Newsletter: February 2023

Newsletter: February 2023

ISSUE # 283

February 2023

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

If you’re interested in a personal reading please click here or contact me directly through email at

I am preparing a series of podcasts and webinars for 2023. I expect the first to be released in January. I will, of course, announce them as they approach.

My recent Financial Webinar from August 2022 is now available at Please go to their website to purchase the webinar.

It is a 2 hour video with a follow-up Q&A of 2 1/2 hours.



We are entering a different era, with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all changing signs over the next few months. This is a transitional period and it will change the direction of the world, but we won’t experience a violent switch in values or a sudden shift that will be easily recognized. The political situation will continue to be fraught with infighting, and the economy will struggle along for some time. But you must look further down the road to establish a good attitude and plan for dealing with these long-term changes. We can see some of the results in the world. As Pluto enters Aquarius we are rapidly heading towards a major change in energy attitudes and resources. Fossil fuels are a dying industry. It will take a generation before they are severely limited, but it’s coming. Now as Pluto begins its ingress into the fixed air sign the price of oil has come down tremendously. Putin’s big threat of shutting off the gas to Europe has proven to be a toothless dog. The amount of gas the Europe currently gets from Russia in has fallen from 50% in the second half of 2021 to 17%. That is an enormous drop and a serious economic cost to Russia. It runs out that the west has not given into the bullying, and instead has found alternative sources of fuel. Electric vehicles are gaining in popularity, and advances in solar, wind, nuclear and geothermic energy will increase rapidly. At first you will only notice it in the fringes and in how certain stocks trade. But make no mistake, we are going down a long path of transition and the end result in 20 years or so will be profound.

Are we heading into a recession? Possibly, but even if we do, it should be a mild and short-lived one. The only wild card in all of this is whether we will default on our national debt ceiling. If the Republican House holds us hostage and demands a tit-for-tat before agreeing to increase that ever-present ceiling, we will be in a political fight that may prove very important and alter the balance of power. But it may not be in the way you assume. It could benefit either party, depending upon how it is handled. For now I expect the equity markets to rally for a while. What happens as we approach the default line? Only time will tell. Trade defensively and don’t overextend. With a little care you could make a nice profit over the coming months.


The New Moon falls on Saturday January 21st at 3:53 P.M. EST at 1 degree Aquarius 33 minutes. Any aspect that occurs when a planet is in the first 2 ½ degrees of the sign it is traveling through has a more pronounced effect. We subdivide the signs into twelve 2 ½ degree sections, each sub-ruled by a sign. The first section is the strongest of the sign the aspect is occurring within. So a New Moon at 1 degree of a sign will have a more powerful effect creating an increased energy that sign implies. Here we have a New Moon occurring in erratic, unpredictable Aquarius, itself an intense, exciting and changeable placement. Having this occur at 1 degree simply increases the energy it will emit. We can expect some unusual ideas, events and actions.

This is a time to be adventurous and to look for new and unusual ways of expressing yourself. It’s a good time to try new things or to explore different ways of looking at your situations and problems. You may discover a unique and hitherto unconsidered possibility. But it does require some caution, as this sign is so unpredictable. There may be a number of opportunities or ideas coming to you, and it could be difficult to ferret out what it best. If you keep your eye on the ball and aim your energy and attention where it will do you the most good, you may discover a new path that might just lead you where you need to go. This can be a very optimistic and exciting time. Or it could be upsetting and confusing. Which will it be? A lot depends on your attitude and how easily you can adjust to new input. Stay as open-minded as possible and don’t reject out of hand that which might seem alien. If you’ve been stubborn and holding on too tightly to you usual routine this energy could rebel. If you are able to experience a different perspective, it just might give you what you’ve been seeking.


On Sunday January 22ND at 5:13 P.M. EST there will be a sense of limitation and reserve about many issues, especially in relationships and financial matters. This is a good time to look at things from a realistic point of view. Are your connections giving you what you need? Or are you just stuck in a rut and unable to move on? These aren’t easy questions to answer, and you probably won’t be able to come to important decisions immediately. But sometimes a quick moving transit can give you a push in the right direction and get you thinking about things in a more controlled and serious manner. That’s what Saturn wants. In your financial matters, this is a good time to look over your budget and see just where you can make cuts or aim your investments for the long term. Saturn isn’t a gambler or a day trader, it is an investor. Look for ways to have your money make you money, such as long term bonds, dividend paying stocks, annuities, or other forms that mature in time.



