Newsletter: June 2022

Newsletter: June 2022

ISSUE # 275

June 2022

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

If you’re interested in a personal reading please click here or contact me directly at

I am preparing the next webinar on the financial markets. I will cover the history of the stocks, currencies, metals, Crypto, inflation, etc. and make my prognostication on the near future of our financial situation. The planned date is Saturday June 18th. I will send out a separate announcement within a day or so.

My recent webinar:

“America’s Nervous Breakdown” – An astrological analysis of current events is now available for purchase through my website
The price is: $35.00. If you are interested please email me and I will set up a Paypal request and forward you the link to view the webinar.



America is a mess. You don’t need an astrologer to tell you that, all you need is a TV, a newspaper, the internet. We are at a precipice that we have been standing at for some time. It is becoming more clear just how divided our nation and the world has become. But that doesn’t have to mean catastrophe. It means change is due, and it is inevitable. Just what those changes are we cannot know. But we certainly have an idea of what is possible and what path we may find ourselves traveling.

Mercury is about to go direct in a few days, and Saturn will begin its retrograde motion a day later. Many important issues are going to be in the limelight and their outcomes will have a major impact on our future.

For now, enjoy the summer and try to find peaceful places where we can share the beauty of nature and each other. Much love to you all, and a wish for a better, stronger, saner world.


The New Moon falls on Monday May 30th at 7:30 A.M. EDT at 9 degrees Gemini 03 minutes. And so, the summer officially begins. I’m speaking, of course, culturally, not astrologically. We know that summer actually begins on June 21st, when the Sun enters Cancer. But this is the beginning of the season in resorts, vacations and even in fashion. In my years as a professional singer-piano player, many of them working the summers in the Hamptons for more 20 years, the locals referred to the 16 weekends as the time they had to earn the majority of their income for the year. Any time it rained on the weekend cost them a large chunk of their resources. Mine as well, as I relied on my tip cup to supplement my salary. Oh, how I miss those times; making a good living doing what I loved to an enthusiastic and adoring audience, that often included politicians, writers, and stars of the highest order. Days on the pristine Southampton Beaches, nights singing at the Post House, and hanging out with vacationers and townspeople  alike, including my late friend Bobby Van, a wonderful piano player and local saloon keeper.

This is my favorite time of year, as my readers know. I’ve spoken often of the ocean and the waves and the sand and the freedom of childhood rambling through the few short months when all dreams are possible. It rarely lives up to the hype, and I am usually disappointed when autumn arrives, not having engaged in the marvelous adventures my imagination had hoped for. Still, I always greet June with the expectation and excitement of the child within. Maybe this year I will find some of the escapades I dream of. I’ll let you know.

This is a year unlike most. We have all been locked down and stifled for so long it seems as though we have forgotten how to have fun. There is much trepidation in the air. Covid, inflation, economic worry, political unrest, war and an upcoming mid-term election that will most certainly point the direction of our culture for a long time to come; all weigh heavily upon our collective consciousness. We must rise above and greet summer with all of the enthusiasm we have been forced to repress these past few years.

Because this New Moon is in Gemini, the next month will be all about communication and relationships. This sign has a need to express itself anyway that it can, and we can expect to hear a lot. Pay attention to what’s being said. People will be speaking from a deep and potent place, where we have stored our feelings and our dreams for too long. Open your heart and let the child within run a little wild. It will do your soul so much good; and those around you will cherish those moments of free expression and, perhaps, finally let out their inner self as well. This is the time for laughter and sharing, for love and friendship, and for drifting off on a cloud on a sunny beach with no thoughts beyond what adventures await. The world will go on, as it always does, and there is much to consider and battles that must be fought. But for a little while, let us all remember what it was like to be young and unconcerned as we hope for the joy of an infatuation or a weekend on the run with our friends. The body ages, but the soul remains forever young.



On Friday June 3rd at 4:00 A.M. EDT the little devil finally turns around. It is time to push forward our agenda and pick up where we left off three weeks ago. Things will move very quickly for a while, as we get used to the reversed energy. Be careful for a few days. There are more mistakes made as Mercury reverses in either direction. Was this a difficult and demanding retrograde for you? Certainly the society has had its share of traumas with another wave of Covid, a bear stock market, and yet another two in a seemingly endless stream of horrible carnage – one in Buffalo and one in Texas. How will this all affect our world? Will we finally begin the process of change that is so very needed? Or will things just go on as always, with a silent prayer and the dream of a winning lottery ticket? Now that Mercury is turning around we will have a better idea of just what it all means as we seek ways of assimilating the information. But sometimes the knowledge that arrives when Mercury goes direct isn’t what we had hoped for. This is a time when secrets and underlying agendas are revealed. Don’t be surprised by what you hear. The chatter of the collective will be exhaustive and explicit. Listen to what’s being said.


