Newsletter: March 2023

Newsletter: March 2023

ISSUE # 284

March 2023

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

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If you follow me on Facebook or on my website blog you will see that I update these transits as they come close. I suggest that you do so to keep up with the added information I am posting on each. This newsletter is a template for the coming month.

I am doing a series of podcasts and webinars for Astrology Hub covering 2023. The first was released in January. The second will be out shorty. You can purchase them at as well as the webinar from last year. It is a 2 hour video with a follow-up Q&A. 


My apologies for the late release of this month’s newsletter. I caught a rather severe bug and was pretty much laid up for the past 2 weeks. Back on my feet and raring to race.

This month Saturn will enter Pisces after its 2 ½ years in Aquarius. This will have a major impact on our lives. We may not see the changes right away, although we have already seen some of the implications that this ingress will create. The housing markets have been in free fall for the past few months, and I expect that weakness to continue for some time. It won’t be a collapse like we saw in 2005-9, but this overheated housing market has been on a tear for a long time. Now we will see shifting attitudes as interest rates continue to remain high for some time. The stock markets continue to be quite volatile and will be for some time. They had a great run for the past month or so, though they are now showing weakness once again. But I don’t believe we are going to see a test of the bottom. Instead I think that while inflation still rears its ugly head, the economy is strong and the second quarter should be the turning point.


The New Moon falls on Sunday February 20th at 2:56 A.M. EST at 1 degree Pisces 22 minutes. The next few New Moons fall at the first degree of the sign. This implies that this is a time of new beginnings, a chance to reset some priorities and aim our attention towards fresh starts, even more than the energy a New Moon offers. Because this is a Pisces New Moon, the last sign of the zodiac we are actually seeking ways to initiate completions. While that may seem to be a contradiction, remember that before we can begin anew we must complete that which is unfinished. Otherwise we will bring the left over karma into the next phase of life. At times it’s more difficult to bring something to a satisfactory conclusion than to start a new venture. That’s much of what Pisces is about. There’s a theory that those born under the sign of the fish, or have a great deal of Piscean energy in their charts, are in a final phase of incarnation. I don’t know if that’s true, and I think it’s quite difficult to prove. But the concept makes sense. Whether or not someone is at the end of the karmic wheel, the force that this sign generates is spiritual and deep. It’s not material in its conception.

Still, as I’ve mentioned before, the number of Pisces billionaires is second only to Libra. This seems hard to fathom when you think of this sign, but remember, money is only a tool, and it is neither positive nor negative. It’s what you do with it that creates its effects on the world. I know several people who are immensely wealthy and have Saturn conjunct Neptune in their natal charts. Astrologers are often confused by this. But it makes sense. Why? Well, Neptune creates illusion and an unreality. Saturn is just the opposite – it sets down a foundation for whatever the individual wants to produce. In this case, Saturn puts down the structure for the fantasy of great wealth to materialize. It’s also true of a number of famous artists who use the structure of Saturn to formulate their place in the creative world.

With Neptune still traveling through Pisces, and Saturn about to enter the mutable water sign where they will conjunct in 2025, there is a challenge to us all to keep an eye on the ball and not be distracted by illusion. We live in a time of tremendous misdirection, when the truth isn’t the truth, and many wish to amplify that. If we allow ourselves to fall into the conflicting realm of what is real and what is fantasy we risk the potential of losing our equilibrium and allowing the distortion of facts to grow to a point of no return. Instead, let’s learn the lesson of the Saturn-Neptune combination, of those Pisceans who can have one foot in the ethereal and one in the material plane, and find the balance that can produce the best results. If you handle this combination well, you can accomplish great things and be a force of healing and teaching. Strive for that and you cannot fail.


