is a positive and productive side to this aspect. If you can balance the two energies these planets imply you can make creative and useful changes without destroying the status quo. It isn’t an easy thing to do, as the events unfolding around the world show, but then little is accomplished without a struggle. And this is a time when we can throw off some outdated ways of confronting our problems and discover a new and innovative way of dealing with things. One can only hope that this is the path we will take.


On Saturday December 25th at 7:02 A.M. EST this conjunct returns once again. We had this aspect on December 11th (see that date in this newsletter), and because of the retrograde motion of Venus it comes back for the 2nd of three passes. This can be a very difficult transit. It demands that we dig deeply into our personal relationships and bring to the surface whatever is festering underneath, and then expunge what is no longer valid. Because this falls on Christmas Day, and so many of us will be engaged with family and close friends, you need to pay attention to the conversations you have and how you handle some issues that are bound to arise. Don’t be overly dramatic. Let go of those things that are no longer valid. If you hold on too tightly to the past you will miss the present. This can be a bit harsh at times, but if you are willing to bring the issues into the light and examine them honestly and directly you can clean out a lot of festering psychic infection. That is the best way to make use of this. And you might be able to renew a relationship that has become dull or weighed down by unresolved problems. Have a wonderful holiday and open your heart to those you love. They need you as much as you need them. And if you are open to renewal and rebirth you can start anew what has become deadened.


On Tuesday December 28th at 11:00 P.M. EST this major shift in our collective energy will begin. We will be entering the New Year with Jupiter no longer in Capricorn, and that will have a serious effect on how we experience life as individuals and as a collective. Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces. And while I never felt completely comfortable with that placement I do recognize the connection between religion, which is Sagittarius and Jupiter’s modern domain, and faith, which is more in the realm of Pisces and Neptune. Now we are facing a year when the similarities and the differences between those two concepts will come to the forefront. This current fight over abortion will highlight that conceptual argument. There are many who go to church or synagogue and have little faith, and there are many who never step foot in a house of worship and are truly enlightened. And yes, there are many who are both. But one does not supersede nor negate the other.

There will be an expansion of faith and a drive to understand our world in a more spiritual way. This aspect occurs every 12 years, and it doesn’t always imply any obvious or practical major shift in our collective consciousness. But because of what we are going through now and the potential results of decisions being made, this will be a year that will be looked back upon and seen as a watershed moment in human history. Will it be grand and glorious with a deep understanding and a push towards a more spiritual awareness? Or will it be a battle for our souls fought on a field of disenchantment and disillusion? You each have a say in the outcome. So I ask, how say you? Will you stand up and say your piece, vote for what you believe in, and struggle to make this a better world? Or will you claim exhaustion from the pandemic, the political infighting and the barrage of news items that are too much for you to bother with? As Harry Truman said: “In a democracy you get the government you deserve.

Because Pisces rules infectious diseases and we are still in the throes of a major pandemic we may see another spike in the infection rate and the virulence of the virus. There is also the possibility that because Jupiter rules higher education and the higher mind that our scientists will finally figure out a more permanent solution and put this thing to rest once and for all. But remember, the 1918 influenza pandemic lasted about three years before it mutated into a harmless variety. We are right on time.

Please keep the faith. Don’t let lethargy invade your consciousness. Stay true to your beliefs, whatever they may be. And lend a helping hand to those who need it. A smile and a kind word can be the best medicine and aid in the healing, sometimes better than the strongest tonic. That is one of the most important lessons of Jupiter in Pisces.


On Wednesday December 29th at 7:22 P.M. EST we have a day when we can accomplish much and push our projects forward. When these two planets are working in harmony, such as now, they give us the opportunity to use our inner strength and secure the foundation upon which we expand. This is a good day to have any important discussion. With Mercury about to conjunct Pluto the need to dig deeply into things will be supported by this useful and positive sextile.



On Thursday December 30th at 4:54 A.M. EST we will all have a desire to bring things to the surface for a few days. As I said above, Mars in sextile to Saturn will give us a strong foundation to work with and allow us to examine some things that may be difficult to face. Don’t be afraid of what’s inside of you. There is nothing in there that can hurt you if you are willing to see it in a realistic and honest manner.


On Sunday January 2nd at 2:10 A.M. ESTBecause of the retrograde motion of Mercury it will not leave this sign (except for a brief reentry into Capricorn) until March 9th at 8:32 P.M. EST. While this planet is traveling through Aquarius the mind will be active and there will be many unusual ideas presented. Expect change in your personal thought process and in how the collective reacts to what is going on. As I wrote under Saturn square Uranus, this is a difficult time but an opportunity to discover new ways of dealing with our problems. This transit can bring us all a new and exciting way of seeing the world and of searching for solution to ongoing issues. Try to be innovative and keep an open mind. You may have an idea that is unique, or someone might bring one to your attention. If you put the blinders on you could miss some terrific new concepts and miss a great chance to make changes. Those born with this placement can either be geniuses or lunatics (sometimes the difference is hard to tell). But they are never boring. So look for some excitement and try something new. You might be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.



The next New Moon falls on Sunday January 2nd at 1:33 P.M. EDT at 12 degrees Capricorn 20 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

December 5th 12:08 A.M. – 6:31 A.M.

December 6th 11:42 P.M. – December 7th 6:49 A.M.

December 9th 5:00 A.M. – 9:53 A.M.

December 11th 2:40 P.M. – 4:46 P.M.

December 13th 9:52 P.M. – December 14th 3:11 A.M.

December 16th  11:08 A.M. –  3:43 P.M.

December  19th 1:02 A.M. – 4:42 A.M.

December 21st 9:44 A.M. – 4:54 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

December 24th 1:39 A.M. – 3:24 A.M.

December 26th 3:39 A.M. – 11:24 A.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

December 28th 4:11 P.M. – 4:16 P.M.

December 30th 12:10 P.M. – 6:08 P.M.

January 1st 3:16 A.M. – 6:02 P.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours

January 3rd 11:21 A.M. – 5:44 P.M.***Moon is void 6 hours

January 4th 7:45 P.M. – January 5th 7:17 P.M. ***Moon is void 24 hours

January 7th 5:23 P.M. – January 8th 12:26 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

December 2021

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