On Saturday June 4th at 5:47 P.M. EDT until October 23rd 12:07 A.M. EDT Saturn begins its yearly backward motion. This is the planet that connects us all. It is the linchpin between the personal inner planets and the generational, collective outer planets. It is the foundation upon which we build. It rules the banks, housing market, the land and the longevity of a society. As I have been predicting for some time, there is a top forming in the housing markets as interest rates rise, and more people are choosing to stay in their homes than to seek a new mortgage at a much higher rate. We will not know exactly what this means to the overall housing market until autumn when Saturn reverses direction.

When it changes direction in either way, it’s a BFD (as they say). And this is a time that will help define what happens in the coming period. Saturn will go direct right before the mid-term elections, and what occurs now during the retrograde period will be seriously important as our society decides what’s most pertinent and what direction we wish our nation to head. I know I write a lot about this country. I do live in America, after all, but of course, this aspect isn’t just affecting the U.S. The entire world is on edge with the continuation of Covid infections, a shaky stock market, inflation, the war in Ukraine, and an ongoing battle between two incompatible ideologies. The great divide isn’t just taking place here. Turkey, Hungary, Russia, China, India, Africa are all struggling with self-identity in an era of disruption after decades of semi-placid globalization. Now with a potential worldwide food shortage obfuscating an already complicated issue, as a result of the war in Ukraine, we are faced with some difficult decisions that cannot be ignored. Saturn is the task-master, the foreboding energy that has been disturbing to humanity for thousands of years. It is where we get the name Satan (and Saturday, the day of Sabbath for the Jews), but today astrologers don’t see Saturn as the devil. We see it as a challenge that we must confront. And if we do so with the proper spirit, it will bring great rewards in the end. Maybe this is a time when we finally do confront some of our fears and our collective tasks and work towards finding a more permanent and successful solution. We can only hope. Use this time to examine your own life and see where you can make adjustments and aim your attention in its more productive direction.


On Friday June 10th at 5:21 P.M. EDT we will have a few days when delving into a serious or profound topic may be quite rewarding. The trines offer us an opportunity to use the energy of the two planets in tandem and work them together. Mercury needs to communicate. Pluto needs to dig deeply and without fear into any subject that comes up. Expect some forceful opinions and unyielding perspective. But because this is a trine, we can use it proactively and there is a chance to reach some compromises or at least a sense of understanding that can lead to some concessions. In our personal lives, this is a good time to have that important conversation that you have been deflecting. Some things need to be said in order to clear the air, and you would rather do it on this trine than when Mercury is in hard aspect to Pluto. Take advantage of this and say what’s on your mind.


On Saturday June 11th at 6:58 P.M. EDT the boring and predictable won’t work. You need to explore and seek out new and exciting ventures. This is a weekend for adventures and new input. If you can, get away for a few days somewhere you’ve never been before. Try something unusual – even a new restaurant. If you like classical music, why not go to a jazz club for a change. Like fine art? Maybe the Museum of Natural History would be exciting. Those dinosaurs can really put a perspective on how small we humans really are. Whatever you do, do it with the zeal and excitement this aspect projects. A water park, boat ride, roller coaster, or any other exciting venture will certainly raise your blood pressure. You could possibly meet someone new who is different and stimulates you in a way you haven’t felt in some time. Have fun! It’s Summer!



On Monday June 13th at 11:27 A.M. EDT until July 5th at 2:25 A.M. EDT Mercury moves back into the sign of its rulership and everything you think, write or say will have a more powerful effect on those around you. Communication is the key to all relationships, and this will be a time when we are more willing and able to say what’s on our minds. But you must be aware of what’s coming out of your mouth. Letting those little gumballs drop without forethought can easily create difficulties, so think before your speak, and let the internal filters do their job. Travel is favored with this placement, especially short trips. It’s also a good time to get your intellectual properties out into the public. Whether it’s a short story, a novel, recording, podcast, or any other form of communication, try to get it out. People will be more responsive. You may not get on the best seller’s list, but it could help build your reputation.

If you’re interested in a personal reading please click here or contact me directly at



This month lunar peak occurs on Tuesday June 14th at 7:52 A.M. EDT at 23 degrees Sagittarius 25 minutes. This sign, more than any other, pushes the boundaries and demands expansion and excitement. It doesn’t do anything in a small way. One of the issues with Sag is that there seem to be few limits to what it is willing to try. That can be great fun, or dangerously impetuous. The struggle is to keep things in a realistic state and not let them get out of hand. Find the compromise between the two and you will have a great adventure. But if you blow things up too much, you may get in over your head. From now until the next New Moon on June 28th, this energy will be pervasive. I love Sagittarius energy. Of course, I have a plethora of it in my chart, so I’m apt to be more receptive to it. But there is an honesty and a childlike quality about the fire signs, and while all three can be rather brusque at times, and each reflects that youthful energy, Sag has a philosophical side that can be surprising at times. Just when you think you’re dealing with an overgrown child, they can turn around and say something profound and deep; though sometimes it will be followed by the most ludicrous thoughts.

