Newsletter: July 2023

Newsletter: July 2023

ISSUE # 288

JULY 2023

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

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I am doing a series of podcasts and webinars for Astrology Hub covering 2023. The first was released in January. The second was released in March and is available. The third will be released in early July. You can purchase them at as well as the webinar from last year. It is a 2 hour video with a follow-up Q&A of 2 1/2 hours. 



July is probably my favorite month, not only because my birthday falls in this Moon ruled time, but because it represents all of the joy of youth and the excitement of adolescence while allowing the child within free reign. I’ve always felt this is the peak of many things. The ocean is warm enough for swimming, the summer fruits are at their very best, plump, colorful and dripping with tasty juices. It’s not yet August, when the sun is just beginning to wane over the horizon, nor is it June with its hesitant evenings when you aren’t sure if you need a jacket. No, July is the heart of summer, the center of the universe for those of us who worship the sun, sand, and surf. I always felt blessed to have been born right in the middle of this month, and the older I get the more I embrace all of the promise and wonder that comes at this time of year. So go out and have some fun. Let that inner child frolic guilt-free; have a big scoop of ice cream and a bigger scoop of youthful joy. After the endless winter and the ever so slow spring, and after the three years we’ve been dealing with a dreadful pandemic, (!!!) you deserve it.


The New Moon falls on Saturday June 18th at 12:37 A.M. EDT at 26 degrees Gemini 43 minutes. THE SUN SQUARES NEPTUNE June 18th at 11:54 P.M. EDT Things will be moving very quickly for the next few weeks. There is little time to second guess or meander. Gemini wants action and the flow of ideas. We will have both, so try to keep up. Communication will be the center of that action and ideas and information will be continuous. This can mean good news or bad depending on the circumstances. But it won’t be hidden; you will know what’s going on. We are seeing examples of this action playing out on the world stage in several areas. The legal actions that Mr. Trump is facing are moving forward and at a rapid pace. The stock markets are moving quickly into bullish territory with some stocks exploding. The IPO of Cava, the restaurant chain, doubled in price on the first day of trading. While this does not guarantee long term success, it does show how fast things are moving in the markets. Nvidia’s stock rose more than 40% in the past ten days, and while much of that move occurred before this New Moon remember that sometimes an event can precede or follow a transit while still being under its influence. Essentially, this is all showing that we are in a fast market in various areas of life. So pay attention. If you’re not sure what to do, you’d be wise to sit on the sideline until you are sure. With this kind of energy it’s easy to make mistakes that might take some time to rectify.

In your personal life it’s time to talk things out. If there are issues that have been ignored or you know should be discussed, take the time now to hash them out. Gemini energy wants you to talk. It may not all be the truth, but you won’t know until you put it out and have the back-and-forth that will eventually allow the truth to rise to the surface. Communication is the bedrock of all relationships. It’s perhaps the most vital of all. If you can explain why you did something you may find that the other person will understand and forgive much discretion. If you hold it in, you will only allow feelings to fester beneath the surface where fear, anger, and insecurity can smolder. Bring it out into the open and you may find that the very things you were afraid of aren’t as bad as you feared.



On Sunday June 18th at 11:54 P.M. EDT we will be faced with some confusion and a strong desire to escape reality. How will you deal with this energy? Because this falls on the same day as the New Moon in Gemini it may temporarily conflict with our desire to be as honest and open as possible. The first aspect that completes after a New Moon has a larger effect on how that month will play out, and how you approach this aspect will help decide how this month works out for you. This square implies that we are seeking both truth and the underlying spiritual purpose that truth portends. As the weeks go by you may find that what you thought was right isn’t quite what it seems. The best way to use this energy is through compassion and charity. Try not to get lost in the fog and confusion Neptune can create. We are seeking honesty and a direct approach to our questions. But Neptune may be distracting and misdirect that attempt. By being honest and direct you can help dissipate that Neptunian fog and make good use of Gemini’s proactive energy. This will prove to be an important month when we all will be tested to see just how clear and concise we can be. If you get lost in the clouds you may enjoy the journey, but you will not achieve all that can be. Follow the sign posts and steer towards the light in the distance, not the shadows.



On Monday June 19th at 11:53 A.M. EDT this solid, useful and focused energy will help us overcome any leftover mist that the Sun – Neptune square has created. Jupiter wants growth and expansion. It has a strong desire for more – more information, more opportunities, and more immediacy. Saturn wants stability, a strong foundation and a long-term approach. When these two energies work in tandem and are successfully quilted together we can achieve both: a strong structure open which we can build and expand our plans. Those with this or the trine in a natal chart have an inherent ability to do just that. They often are able to make changes or see an opportunity for success that others miss. By transit it gives us all a chance to form a plan or create the atmosphere in which we can move forward without the usual missteps. Use this transit to your advantage. Look for expansion and growth, but keep the status quo and build upon the existing foundation and you will be successful.