On Sunday January 22nd at 5:59 P.M. EST Uranus finally turns around. With the New Moon in Uranus-ruled Aquarius we are entering a new period that will prove to be upsetting to some, and enlightening to others. The word most astrologers hate is “unpredictable”. After all, we are often hired to make predictions. But this planet doesn’t really care about our personal issues. Actually none of the planets care about anything. They’re just big rocks or gas floating in space. But the humanist influence is what we’re talking about. Uranus wants new input, ideas and untested experiments. If you are able to open y our consciousness to the unknown, this will be a good time for you. If not, it may be troubling. But in either case, the purpose is to find something adventurous, so try to keep an open mind and heart and you may be surprised by what you encounter.

On the world stage this planet has to do with explosive and upsetting events as well. We already see some ways that it may manifest. The war in Ukraine is escalating, as I predicted when Mars went direct. The European nations are sending tanks to the Ukrainians for the first time, which will increase their defensive powers. The Russian are increasing their rocket attacks and preparing another group of fresh troops to invade. It’s going to be a messy winter into spring. And Uranus, which rules all explosive devises, is going to have its day. In our domestic ongoing and seemingly unsolvable political battle we are seeing the results of the mid-term elections play out in the House of Representatives, where the ruling party is drawing its line in the sand. This includes the seating of several controversial people on committees, the beginning of investigations, and the threat of not increasing the debt ceiling, which would have a devastating effect on America’s economic and political standing in the world. We would not be able to pay our bills for the first time in our history. In exchange for raising the ceiling the Republicans are demanding severe cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social security, the very foundation of the safety net that many Americans rely on for a modicum of support. Without those services tens of millions from both parties would be unable to survive. These are all the kinds of issues Uranus is apt to bring up. Not all wars are fought on the battle field. Some are conducted in a courtroom or in Congress. Who will blink first?


On Tuesday January 24th at 8:30 P.M. EST this very positive and expansive transit will give us a day or so of positive and enjoyable energy. Try to make the most of it. It isn’t a long lasting or powerful aspect, but it can be very refreshing and rejuvenating. Take a short trip somewhere, even a long walk by the river will be helpful. If you use this energy to your advantage it just might take away some stress and allow you to feel better about things. Sometimes a brief respite is enough to rejuvenate the batteries and put you on a path towards healing. This is a very sociable transits, so try to spend some time with your nearest and dearest.


On Thursday January 26th at 9:33 P.M. EST through February 20th at 2:56 A.M. EST Venus will travel through this sensitive sign. This is a combination of the lower and higher octaves of the love energy. Venus rules personal love, a relationship with another person, a dog or cat, friends, as well as the love of food, art, or entertainment. Pisces (or Neptune) rules the love of humanity, spiritual love, deep compassion and selfless generosity. The combination might make some of us blur the line between our more selfish needs and the desire to save the world. I always think of that great Peanuts comic strip when Linus is talking to Charlie Brown and he says: “I love mankind, it’s people I can’t stand.” That in some ways exemplifies the personal and the interpersonal. This is a chance for us all to view that line and perhaps gain some understanding into our own need to express love on different levels. In relationships some will be asked to serve for service sake, not for personal gain or tit for tat. Keep your feelings clear. It’s not necessary to give all to someone else because you are feeling guilt or the desire to go for sainthood. Chances are pretty good that you won’t get the job anyway. Be as empathetic as you feel comfortable doing, and if you have a few bucks you can spare, there are plenty of homeless on the streets of most cities who could use a small donation. Do what you can and save a little of that compassion for yourself. We all need it, and sometimes the only one who really understands is the person in the mirror.


On Sunday January 29th at 8:45 P.M. EST a jolt of energy will embrace us all. This isn’t going to fix the world or finish your novel, but you might have the oomph to clean off your desk, send out the emails you’ve been meaning to, and just maybe complete of chapter in that ongoing saga you’ve been writing for years. This is a good time to socialize. Your will and ego are working well together and you won’t be easily dissuaded from your purpose. You can get out and have a fun evening. And you should find that interactions with others are stimulating.