On Monday February 20th at 2:56 A.M. EST until March 16th at 6:34 P.M. EDT the planet of love and money will be traveling through the cardinal fire sign. Expect people to be rather direct in their expression. This is not a faint of heart placement for Venus, in fact, just the opposite. There may be brusqueness about how one expresses their feelings.  And many people may find that their usual shyness has lessened. Because this is a Mars ruled sign, there will be a deeper connection between the sexes. While Venus can feel out of place in this male-dominated placement, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a balance that can ensue. Venus and Mars like each other (well, sometimes). And while it is transiting this sign, Venus can complete the yin-yang circle and create a sense of structure. With Mars traveling through Gemini, it is through communication that we have the best chance of finding that structure. Talk to each other. You may find that you have much more in common than you thought. Just don’t expect to find that warm and fuzzy receptivity from Venus that you may be used to. This is a time of direct and honest conversations and honest interaction. If you use this energy properly you can accomplish much, not only in relationships, but in financial and business matters. Be a bit daring and don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. Aries is the initiator of the zodiac, and it wants a clear, honest and focused approach to all things. You will have more success in all relationships if you follow that path.



On Tuesday February 21st at 5:22 P.M. EST this potentially explosive square could set off fireworks. People will be apt to say what’s on their minds without the usual filters. This requires attention and treading carefully. Disagreements, sudden outbursts, and even accidents are possible. However, no aspect is destined to be negative, and this square, while it does demand close scrutiny, can also indicate some sudden revelations or a new idea that seems to pop out of nowhere. Don’t assume that this will be a harsh or violent day. If you go into situations with an open mind and seek a more passive response you could be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Uranus just wants new ideas, an open mind, and a chance to explore that which has been hidden. If you allow it to do so, you just might find revelation and a new way of looking at old problems. But if you go helter-skelter into a situation without paying attention, this could become a difficult day. Avoid direct confrontation and let your better side take control.


On Wednesday February 22nd at 3:14 P.M. EST we have a day of harmony. The male and female planets are in synch and it should be easier than usual to interact with little stress. While this won’t heal the world’s wounds, or give us universal peace and love, it’s a good day to mingle. Socialize and spend time with your nearest and dearest. It’s a good time for brunch, drinks, dinner or a gathering of friends.


On Thursday March 2nd at 12:36 A.M. EST this most pleasant and optimistic transit brings us a day or so of positive vibes. This is a very sociable and outgoing energy, and a great time to get together with your closest peeps. Even strangers will be nicer today. This favors all pleasures of the flesh, perhaps a little too much, including food, drink, and spending, so try to keep things in perspective. Don’t overdo it. Have fun and share your love of life. Have a great meal, maybe a cocktail or two, but you don’t want to wake up tomorrow with a hangover. Venus is all about pleasure. Jupiter has no boundaries, but if you set your own rules and stick to them, you will enjoy this day very much. But I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Mercury will conjunct Saturn later this morning and limitations will be part of the equation anyway. This also favors travel, even a short jaunt will be fulfilling.


On Thursday March 2nd at 9:34 A.M. EST this sobering aspect will make us all a bit more realistic and restrained. The combination of this and the Venus – Jupiter conjunct mentioned above could actually work in your favor if you can balance the two contradictory energies. This is a day for getting things done and putting your work in order. Because Mercury enters Pisces later today, there is a shift in energy happening. Make plans and try to stick to them. Get some work done, but leave time for fun and spiritual issues. There’s time enough for all.



On Thursday March 2nd at 5:52 P.M. EST until March 19th at 12:24 A.M. EDT the planet of thoughts, ideas, and communication will be traveling through this Neptune rules sign. This will be a month of deep beliefs and a desire to reach the soul through our conversations. Of course not every communication is going to be enlightening, and you may find that some are downright confusing, as is Neptune’s way. But the underlying issue is about the spirit, not the material world. You need to be careful and pay close attention to business and financial matters. It’s very easy to miss details or misunderstand what someone says, which can lead to problems in money issues. Also, you need to be very clear about what you’re saying to friends, family, and professional partners. Aim your ideas towards the ethereal and you will be successful.


This month lunar peak occurs on Tuesday March 7th at 7:40 A.M. EST at 16 degrees Virgo 40 minutes. Virgo is an interesting sign. It’s a bit critical and at times can be picky. But it’s a very caring and healing sign. It rules nurses, ruling the natural 6th house, where doctors are ruled by Neptune, and the 12th house. There are many Virgos who go into the healing professions, and I’m very fond of the energy this sign implies. If you’re sick you really want a Virgo, or maybe a Cancer there. They can both be a little smothering, but they will certainly see to your health problems. Virgos can get lost in details, sometimes missing the bigger picture. But that’s the point. If you use this energy over the next 2 ½ weeks and focus on the little things you can get a lot accomplished and put your office or house in order. This is a time of healing. This Mercury ruled sign rules the small intestines, and the assimilation of food, information, and ideas. Work with it and you may find some ways of improving your health, life and relationships. Push back against it and you will feel at odds with the world around you.


