4/22 Pluto Retrogrades

4/22 Pluto Retrogrades

On Sunday April 22nd at 11:23 A.M. EDT until September 30th at 10:01 P.M. EDT many things will go undercover. This is a time when agendas will be hidden and it will take some prodding to bring the truth out into the open. With world events very much on edge it’s most important to dig deeply into the underlying reasons behind the actions and to force an open conversation. To let things remain hidden could make it that much harder to understand what’s really going on. With all Pluto aspects it’s better to bring things to light and confront the issues than to pretend everything is fine. But while it is Rx it requires a strong determination to illuminate the shadows. Over the coming months we will experience a number of confrontations that can only be resolved through clarity and openness. Unfortunately there are forces at work both personally and collectively that will try to hinder that process. In your own life you would be better off confronting any issue that might cause you angst later on. This is true for nations as well, but you and I have little control over that. As Tolstoy once said: Everyone thinks about changing the world, but no one thinks about changing themselves.