On Monday June 26th at 8:24 P.M. EDT until July 11th at 12:11 A.M. EDT Mercury will travel through this emotional sign. People will be more receptive to each other’s feelings and you might find that it’s easier to discuss personal and private matters. This can be useful, but at the same time some of us will be overly emotional and not quite able to distance from serious or vital matters. If so, it’s important to remember that we need a mixture of intellect and emotions to make important decisions. Don’t fall into the trap of believing that everything is about your feelings. Keep an even perspective and if you are feeling drawn into the emotional side of things too much, postpone making important final decisions until this passes. Or at least take some time to evaluate the situation before finalizing things. One of the challenges with this placement in a natal chart or by transit is to see the fine line between your feelings and your intellect. If you keep that in perspective this will be a constructive time. Talk about what’s important, but be realistic and clear headed. Otherwise you may find yourself treading water in the relationship pool.