On Tuesday March 7th at 8:35 A.M. EST Saturn finally leaves Aquarius and enters the last sign of the zodiac. This is a major shift in our collective karma, and one that will have many repercussions, some very positive and some difficult. Saturn rules banks and the housing industry. Does that mean that we can expect weakness in these sectors? Maybe. We’re already seeing some pullback in the overheated housing market, and I expect that it will continue to show weakness. Some people have written that they feel this aspect will result in another pandemic. I don’t. Saturn has the restrictive force that will not only withhold Neptune’s infectious efforts, but may also begin a few years of lessening in hurricanes, tornados, and other severe weather patterns. But with climate change on a rampage I don’t expect things to settle down too much. This winter has been a doozy in many parts of the world. As is often the case, when an outer planet changes signs it can give us all one last kick in the ass to remind us of what that ending transit is all about. No matter what, if we don’t address climate concerns with a lot more oomph in the near future, we will all pay the price. With Saturn leaving Aquarius, ruler of all technology, we are seeing the tech stocks begin to recover after a few years of severe downturn. Tesla lost about 60% of its value. Google, Facebook and Apple have also lost a huge percentage. Now with Saturn leaving this sign we should see resurgence in the more stable of those stocks. I believe it’s a buying opportunity for some undervalued equities.



On Tuesday March 14th at 7:39 P.M. EDT we have a day or two of low energy and fragile egos. These two planets don’t see eye to eye. Mars is all about energy, push, ego, activity. Neptune couldn’t care less. It’s only concerned with what the spirit learns. While these are both important parts of our lives and have their place, when conjoined it can be a difficult time to get things done. Don’t push too hard. Let the transit do its thing. Once it passes your power will return and things will be much clearer. With the Sun conjunct Neptune tomorrow this will be a week of misunderstandings, and possibly mistakes. When Neptune is so active it can often be a bad few days for the equity markets.



On Wednesday March 15th at 7:39 P.M. EDT the energy of yesterday continues. This is not a time to go into battle. Sidestep any conflicts you can and take your time making decisions. Rushing to judgment is often a bad idea, but especially so when Neptune is in control. Mild illnesses or allergies can occur if this sets off your chart. Make sure you get enough rest and nutrition. And if you feel tired or ill, just rest. This will pass soon and you will be back on par soon.


On Thursday March 16th at 2:10 P.M. EDT this potentially explosive aspect completes. After both Mars and Sun were in hard aspect to Neptune over the past few days, which tempered the will and the ego, there could be a lot of pent up angst that could easily be released today. Pay attention. If someone is looking for a fight, let them look elsewhere. This is a ball of fire that, if focused, can get a lot done. But if it’s untethered it could easily result in accident or disputes. Remember, transits are only energy. It’s what we do with them that makes the difference. Stay busy, and try to exercise. The release of this square can be very positive if you use it properly.


On Thursday March 16th at 3:59 P.M. EDT there will be compulsiveness in relationships. You may find it difficult to calmly express your feelings, and there could be some tension. But as with all transits, there’s purpose. Sometimes we settle into comfortable situations when we don’t push the boundaries, or continue to grow. Stagnation sets in and we just accept what is. But when the harsher transits come along they test us. Are you just accepting the status quo and not trying to change? Those are the times we are forced to look at things from a different angle. This is such a day. Venus is about to leave Mars ruled Aries and enter Taurus, one of the signs it rules. This won’t be an earth shattering change, but on a personal level it will be significant. The energy will shift and there will be a softer, more receptive atmosphere in our closest connections. This square will push us to view whatever needs to be examined and prepare to make some much needed changes. Try to keep in mind that it can be easy to overdo things when Pluto is involved, and if something difficult must be discussed, do it with compassion and empathy. Tomorrow many things will look a little different and you don’t want to cut ties that aren’t ready to be severed.