On Friday February 3rd AT 9:50 P.M. EST this potentially explosive aspect comes along. This is a day to keep your eyes open and to pay attention to your environment. If you see a dangerous or questionable situation, try to avoid it. This can be a violent encounter, or accident waiting to happen. Don’t let it happen to you. We can easily avoid most problems if we know the potential in advance. That’s why we study astrology. Not to look back and say: “Aha! The Sun was in square to Uranus, and that’s why I fell into the ditch and twisted my ankle.” It’s so we can say: “Aha! I know that aspect was coming up, and so a stepped over that ditch.” Simple, but only useful is you pay attention. We may hear of some upsetting events in the days leading up to this. You can only do what you have control over. But our reaction to things can be eased by acceptance to that fact. Be careful and this can be an adventurous and exciting time. Let it be that, and not disruptive


This month lunar peak occurs on Sunday February 5th at 1:29 P.M. EST at 16 degrees Leo 41 minutes. Leo rules the stage. It’s the ham of the zodiac, always looking for an audience and wanting to play a role, sometimes because it’s easier for the lion to act as someone else than to show their true colors. I love Leos. And I love the energy, friendship and honesty of this sign. This Full Moon may display all of those. Expect others to be theatrical and showy. Also, because friendships are so very important to this fixed fire sign, you may find someone gives you an unexpected hug, or just tells you how much they love you, in a friendship sort of way. Leo does rule the 5thhouse of romance, and it’s possible that if this hits your chart just so you may discover a new ardor. But in any case, this is a time to mingle with others, be sociable and be with a group, however big that group may be. It’s also a great day to see a show, a concert, and any live performance. The players will be exceptional with the energy of the Leo Full Moon on them, and you may enjoy yourself a great deal. This is a good day to reach out to friends you may have lost touch with for some time.



On Monday February 6th at 1:26 P.M. EST this very creative energy will give us all a keener eye on the arts and the spiritual world. This is a gentle energy that when used proactively can lead to some very positive results. People will be speaking in a gentle voice and it’s a good time to reach out to others and express your feelings. If you’re working on a creative project this should help you move it forward. It isn’t powerful enough to complete your opera or novel, but it can help direct your thoughts where they may be more productive and help you catch that illusive muse. It’s a day to meditate, take long walks, daydream and open your consciousness. You may be pleasantly surprised by what you encounter.



On Friday February 10th at 12:16 P.M. EST we will all be talking from a deeper place and there could be some pushback. This isn’t a bad aspect, just an intense one. Superficial conversations will not suffice today. Everyone wants to get to the bottom of things. That’s fine as long as someone is willing to bend a little. But that may not be the case. You might find that everyone’s opinion if writing in stone and nobody is will to compromise. At least you know that you will hear the truth, as each sees it. If there’s an important conversation that needs to bring thing out into the open, this is the day to have it. But if there’s something you’d rather not reveal, I wouldn’t have that talk. Wait for a day or so and when Mercury is in Aquarius you will at least find an enlightening way of discussing it. Today it’s all about obsession, control, and power. It’s a good force for dealing with some things, but not the best for others. Pick and choose your battles with care.



On Saturday February 11th at 6:22 A.M. EST until March 2nd at 5:52 P.M. EST Mercury will be in the sign of its exaltation. This is a very good placement for this planet. It seeks the truth in all issues, and while it won’t be very subtle, it will bring out some things that need to be said. People will tend to be outspoken and even a bit brusque at times. Take it with a grain of salt. It’s the explosive nature of Aquarius and its ruler, Uranus that is being expressed. This is considered a sign of genius, but the thin line between genius and insanity can easily be crossed. Stay focused and make use of this enlightening transit. You may find that your thoughts are moving quickly and at times in an erratic way. Go with the flow. This might lead you to a solution that you hadn’t considered. If you’re working on a project, either in the creative fields or in business you should let your ideas run on a longer leash. It’s the very nature of this energy that can bring out the best in you. But as with most things, try to keep it somewhat realistic so you can create something logical, not just experimental.



On Wednesday February 15th at 7:25 A.M. EST a bit of illusion will take precedent. This isn’t a negative aspect on any level, although it may not be terrible realistic. This is the combination of the lower and higher octaves of the love energy. When these two work in tandem we can smooth the line between personal and universal love. There is compassion and empathy that can translate into a close encounter with someone, or a desire to help the world. While we can’t change everything in a day, his reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Leo Tolstoy: “Everyone talks about changing the world. No one talks about changing themselves.” Use this energy anyway that works for you. Give a little something extra to your closest peeps, and maybe something for the hardest in society.


