Newsletter: October 2022

Newsletter: October 2022

ISSUE # 279

October 2022

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

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 My recent webinar:

“America’s Nervous Breakdown” – An astrological analysis of current events is now available for purchase through my website

In it I discuss the current situation we are facing politically and financially as we head into the 2022 mid-term elections. We examined the astrology charts of America, Biden, Harris, Trump, the NYSE, Bitcoin and other pertinent topics. It was a 2 hour webinar with Q&A towards the end.

The price is: $35.00.

If you are interested please email me and I will set up a Paypal request and forward you the link to view the webinar.

My recent Financial Webinar is now available at
Click here to purchase the webinar.
It is a 2 hour video with a follow-up Q&A of 2 1/2 hours.


The stock markets are wacky, inflation is stubborn, the mid-terms are just around the next bend in the road, and Putin is pointing a nuke at Europe. “Who could ask for anything more?” Well, we are heading towards the last square between Saturn & Uranus, which will complete in mid-October, but its effects will certainly be felt through the coming election. This aspect, more than many, is a harbinger of disruption and instability. Saturn is all about structure and solidity, while Uranus is concerned with upsetting the status quo and shaking us up to make sure boredom doesn’t lead to complacency.

For those who follow my work and have seen any of my recent webinars on the financial markets, you know that the hard aspects between these two planets often indicate a weak stock market, along with a disruption in our collective foundation. That’s just what we are seeing now. If I have the time to put it together I will do another webinar about the current state of our economy, the war in Ukraine, and the coming election and what I believe the outcome will lead to. For now, let me suggest that we all hold on tight. There will be more upsetting events, a very contentious election, and our entrance into 2023 will not be all that smooth or stabilizing. I don’t think we are looking at an extended recession, and I think that inflation and the rising interest rates will begin to cool down within a few months. Putin’s charts look very unsettling, and the outcome of that war may very well be decided within the foreseeable future. Still, there is so much tension in the air that it would be foolish to expect things to suddenly calm down. It will take the first quarter of 2023 before we see a stabilized equity market.

The stocks tested the June lows, as I expected. If they hold support here there will be a rally. While it is still a bear market, and thus a bear market rally, it indicates that investors are getting weary of the negativity and are looking for places to put their money. Some will seek the security of bonds and other safe havens, but many are chomping at the bit. And remember, the markets run more on psychology than on any other motivating factor. So if nothing serious happens, and the world remains somewhat stable, there will be a big move upward in the stocks in the coming months. Use caution, and invest wisely, grasshopper. Or you will be eaten by a lizard.


The New Moon falls on Sunday September 25th at 5:55 P.M. EDT at 2 degrees Libra 49 minutes.This is the autumn equinox New Moon, and it is the Jewish New Year. Because they use a lunar calendar, many Jewish holidays fall on New Moons and Full Moons. Happy New Year to all of my Jewish friends and any who would celebrate this new beginning and all the hope it offers.

Of all the New Moons this one has perhaps the most profound sense of starts and endings, the circular cycle of life, the unending succession of the seasons. Each equinox represents balance of the most obvious manner. Day and night are each 12 hours long, and the shift begins to slowly move us into the next half year. Libra being the sign of the scales implies balance and equilibrium, and that is exactly what this time of year means. While the Sun has been in Libra for a few days, and thus the equinox actually already occurred, this New Moon represents a fresh start and a movement into the time in the northern hemisphere when we slowly sink into winter, as the southern half of the world rises into summer. I know, I’m using what appear to be positive and negative connotations to denote the season, perhaps because of my personal prejudice against the cold. But I mean it more in a poetic fashion, so forgive me if you happen to be a winter person who thinks of summer as sitting on the devil’s porch.

While I do hate to say goodbye to summer, many of you know it is my favorite time of year, there is a charm and delight in the calmer weather and the sense of receptivity that this season offers. It’s cooler, and while a sweater or light jacket is a good idea, it isn’t gloves, and scarves, and heavy overcoats – not yet. So there’s much to enjoy about the fall. As I wrote in last month’s newsletter, “Autumn in New York” by Vernon Duke is one of my favorite songs. And it is one of the most beautiful times of the year in this overwhelming city.