On Thursday March 16th at 6:34 P.M. EDT until April 11th at 12:47 A.M. EDT Venus travels through one of the signs it rules. This is often a good time for the markets. There is a feeling of balance that this transit can produce in our personal relationships as well as in financial matters. For the next few weeks it will be easier to express yourself in your most intimate relationships. While Taurus can be stubborn and unyielding, it is a caring and loyal sign, and Venus feels right at home. It’s a good time to stabilize your connections and to discuss long term plans. If you used yesterday’s Venus square Pluto to your advantage you should have been able to let go of some feelings that may have been holding you back from making personal choices. Now it’s time to put those decisions into action. In your financial matters this is a great period for laying out a budget and planning your financial future. It’s also a good time to redecorate, make some important purchases, and generally taking care of yourself, your environment, and your relationships.


On Friday March 17th at 12:49 A.M. EDT this argumentative square can easily produce disputes. Because this is St. Patrick’s Day, with its well-earned reputation for the consumption of alcohol, the combination may just lead to some over heated discussions. And it isn’t a far stretch to see the potential for some physical encounters as well. When I was bartending we called this Amateur Day. It’s one of those times when people who don’t often drink feel they owe it to themselves or posterity to indulge. And that can easily become problematic, especially with this square in play. So have some fun, toast to your peeps, but try to avoid confrontations. They might get out of hand.



On Friday March 17th at 6:45 A.M. EDT this frequent transit completes. With Mercury in square to Mars as well, this is a day of direct and active communication. There will be a lot to say, and most people will be very happy to say it. Stay busy. You don’t want your overactive mind to run rampant. Talk to people, but remember to also listen. There may be some very important or interesting things discussed. You don’t want to miss them.



On Sunday March 19th at 12:24 A.M. EDT until April 3rd at 12:22 P.M. EDT we will all be talking in a direct and, at times, brusque manner. Say what’s on your mind, and get to the heart of the matter. But remember that this Mars ruled sign can be pushy or demanding at times, and don’t talk without thinking first. That is very much an Aries trait, and it would behoove you to take a beat or two before telling someone what you think. You could easily offend or push off without realizing it. And it’s much harder to unsay something once it’s been said.



On Monday March 20th at 5:24 P.M. EDT we enter the New Year. This is the beginning of the zodiac, and while I try to celebrate all New Year’s, including January 1st, the Chinese New Year, the Jewish, and Muslim, this is the one I believe makes the most sense. But then, I am an astrologer. This is a time to begin things; to make plans and set your sights on the year ahead. It’s the time when nature renews, when we bid farewell to the long, dark winter and look forward to spring. I look forward to this day every year. Maybe our plans won’t work out exactly as we had hoped, and some may wind up in the trash. But there is a sense of renewal and excitement about spring. Yes, the weather will still be iffy for some time. I remember huge snowstorms in April. But even those had a gentler and forgiving atmosphere than the January and February storms that just seemed relentless and unending. Now we know that whatever is thrown at us will soon be gone, and the soothing calm of May and June are right around the corner. I often go out to the beach in late March or early April, even as the wind pushes back against my waterfront trek. I know it’s just nature giving one last blast of winter as it lets go and we move into the best of the year.


The next New Moon falls on Tuesday March 21st at 1:23 P.M. EDT at 0 degrees Aries 50 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

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Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

February 21st  11:06 P.M. – February 22nd 12:14 A.M.

February 24th 2:22 A.M. – 3:29 A.M.

February 26th 9:42 A.M. – 10:48 A.M.

February 28th 8:07 P.M. – 9:40 P.M.

March 3rd 9:22 A.M. – 10:16 A.M.

March 5th 10:16 P.M. –  10:38 P.M.

March 8th 9:07 A.M. – 9:44 A.M.

March 10th 6:37 P.M. – 7:06 P.M.

March 13th 2:58 A.M. – 3:21 A.M.

March 15th 4:50 A.M. – 8:06 A.M.

March 17th 10:14 A.M. – 10:25 A.M.

March 19th 6:33 A.M. – 11:12 A.M.

March 21st 11:58 A.M. – 12:01 P.M.

March 23rd 1:13 P.M. – 2:42 P.M.

March 25th 12:19 P.M. – 8:42 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

March 27th 9:39 P.M. – March 28th 6:22 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

February 2023

New York City

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