Keep an open mind, look for the excitement around you, and be ready to break down the barriers, smash the rules to pieces, and explore the world anew. This signs rules long journeys, foreign places, people, and ideas, and higher education, no matter how you define it. But my point is – we are in a period of time that happens early each summer when the student and the teacher may reverse roles: “Out of the mouth of babes”, as the saying goes.

Because of the tendency to blow things out of proportion, there may be some moments of intensity, and some issues may be over the top. It’s important to keep a good perspective while still using the energy this transit produces. This is the time of year for adventures and for exploring new and different paths. So get to it! And let us know how your explorations turn out.



On Thursday June 16th at 3:13 A.M. & 9:41 A.M. EDT we will be dealing with several seemingly conflicting energies. The trine to Saturn is realistic and clear. It offers a good opportunity to put things in order and to set an agenda that makes sense. It wants us to be focused and to aim our attention where it can do the most good. Cleaning out the clutter or organizing your work and your life are common objectives when the Sun and Saturn are playing nice together. Normally this trine would set the stage for hard work and a clear perspective. But the square to Neptune is quite different. It is less concerned with “reality” and has its own agenda that involves the more spiritual and less mundane of actions and ideas. This is often a very bad aspect for the trying to put things in line, as our focus isn’t on the material world. Confusion and misdirection are common, so we are truly dealing with two very conflicting aspects. Expect changes in moods and attitudes. Because both of these complete early in the morning, their force will wane fairly quickly. Try to think things out. If you are confused about a decision, just wait until later in the day to make your choice.



On Saturday June 18th at 5:32 P.M. EDT & Sunday June 19th 12:06 A.M. EDT we are once again faced with dealing with the combined energy of Saturn and Neptune, because of their proximity to each other in the sky. Well, Venus wants to explore relationships and financial issues. The square to Saturn will make us all more realistic about those areas, and there will be a tendency to examine your most intimate connections with a cool and distant eye. That’s not a bad thing, although it may lack some of the warmth we expect in our closest relationships. You may find that you are thinking about things a little too much, and possibly being a bit harsh in your interpretation of what you expect from others. This can also make us a little stingy or overly concerned with money matters.

Once that passes in the late afternoon of Saturday, we will be heading towards the sextile to Venus to Neptune early Sunday morning. This isn’t a very powerful physical aspect, and it won’t create active events so much as a change in attitude. It creates a strong desire to express you inner needs and to reach out to others in a selfless manner. This is quite different from the square to Saturn we felt on Saturday. It’s a gentler and more receptive energy, and you will be apt to wish to cuddle, whatever that means to you. Both of these transits have a purpose, and each an agenda. Both offer us a chance to make some motion in our relationships. Use each to your advantage and you will find them productive and positive.



On Monday June 20th at 3:44 A.M. EDT this very positive mentally active aspect completes. This is a few hours when we will all be quite chatty and outgoing. Because it happens early in the morning, you won’t feel its effects, unless you are a night owl. You may find your dreams are quite active. I always keep a notebook by my bed, and I write down the more powerful messages I get from my unconscious. This might be a good time to do that. You may be surprised or even shocked by what you are telling yourself.



On Tuesday June 21st at 5:14 A.M. EDT we finally enter summer officially. What can I say that I haven’t already mentioned in this newsletter? “Hot town, summer in the city. Back of my neck getting’ dirt and gritty…” Go out, play, splash in the water, take some chances, and just maybe fall in love. At least fall in love with the weather and the freedom of running half naked in the air of innocence.

Cancer is all about family and friends. It’s the sign we associate with mother and home. Memories seem to flood my mind more in the summer than at other times. But that might be because I am often visiting the places of my childhood. This is a time to reestablish connections with those you have grown distant from. It’s a good time for those late night phone calls, the emails to your lost friends, and the musing of the mind back to when our dreams were young and we knew they would never die. And they didn’t. We just sometimes have to put them away as the toil of adulthood demands more of our attention. But now, take out those thoughts, those memories, those dreams and hopes and wishes. Spend a little time with the child within, and don’t be afraid to act a little silly. Who doesn’t at times?