This is the time to examine our lives in a more thoughtful way. Are you happy with your relationships? Do they give you what you need and help you through your difficulties, or are they a burden that should be viewed in a different perspective? Only you can answer that question. It isn’t an easy one. Often a relationship will be several things at once. It can be supportive and productive, while still being a heavy load. There will be times when your partner is enlightened and gentle, catching you when you begin to fall. And sometimes they can be overbearing and selfish. Well, that’s just what Libra is all about – recognizing the differences and the commonality, and deciding which is the more powerful side of the scales.

Enjoy the cool nights and the pleasant days. Have dinner outside while it’s still doable. And, if you live in the city, take a trip to the country; pick apples, walk through the leaves, and share in the cha-cha-cha-changes that nature offers to help us keep track of the progress of our lives.


On Monday September 26th at 1:59 P.M. EDT this very pleasant and sociable aspect gives us a day when communication and gatherings will be easy, and we can express ourselves without the risk of confrontational miscommunication. Mercury is still retrograde, so there always that possibility, but even if there is a misunderstanding this conjunct and the Sun opposite Jupiter mentioned below will help mitigate any resulting problem. This is a good day to chat with friends or take in some pleasant creative activity. It isn’t the best for serious discussions. Leaves those for another time. Get out and enjoy the day. The energy is sociable and most of us will be in the mood for some unobtrusive banter.


On Monday September 26th at 3:33 P.M. EDT this very positive opposition will make us all expansive and far-sighted. This is a very good day for any socializing. Most people will be in an optimistic mood and we can smooth over any recent disruptions in our relationships without too much trouble. There are times when we need to focus on the details, and other times when it is the bigger picture that requires our attention. This is the latter. You can’t solve the world’s problems, but you can recognize some of the issues we share in the collective. Because of the pleasantness of this and the Mercury conjunct Venus this isn’t a day for deep political discussions or for delving too much into lifelong ongoing ideas. It would be best used in light-hearted chit chat. Travel is favored, so if you can get away, a long drive or a visit with an old friend would be a good way to use this energy. Jupiter does like to look at the bigger issues, so there may be moments when the serious problems of the world arise in a conversation. There’s nothing wrong with that as long as the attitude accompanying it is easy going and allows for back and forth banter. Take things too seriously today and you will regret the outcome and miss an opportunity for a nice afternoon.


On Wednesday September 28th at 1:49 A.M. EDT this useful transit will complete. Because it does so early in the morning, its effects will be felt most powerfully on Tuesday night. This is a good time for getting work done. It isn’t especially a social or party atmosphere, but it is very positive and will allow us all a moment to view our situations in a realistic and productive way. Deal with your responsibilities and put to rest any projects that have been looming. You’ll be glad you got the work out of the way.


On Thursday September 29th at 3:49 A.M. EDT until October 23rd at 3:52 A.M. EDT Venus enters one of the signs it rules. This is a month when we will all be thinking about relationships. If you are in one, you will examine it and ensure it’s going in the direction you wish. This is a very good time for ongoing connections, whether they are romantic, friendships or business oriented. If you don’t have the kind of relationship you crave, this will be a time when you may spend more effort trying to meet new people. I often have clients who ask me: “When will I find love?” Then when I ask if they are looking for it, they sometimes tell me they are too busy, or don’t know how to go about doing that. My reply is sometimes a subtly snooty: “Did you order a pizza and hope that the delivery person would throw themselves into your arms? You must go out and seek what you need. If you don’t ask the universe for what is missing, how can you hope to find it? In any case, use this energy to improve all of your ongoing relationships and to expand your social circle.


On Saturday October 1st at 2:12 P.M. EDT this wonderfully positive aspect will give us a day or two of heightened social activity. If you’re invited to a dinner, party or on a date, say yes. You may not meet the love of your life, but you will probably have a good time and enjoy the company. There is a tendency to overindulge when Venus and Jupiter get together, but with a little bit of restraint you can keep it in perspective. Venus rules the assimilation of sugars, so watch the intake of sweets, alcohol, and fatty foods. It’s very easy to overdo things when Venus, the lover of food and relationships, opposes Jupiter, the planet of excesses.