On Thursday February 16th at 11:48 A.M. EST reality comes in like a sledge hammer. This is a very down to earth aspect and it wants you to face the truth about things. It’s a good day for putting your thought in order, cleaning up your desk, and finishing any projects that have lingered in the “I’ll get to it” pile. You will feel good about completing things and have a sense of satisfaction even with the little details. If something is bothering you in your business or a relationship, this is a time to bring it to light and look it over clearly. It isn’t a fun aspect, and it’s not a good time for parties or frivolous activities, but it does favor a calm and focused approach to whatever you are analyzing.



On Friday February 17th at 9:13 P.M. EST this very positive and enjoyable sextile will give us all a day of pleasant communications and thoughts. This is a very sociable aspect and you should spend time with your close people. Any form of entertainment, including a performance, visit to a museum, or a nice dinner will be pleasing and a good respite from the trials of life. Sometimes it only takes a brief moment of relaxation and interaction with others to smooth the savage breast. Get out and do something. And talk to people. We will all have a lot to say and it’s a great time to express yourself.



On Saturday February 18th at 5:34 P.M. EST we enter the last sign of the astrological year. It’s a time of endings and preparation for the New Year on the first day of spring. Pisces is a spiritual sign, but so much more. It can be more compassionate and unearthly at times, and quite infuriating to those too attached to the material world. But don’t think that all Pisces spend their lives doing is preaching or looking for the downtrodden to try and save a soul. There are many who use the rich sources of our capitalist society in many ways. Some to help others, some to help themselves. There is balance in all things in life and astrology, and some may seem incongruous, like a rich priest or a beggar with a million dollars hidden in his hovel. It isn’t the ownership of riches that makes a person’s spirit, but how they treat others, animals, and the world they inhabit. By one count there are 29 Pisces billionaires in the world, the second highest number. But money is just a tool. It’s what we do with it that makes it good or evil. Because Pisces is a mutable sign, symbolized by two fish attached, one swimming upstream and one swimming downstream, that gives it the illusion of immobility. For how can an entity move at all if it’s always at odds with its other half? That is often the conflict of this sign. How can we be spiritual while living in a material world? For the Pisces that is the challenge and the ultimate goal, whether or not they know it. This is a sign that is motivated by what is going on inside more than in the outside world. But because we all must live on this plane, the fish can at times seem out of place and seemingly unattached. But like I said, there are many Pisces who achieve great financial or worldly success in business, the arts, and politics. They may think they are motivated by ego or will, but in truth it is the spiritual quest they are on that is driving them, and many do not ever know it until very late in life.

This is a month for us all to be in touch with the inner qualities we possess. It doesn’t imply that we can’t continue to strive for success, only that there is another voice we should adhere to, the quieter, subtler whisper that seems to call out us from the wind. Follow me, I am your true savior. Stop by that homeless person and give them a dollar, if you can, or just a smile. Either will be welcome and may warm them just a wee bit. And don’t forget your friends who may be just as lonely, dealing with a health issue or insecurity. They need a smile too. And Pisces teaches us all how to share the wealth of our being with those less fortunate.


The next New Moon falls on Sunday February 19th at 11:06 P.M. EDT at 1 degree Pisces 22 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

January 23rd  5:19 A.M. – 12:36 P.M.

January 25th 11:12 A.M. – 1:48 P.M.

January 27th 4:01 P.M. – 6:42 P.M.

January 30th 12:52 A.M. – 3:35 A.M.

February 1st 6:58 A.M. – 3:11 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

February 4th 1:19 A.M. –  3:48 A.M.

February 6th 9:15 A.M. – 4:14 P.M. ***Moon is void 6 hours

February 9th 1:40 A.M. – 3:47 A.M.

February 11th 11:41 A.M. – 1:34 P.M.

February 13th 6:52 P.M. – 8:31 P.M.

February 15th 8:06 P.M. – February 16th 12:00 A.M.

February 17th 11:18 P.M. – February 18th 12:35 A.M.

February 19th 9:00 P.M. – 11:56 P.M.

February 21st 11:06 P.M. – February 22nd 12:14 A.M.

February 24th 2:22 A.M. – 3:29 A.M.

February 26th 9:42 A.M. – 10:48 A.M.

January 2023

New York City

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