On Wednesday June 21st at 10:58 A.M. EDT we finally enter summer; my favorite season. This is the summer equinox, the longest day of the year. While that is a minor milestone it does represent a yearly peak when we try to balance things like the scales of justice. Just remember that justice is blindfolded and that image is not only a powerful reminder of the frailty of humankind but of our democratic goals. I always enter summer with a sense of child-like wonder, which increases as I age, and some trepidation that I will once again be disappointed by my hopes and wishes. Summer is wonderful, from the warmth and freedom it implies, to the glorious unlimited sweet and colorful fruits and vegetables it presents us in our cornucopian plate. Sing and dance and let your inner child have the last word. There is curiosity and marvels to be explored and it would be a shame to allow the accoutrements of age to limit the enlightenment that awaits you in the sand and surf. Love is in the air, even for the strong, agile girl or boy now trapped is their flabby years. The body we inhabit is just the shell that carries our endlessly young spirit. The skin but a canvas upon which we paint the scenery we encounter through the years. But the sinning, inner child is forever in awe of life and the endless possibilities it offers. There will be time to bemoan our losses and failures, our frailty and fears, when winter comes to rob us of the little that we have. For now, you rule the heavens and the earth. Go forth and claim your kingdom in the sweet flavors of this most glorious of seasons.


On Sunday June 25th at 6:36 P.M. EDT confusion will rule. You need to be very clear when conversing with others. Any reason for a misunderstanding will be found, and mistakes or even outright misdirection is possible. Try to get a clear and honest answer to your questions. If you’re not sure about something keep asking until you achieve clarity. Double check all plans, especially when traveling, and leave extra time to make your deadlines. This can be a confusing and difficult aspect, but it can also lead to a spiritual calm if you allow it. You may find that you are in a restful or even lethargic state of mind. This isn’t a bad thing as long as you don’t sign important papers or make permanent plans. Once this passes you may not feel the same and could be stuck with something that had you spent a little time thinking through you would never have agreed to. Leave serious matters for another time. Use this aspect to relax, meditate, and delve into your internal conversation.


On Monday June 26th at 5:23 A.M. EDT this potentially explosive square will complete. Because it occurs early in the morning it may be easier to avoid complications. If this hits your chart you may find it difficult to sleep or relax. It passes quickly, but sets up the mood for much of the day. Don’t get into useless arguments or take the bait if someone is looking for a fight. Let them look elsewhere. This is a very energetic aspect, and if you can direct the energy where it can be used proactively you may find it a very useful and productive day. But if you get caught up in the fray you could easily have some difficulties. It’s up to you. As with most transits it’s how you use it that will decide the outcome.



On Monday June 26th at 8:24 P.M. EDT until July 11th at 12:11 A.M. EDT Mercury will travel through this emotional sign. People will be more receptive to each other’s feelings and you might find that it’s easier to discuss personal and private matters. This can be useful, but at the same time some of us will be overly emotional and not quite able to distance from matters. If so, it’s important to remember that we need a mixture of intellect and emotions to make important decisions. Don’t fall into the trap of believing that everything is about your feelings. Keep an even perspective and if you are feeling drawn into the emotional side of things too much, postpone making important final decisions until this passes. Or at least take some time to evaluate the situation before finalizing things.



On Wednesday June 28th at 9:43 P.M. EDT & Friday June 30th at 2:24 A.M. EDT these two useful transits allow us a few days of good focus and a realistic approach to things. This is a great time to get your work done, set up a budget, or make plans. Your mind will be settled and many of us can get down to business without too much distraction. If there’s an important conversation you’ve been planning, this would be a good time to have it. Don’t be afraid to broach any subject. You can reach an understanding without too much drama, and possibly clear the air.



On Saturday July 1st at 1:06 A.M. EDT this conjunct take place.

On Saturday July 1st at 3:10 A.M. EDT & 6:26 A.M. EDT these two inner planets set up the positive sextile to Jupiter, our biggest neighbor. This is a very optimistic and outgoing energy that will give us all a day or two when we feel social. Plan some time with close friends this weekend. It’s the beginning of the holiday when most people will be out and about, so share some time with close friends and seek out some new and adventurous events. A concert or a boat ride to a new place for the day might bring you some joy and enlightenment.


ON Sunday July 2nd at 10:34 A.M. EDT most of us will be seeking some unusual or exciting events. This isn’t a day to sit in front of the computer. It would be better if you got out into the world and tried something new. A different restaurant, a jazz club, or any form of entertainment that is adventurous would be great. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Uranus wants you to explore and push the boundaries a bit. This comes in the midst of the holiday weekend and right before the Capricorn Full Moon, so have a little fun. You won’t be apt to go too far off the beaten track, as that Capricorn energy will be a bit restrictive, but you can still find something to stretch your mental and physical limbs, so go for it.