On Sunday October 2nd at 5:07 A.M. EDT the wing-footed imp reverses direction and will attempt to throw things into disarray once more. As this planet changes signs in either direction, it creates havoc and messes with communication and travel. Most of you know its energy by now, especially if you’ve been studying astrology for some time. But there are subtle sides to it that even weathered astrologers often miss. The purpose of transits isn’t to upset our lives, but rather to offer us a different perspective and give us the opportunity to make some changes. Sometimes these changes are massive and worldwide in their purpose and results – such as what we will see when Pluto enters Aquarius. But sometimes they are minor, but can be very important to the individual. Remember, we exist on a personal level and on a universal or collective plane at the same time.

We can expect to hear some secrets being revealed. Surprises often accompany this transit. With the political situation heating up to the all-important mid-terms there will be a plethora of information, some real and some fake, that we will need to sift through to make our personal decisions. Already we are hearing some disturbing matters being expressed. It will only grow in intensity over the coming weeks.

As always, when Mercury changes direction it is advised that you plan carefully, take time to review things, and use caution. Accidents and misunderstandings abound during these periods. With awareness you can avoid most difficulties. Be prepared for the unexpected and make sure your GPS is working, your phone is in your pocket, and it is charged. Also before you hit that “send” button on your email, reread what you have written and make certain it’s going to the right address. Someday I’ll tell you a few stories of the mistakes I have made as Mercury was turning around.



On Saturday October 8th at 5:56 P.M. EDT Pluto reverses direction. This is less a personal aspect than the reversal of Mercury, but a more powerful event in the collective; although either can have an influence, and often the change of direction of the inner planets, such as Mercury, will have a more obvious effect. Pluto moves very slowly through the zodiac, but its influence is so deep and powerful that it can indicate a major change in societal actions. With the all-important mid-term elections just around the corner, any new information or unexpected events may have a strong effect on the outcome. Remember, Pluto has much to do with power struggles, and there is no bigger conflict in our society than elections. Their outcome will define the direction of the nation for a long time to come. With Putin threatening to escalate the war in Ukraine, and Pluto ruling nuclear power, well the potential is obvious. I wouldn’t start building my bomb shelter so fast. Hubris often has a way of dissipating with the wisp of autumn wind.

On a personal level this will also bring up any power struggles you are having in your personal lives. This includes relationships, business associations, and even our individual desire for advancement. Pick and choose your battles with care. You don’t have enough strength or concentration to fight every challenge, but the ones that are most important, whether they are financial, social, familial, or internal, are the ones you should focus on.

Pluto also rules all trading accounts and the equity markets, and sometimes this represents a reversal in them. Jupiter will go direct around Thanksgiving, and that is also very often a sign of reversals in the stocks. This combination, while it is about 6 weeks apart, can create the atmosphere for a big move in the markets. We tend to think in very short time slots, and especially these days when the average attention span is slightly less than that of a hummingbird, but it takes weeks and sometimes months for the effects of an action or thought to come to fruition. Have a little patience and don’t rush things. You will have plenty of warning before major events occur.


This month lunar peak occurs on Sunday October 9th at 4:55 P.M. EDT at 16 degrees Aries 33 minutes. Ah, the Aries Full Moon! While there is no reason to fret or fear this lunar event, it would be wise to use a bit of caution for a few days. Aries is the most assertive and uninhibited of the signs, and it frequently looks for ways to express that energy without regard for those it may affect. Take a moment to view your environment and sidestep any confrontations. Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war, after all, and a certain amount of aggression will accompany this. There could be an escalation in the ongoing conflicts in the world, and there is the chance that this could set off the chart of someone who has violent tendencies. But for the most part, a little awareness will help us all avoid major problems.

This is a good time to initiate changes or to redirect your projects into a new path. The Aries energy is great for starting something new, or for renewing or readdressing your force where it can create a fresh perspective. While we think of New Moons as beginnings, and Full Moons as the culmination of that lunar cycle, with the recent New Moon in Libra and this monthly peak in the opposite sign of Aries, it’s a good time to reestablish ongoing relationships, or set them on a different path. If something is askew in a close connection, this could be a chance to examine it and aim your attention towards a new path. You can redefine a relationship or establish new boundaries.


