Venus enters Pisces:

Venus enters Pisces:

On Tuesday March 26th at 3:43 P.M. EDT until April 20th at 12:11 P.M. EDT Venus travels through this sensitive sign. This month we will see more compassion in our close relationships. This doesn’t only relate to romantic ties. Friendships and partnerships of all sorts will be recipients of this and it will be easier for many of us to express our deepest feelings without fear of rejection. This is a month of spirituality in our day to day existence that is often limited. With the state of our nation and the world at the moment we can use any support we can get, especially on a personal level. While this transit won’t cure the ills of a society run amok it can give us an avenue of expression that will be gentler and more understanding. It may even produce some changes in people who are usually unbending and set in their ways. Again, I don’t expect miracles but I do hope there is some movement towards the ethereal. Once Mars enters Gemini on the 31st there will be a more assertive side to our interactions, but even then this warm fuzzy side will make itself known.With Mercury & Neptune already in Pisces there will be a plethora of this energy. Embrace it and allow your sensitive side room for expression.