This month lunar peak occurs on Monday July 3rd at 7:39 A.M. EDT at 11 degrees Capricorn 19 minutes. The questions we all should be asking: How are my plans working out? Are there changes I should be instituting, or a different path I should be following? Capricorn is interested in the long term, the ultimate results of a project, not so much the day-to-day actions. This is a realistic sign with focus on responsibilities. It’s a good time to get projects done or to set up your future objective. It’s also a good time to relax or meditate. While this energy aims its attention towards work, it also seeks balance and health. If you’re feeling rundown, take a day off and unwind. Take a nap or sit in the park for an hour or two. It’s not the most energetic of Full Moons, but a quiet gathering or a dinner with a close friend would be very much in tune with this aspect. Don’t go all out. It’s probably not the best day to go to an amusement park or an overly active party. Find the activities that fit. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. You will know if you feel comfortable. Whatever you choose to focus on now will have a feeling of resolution in about two weeks.



On Friday July 7th at 12:55 A.M. EDT our minds will be open to new ideas and exciting events. Take a little time to look around and see what’s out there. This holiday weekend is just beginning and you should try to enjoy yourself as much as possible. Today is all about communications and short journeys. Talk things out with your closest people. You may find some new ways of looking at the world and your ongoing issues that could help you discover a new solution to an old problem. And try to travel, even if it’s just a long walk through your city. There are adventures everywhere and you deserve to have your share.


On Monday July 10th at 7:40 A.M. EDT until August 27th at 9:20 A.M. EDT Mars enters this mutable earth sign. This is an interesting place for the god of war. Virgo is a Mercury rules sign and while it can be critical and at times rather picky, it is an intellectual sign and seeks information and knowledge. This is also one of the healing signs. If there is a health issue that you or someone around you is dealing with, you may be able to direct the energy towards a solution. Over the next 6 weeks or so you may feel as though others are a bit critical. Or you may be acting that way. Don’t get too into this energy. It’s fine to use your critical eye and examine what’s going on, just try to do it with a compassionate and caring attitude.


On Monday July 10th at 4:48 P.M. EDT this intense aspect will complete. Because this coincides with Mars entering Virgo there could be a bit of obsessive-compulsiveness that you should try to keep in check. If there’s anything that you have wanted to discuss but haven’t felt able to bring out into the light, this aspect will most likely force the issue. Talk things out and dig deeply into anything that is festering beneath the surface. But don’t get too into the subject that you can’t see the light. This isn’t here to hurt you, only to uncover what has been buried. It’s a positive and healing transit, just a bit intense at times.



On Tuesday July 11th at 12:11 A.M. EDT until July 28th at 5:31 P.M. EDT we will all feel the desire to express ourselves without restraint. That’s fine as long as there is a purpose and a goal. Don’t just rant for the sake of hearing your own voice. Leo energy is very focused and can be a bit overbearing, but it is always looking for the positive in situations and has a strong sense of friendship and longevity. Talk to your close people and seek a commonality so you can explore any ideas or problems that may exist. If you use this energy to your advantage you will be able to sift through a lot of stuff and find the best way to solve your issues. This is a great placement for any form of entertainment or public speaking. Leo rules the stage, and even the most mundane things will have a tint of the theatrical about them. If you are performing or presenting something to the public you will feel at home.



On Friday July 14th at 7:02 P.M. EDT we have another day of some excitement. This is a good day to try new things and to explore the world. Get out and look for the unusual. You may meet some new people or experience an unexpected event. This is a positive sextile and you should use it to your advantage. Look at things from a different perspective and you may discover that you’ve been wearing blinders for too long. It’s time to let go of the way you see things and prepare for the coming New Moon and all it offers. But first you have to let go of your usual way of approaching an idea or a problem.



The next New Moon falls on Monday July 17th at 2:32 P.M. EDT at 24 degrees Cancer 56 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak. 

For information regarding personal readings please contact me at:

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course EDT and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

June 18th at 12:37 A.M. – 6:58 A.M.

June  20th 5:43 P.M. – 6:04 P.M.

June  22nd 1:01 P.M. – June 23rd 6:35 A.M. ***Moon is void 17 hours

June 25th 6:24 P.M. – 6:57 P.M.

June 28th 4:19 A.M. – 4:55 A.M.

June 30th 10:20 A.M. –  10:59 A.M.

July 2nd 9:33 A.M. – 1:20 P.M.

July 4th 12:45 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.

July 6th 9:42 A.M. – 1:33 P.M.

July 8th 2:22 P.M. – 3:19 P.M.

July 10th 7:11 P.M. – 7:55 P.M.

July 13th 2:11 A.M. – 3:26 A.M.

July 15th 8:35 A.M. – 1:13 P.M.

July 17th 11:06 P.M. – July 18th 12:39 A.M.

July 20th 10:08 A.M. – 1:13 P.M.

July 23rd 12:06 A.M. – 1:54 A.M.

June 2023

New York City

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