On Monday October 10th at 7:51 P.M. EDT Mercury enters this Venus-ruled sign and we will all be discussing our close relationships at a higher intellectual level. This is a month when our close connections are in the forefront of most people’s thoughts. The Sun & Venus are traveling in Libra, the New Moon was in this sign, and now Mercury joins them creating a circular sense of what’s important. Because Libra rules all relationships, not just romantic ones, we will see a shift in our communications. This is a good chance to examine things and make some important decisions about your most important contacts and how you wish them to progress. Communicate your thoughts and ideas to those around you. In an important relationship it is always the ability to converse that offers the best hope for positive change.



On Tuesday October 11th at 9:07 P.M. EDT this positive and productive energy gives us a day or two when we can all get our work done, without the usual pressure. This is a very good aspect for dealing with paperwork, or for analyzing our projects to see where they may need adjustment. You won’t mind working hard today. It will seem quite logical and you can put aside much that has been hanging over your head. This is a very realistic aspect and you can use it to help with the recent Mercury ingress into Libra mentioned above.



On Wednesday October 12th at 1:46 A.M. EDT this difficult aspect will lower the energy level for many of us. This isn’t a good time to begin a new project or to push forward. It’s a receptive moment when the ego and the physical energy take a backseat to the spiritual. It’s not a bad transit for transcendent or psychic issues, although you may be somewhat confused about the thoughts and visions you receive. Mars is the ego. Neptune couldn’t care less about that. When these two are in hard aspect, they will often create a foggy atmosphere in which it is difficult to make important decisions. America has this square in its natal chart, and as a nation we have often been stuck at a crossroad without the clear ability to make choices. Our spiritual and religious conflicts have complicated our collective discourse throughout our existence as a nation. And now it seems to be getting worse. Humanity will never come to a single conclusion about spiritual matters. There will always be debate about religion and the path to potential enlightenment. But sometimes these issues settle down into the background. Other times they become heightened and more pronounced. We are in that second period now. How it will be resolved nobody can truly predict. It will take many confrontations and compromises to find a secure path that the majority will agree upon. But with this square so very prominent in the chart of the mid-term elections, it is very prominent now and will be a driving force in our political discussion for some time.

The best way for you to use this energy is to find ways of serving humanity. You can help out a friend, volunteer at a charity or help center, or you can use your creative skills to write, photograph, or in any other way express the struggle our species and the world is experiencing. Try to leave your ego at the door and go out into the world with an open heart and the willingness to experience what is truly going on, and not what you think, believe, or have been taught. It is only through the release of our individuality that we can reach a higher mindedness. The squares are tough. They force themselves upon us. But sometimes that is the only way we will listen.



On Wednesday October 19th at 9:33 A.M. EDT & Thursday October 20th at 2:03 A.M. EDT these two planets set up a harsh aspect to deep, intuitive Pluto. This will be a few days when it’s important to express yourself clearly and not overstate your position. People will be a little fragile and some will be looking for an argument. This is a power struggle that can easily suck you into its agenda, whether you realize it or not. It might not be you that is looking for the hassle, but the other person. If you aren’t paying attention, a single sentence or a misunderstood comment can bring things up from the unconscious and make the proverbial mountain out of a mole hill.

As with all transits, this has a very potentially positive side. Anything that has been hidden or buried beneath the surface can come up now, giving you an opportunity to clear up misunderstandings or examine that which has needed a review for some time. It isn’t an easy moment, most squares aren’t, but it will uncover things an allow you to put it in a different perspective. It’s how you approach this that will decide the outcome. If you’re looking for a fight, you can certainly find it with these squares. But if its resolution and growth that you seek, this will also allow you the opportunity to find it. Sometimes the harsher aspects turn out to be the most positive and productive. Give it a chance and you might just be able to clear up a mess that has been hindering your growth for a long time.



On Saturday October 22nd at 5:17 P.M. EDT this very pleasant and easy-going conjunct will give us a day or so of gentle energy that will make it pleasurable to interact. This is a very sociable transit, and it favors gatherings or one-on-one dates. We will all be more attuned to the creative arts, and seeing a show, concert, going to a museum, or any other interaction with the arts will be very rewarding. We will also be more in touch with our pleasure center. Food, drink, human or animal contact can be quite gratifying. This is a very nice aspect and one that you should take advantage of. Make a date, plan a get-together or just take a long walk in the woods or a park. There is pleasing atmosphere and we all need a day off periodically.