On Wednesday June 22nd at 8:34 P.M. EDT until July 17th at 9:32 P.M. EDT we begin a few weeks when the mind will take precedent over our emotions. Gemini is a very young sign. I don’t mean that in any snooty or prejudicial way. It’s a sign that never stops moving or thinking, and often carries on several activities at the same time. Those born with Venus in Gemini do tend to be a bit flirty or even fickle. But that can keep things interesting and ever changeable. They certainly aren’t boring or stuck in one place. They are always thinking and exploring. While Venus is traveling here, give it room to move. Let your ideas and your emotions work together. They don’t have to be separate. In fact, if you can learn to coordinate your mind and your feelings in a joint effort, you can achieve a higher minded approach to your intimate relationships and friendships.


On Monday June 27th at 6:29 P.M. EDT we will be able to focus our energy and attention where it can do us the most good. This is a very useful and productive aspect that will give us all a few days of concentration and the power to get things done. There is a reason why Mars is exalted in Capricorn. While its energy does prefer to be uninhibited and to run free, it is most productive when it is aimed laser-like and we put our efforts into achieving a single goal. That is what Saturn does. And when these two work well together, as now, you may be able to get some important work done, or move your projects closer to fruition.


On Tuesday June 28th at 3:55 A.M. EDT until December 3rd at 7:15 P.M. EST our spiritual side will become more prominent as we focus more on the ethereal and less on the material. The retrograde motion of any planet tends to internalize the energy. While this is well-known and often written about, it’s important to remember that the internal and the external are just two sides of the same coin. It’s like breathing – inhale and exhale. The complete circle of life involves our experiences and the internalization of them. That is some of what the retrograde motion of the planets implies. Now we are inhaling our spiritual knowledge and will release it back into the atmosphere on December 3rd. This happens once a year, when the Sun is on the opposite side of earth to Neptune. And it is a time to aim our attention on the creative and charitable efforts. Take some time to meditate and pay attention to your inner conversation. It may be more profound than usual, and some very important issues regarding our soul’s purpose are being considered. This is a good aspect for artists to move their project forward, but not always the best time to present that work to the public. Timing is everything, and you should spend the next few months finishing your book, or your record, and use this time to prepare your new website. Then towards the end of the year, present it to the world.


On Tuesday June 28th at 8:59 P.M. EDT we end this lunar cycle with this positive and expansive aspect. This is a few days when you should be reaching for a bigger perspective and trying to increase your influence and your persona. Think big thoughts today. If there’s a new project you want to begin, you would be better off waiting until the New Moon in a few hours to initiate it. It’s always best to begin new ventures on the New Moon, not on the Dark of the Moon. But the scope of your ideas and your potential is very expansive, and this is a good way to end a lunar cycle.

The Dark of the Moon is usually a time of endings when we try to complete our endeavors and tie up loose ends. That’s true now as well, but the aspects that complete right before a New Moon imply the energy we are dealing with at the end of the cycle, and the aspect right after a New Moon shows the force that is in play as the month begins. This square indicates that there are things that need to be expanded and continued into the next lunar cycle. That isn’t a rarity. Often we begin a new month with some hangover from the previous one. And there are times when we need to clean up that which we hadn’t brought to fruition on the end of that cycle. This square is more demanding of our attention than most. The last day or two before a New Moon is often a low energy time when we are busy preparing for the next go-round. But this square offers us a jolt of energy that can help compensate for the lull, and give us some extra oomph. There are some issues that are nowhere near being completed, and they will require more action in July. This is true in our personal lives, as well as in the society. We have not dealt with a number of problems that have grabbed our attention, and we will see them expand in the coming weeks. Jupiter rules the law, as I have mentioned a number of times. And there are going to be some serious legal battles being fought this summer, that include abortion rights, gun rights, voter’s rights, and state’s rights. This square simply implies that they will grow in importance and we will be involved in the ongoing struggles that have ensued over the past year.


The next New Moon falls on Tuesday June 28th at 10:52 P.M. EDT at 7 degrees Cancer 23 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

For information regarding personal readings please contact me at:

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

May 31st  4:10 P.M. – June 1st 1:49 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

June 3rd 11:15 A.M. – 2:38 P.M.

June 5th 7:12 P.M. – June 6th 2:22 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

June 8th 8:09 A.M. – 11:23 A.M.

June 10th 1:36 P.M. – 4:41 P.M.

June 12th  5:40 P.M. –  6:31 P.M.

June  14th 10:58 P.M. – 6:14 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

June 16th 2:41 P.M. – 5:44 P.M.

June 18th 2:50 P.M. – 7:01 P.M.

June 20th 11:11 P.M. – 11:37 P.M.

June 23rd 4:02 A.M. – 7:58 A.M.

June 25th 3:02 P.M. – 7:13 P.M.

June 27th 10:38 P.M. – June 28th 7:53 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

June 30th 4:14 P.M. – 8:40 P.M.

July 3rd 5:59 A.M. – 8:31 A.M.

July 5th 2:04 P.M. – 6:25 P.M.

June 2022

New York City

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