On Sunday May 14th at 11:17 P.M. EDT Mercury turns around in Taurus and as far as I’m concerned it couldn’t happen fast enough. This has been a brutal retrograde with so many anecdotes they could fill a book. Suffice to say that the stubborn nature of Taurus made it that much worse. It was hard to get people to change their opinions or move on from the stagnation common under the Rx energy. Now as it begins its direct motion in this fixed earth sign we will all be pushed to focus more on our values and financial security. With Jupiter about to enter Taurus on Tuesday May 16th we are in a period of extremes. Taurus is all over us, and it’s all about what we believe is most important. As always when Mercury turns around, expect to hear some surprises as things previously hidden come out in the public. This includes your personal life and in the collective. Whatever has been delayed will move at a rapid pace. While errors are common during the retrograde, it is often during a reversal of direction in either way that mistakes happen. Don’t rush to judgment, but don’t get caught waiting too long when the world is moving quickly. You need to be proactive and observant at the same time. Perhaps now that stubbornness will be useful and allow us to complete what has been left unfinished. Stay the course. You may be only days away from fruition on a project or almost ready to make that change that you’ve needed for a long time. It may not seem that way, but you could be closer than you know if only you won’t give up and will continue to pursuing your purpose.

Some issues that were resolved on the retrograde may reverse, but don’t expect all of them to do so. There is a mistaken belief many people have, that when Mercury changes direction everything comes undone. That isn’t the case. There may be some, but for the most part we will just see things move on quickly and head in a new direction. This is a time to act and look ahead, not behind. Take advantage of this and you can accomplish much in a short time.