On Sunday October 23rd at 3:52 A.M. EDT Saturn finally reverses direction. This is a very important transit and one that will affect the whole world. With Saturn in retrograde there is an underlying sense that the foundation under our feet has been a bit shaky. Certainly we can see that. The stock markets are all down a lot in this bear market. Inflation remains stubbornly high, although I believe that is a temporary situation. And the world remains on unsure ground, with the war in Ukraine threatening to escalate, the violent changes in our environment, that include an incredibly active hurricane season, wildfires that are disrupting everyday life in the western U.S., and the ongoing chasm in our political frontier. How can we feel secure and stable under these varied considerations? Some of these issues will be long lasting, and will demand some deep changes in our approach to the problems they infer. Others will be quickly solved, at least for the time being, and we will see some radical changes in 2023.I believe that the stock markets will bottom soon, and that this is a once in a generation buying opportunity for the long run. That doesn’t mean that you should sell your house and your children and throw all of your money into equities. It means that the savvy investor recognizes that the stock go up, and down. And that you should buy stocks when they are down, and sell them when they are up. Obvious? Of course. Easy to accomplish? Not so much. I know many seasoned traders who just can’t seem to pull the trigger when they should. In early 2020, the stock market crashed momentarily. But it rebounded almost immediately, resulting in a “V” or “L” recovery, that became a complete rebound to the pre-crash levels. Several very smart of aware investors did not get back into the stocks at this time, including Warren Buffet, a fairly well-known and smart investor. Why? Who knows? Maybe he didn’t think it would happen that way, or maybe he was busy with other things in his life. I don’t know. He doesn’t often return my calls (lol). But it’s not unusual for people to miss a huge opportunity, or to take advantage of it, even if they are aware. So I’m not giving you trading advice. I’m only suggesting that if you have some money on the sideline that you don’t need, and won’t require for some time, you might want to invest in the markets. I don’t buy many expensive stocks. I don’t like Tesla or Google. I look for inexpensive equities with growth potential. And those are the stocks I’m looking at now.

With its reversal and forward motion, this will be a time when the world at large will look for ways to increase productivity, aim its attention towards positive and long-lasting investments in all areas, including human resources, food and financial equity, and it may represent a turnaround in the housing markets that have taken a major hit with the rise of interest rates. The bonds, which are now paying the highest interest in several decades, are looking like a good way to protect your money and earn a decent return. The 2 year note is now paying more than 4%. While that won’t make you rich, it will preserve your capital and bring in some passive income.

Saturn also has much to do with your personal life, and the stability you rely on. Its motion can affect your relationships, your business, your home, and your personal finances.



On Sunday October 23rd at 6:36 A.M. EDT we enter the fixed part of autumn. This is the sign that represents renewal and reconstruction on many levels. It is through Scorpio and the 8th house that we renovate our lives. It has much to do with reincarnation and the rebirth of people, ideas, projects, and our collective drive. Without the Scorpio energy in the zodiac we wouldn’t be able to rejuvenate or to find a new beginning in the ashes of the Phoenix. This is a time of deep thought and uncovering that which has been buried for some time. Don’t be surprised by things coming up from your past. It is in the memories that we can find the fodder for the future.


The next New Moon falls on Tuesday October 25th at 6:49 A.M. EDT at 2 degrees Scorpio 00 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

 For information regarding personal readings please contact me at:

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

September 27th 12:21 P.M. – 7:15 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

September 29th 5:20 P.M. – September 30th 12:03 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

October 1st 5:46 P.M. – October 2nd 3:38 A.M.

October 3rd 11:49 P.M. – October 4th 6:20 A.M.

October 5th 6:46 P.M. – October 6th 8:47 A.M.*** Moon is void 13 hours

October 8th 7:10 A.M. –  11:57 A.M.

October 10th 10:02 A.M. – 5:04 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

October 12th 5:42 P.M. – October 13th 1:08 A.M.

October 15th 12:11 A.M. – 12:11 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

October 17th 4:56 P.M. – October 18th 12:45 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

October 20th 6:35 A.M. – 12:25 P.M.

October 22nd 2:17 P.M. – 9:24 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

October 24th 8:36 P.M. – October 25th 3:18 A.M.

October 27th 12:27 A.M. – 6:55 A.M.

October 29th 9:10 A.M. – 9:21 A.M.

October 31st 11:14 A.M. – 11:43 A.M.

September 2022

New York City

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