4/19 Sun enters Taurus

4/19 Sun enters Taurus

On Thursday April 19th at 11:13 P.M. EDT we enter the fixed earth sign. This is the heart of spring when the world comes alive anew and the plants and animals recognize that it’s time to grow new life. It’s mating season for many species, and the perennials spout new growth. Flowers will begin to come out and it’s the beginning of the most colorful time of the year. Taurus has a well-earned reputation for being stubborn and unbending. That will be an underlying theme for the next month, so be aware and don’t butt heads when it isn’t necessary. This is a very sensual sign and enjoys all pleasures, including food, drink and physical interaction. It’s also one of the most loyal of signs, and any relationship or connection that begins now will demand that sense of allegiance and reliability.