The New Moon falls on Saturday December 4th at 2:43 A.M. EST at 12 degrees Sagittarius 22 minutes and it’s a Solar Eclipse. We begin this month with another eclipse that will set off a chain reaction in our society. I love the Sag New Moons. They come in with so much optimism and far-sightedness and while they can overdo things and often make us reach beyond our limitations, there is this wonderful spirit of faith and belief. My favorite line in “Miracle on 34th Street” is: “Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to”. That is a Sag line if I ever heard one. So while we are facing some difficult issues and the coming months will be trying, keep your faith and never stop fighting for what you believe in.
This aspect falls exactly on the rectified ascendant of America’s chart and it will have a powerful effect on things for some time to come. The Full Moon Solar Eclipse on November 19th was at 27 degrees Taurus in exact square to America’s Moon. The Moon in astrology rules the mother, and what do you know, the Supreme Court has decided that this is the time for them to hear arguments about gutting or ending Roe V Wade. Nothing happens by coincidence. This is a time in our history when we will be called upon to take a stand on one side of the line or the other, on this, and several other issues. It also was exactly on the NYSE Sun, and we have seen a rather intense sell-off over the past few days. Now this one sits precariously perched on America’s rising sign and denotes a moment of tension and force. The issues that are being decided in the Supreme Court, including the potential demise of Roe V Wade, the escalating gerrymandering, and the dismantling of our democracy fall right in line with what one would expect during an eclipse season. But we all must stand together and fight for our democracy or we will lose it.
Some of what we are seeing in the equity markets is a result of these eclipses. As I said above, the Solar Eclipse sat exactly on the NYSE Sun. While I have seen eclipses push the markets in either direction, it’s prudent to use caution in your investments. I’m not panicking, nor do I believe this is a huge market crash. Volatility will continue, and we will probably see moves in the DOW of 1,000 points up and down. There are a number of issues that are forcing the current drop. Covid, inflation, the Feds pulling back on stimulus, and the underlying struggle America and the world are going through politically, socially and economically. Astrologically, we have Venus going retrograde, Saturn in square to Uranus, and two eclipses hitting America’s chart and the New York Stock Exchange’s chart. So a correction is to be expected. If this new Covid variant turns out to be contagious and virulent then we may see a serious drop. But if it fades quickly and the economy, which has been moving in a very positive direction for the past number of months continue to show strength, then this will be a buying opportunity, not the end of the world. Remember, after the stocks collapsed in January 2020 they turned around quickly and rallied “bigly”. I’m not going to predict which way they will go. I’m only trying to be a voice of reason and show you both sides of the argument. I have shrunk my positions and sold off part of my holdings. But I’m sitting on the sideline with cash waiting to see signs that this is a temporary situation.
In our personal lives we all must take a moment to decide what we are aiming for. Our judgment may be a bit askew because of the series of transits we are experiencing, and because of the underlying tension that is ongoing it wouldn’t be wise to assume that you know which way the markets will go, or your own life. This is a time of prudence and you need to go forward with your eyes wide open. The recent school shooting in Michigan is one more to add to the list of atrocities our nation seems to want to pile on to our vicious, antiquated and self-destructive gun laws. But this time the D.A. has decided to press charges against the parents of the teenage shooter. This is a radical change in our approach to this problem. What the outcome will be time will tell. But if America doesn’t find a path to saner gun laws we are heading towards an inevitable end. ♐🙏❤