The New Moon falls on Friday July 9th at 9:17 P.M. EDT at 18 degrees Cancer 02 minutes. The Cancer New Moon each July has much to do with emotions and family as well as our attachment to the past. We are linked to our experiences in ways we can’t always see. As Freud said: “The child is father to the man”. We are made up of what we have been and seen, our failures and successes mold us into who we are today and often define what we are willing to attempt as we move forward. Sometimes that is a mistake. While we are certainly affected by what went before, we should learn from those events and continue to push the boundaries of existence throughout our lives, not create limitations because of fear or past setbacks. But Cancer is all about that attachment and this month is a time to examine our memories and re-experience them with a new perspective.
This is a time to embrace family, however you define it. We are all isolated by the very nature of humanity. Even with close people by their side many have expressed to me a sense of separation and loneliness that can at best be offset by the company of those we love. In one way it is a shortcoming of our species that we cannot communicate directly, only through words and gestures. Telepathy may develop as the centuries pass, but for now the spoken or written word is the best we can achieve. But on another level it is a great monument to humankind that we have managed to invent speech, writing, storytelling and other forms of communication in our attempt to bridge that psychic gap. This is why music, literature and art are so very important and need to be supported and cherished. They express what we as individuals may find difficult to communicate. This is the 50th anniversary of Joni Mitchell’s album, “Blue”, a unique and powerful form of communication that has enthralled, delighted and at times, saddened every generation who has embraced its simplistic complexities. Communication at its greatest heights, reaching across the huge divide that separates us in the hopes of bringing us closer. Give it a listen if you haven’t in a while. You will be as amazed as you were when you first heard it. And it is a most appropriate piece of work for the sign of Cancer.
So for the next month spend a little time thinking about how very important those people close to you really are. And be grateful for what they give you. Without them you would be so much more alone. And try to share your gift of contact and compassion, even with strangers. Sometimes a smile and a nod can uplift someone’s mood in ways you will never know. ❤❤❤