On Wednesday October 6th at 2:29 P.M. EDT we begin the watch as three planets start their reversal and begin direct motion. Oh no! Must be the season of the witch! Pluto’s reversal each year has a deep effect on the collective. It’s a time when what is going on in the unconscious makes itself known and we are often forced to examine some issues that have been ignored or buried for some time. This isn’t a negative event. In fact, it’s a very powerful moment when we can purge a lot of stuff that has been slowing us down. Remember, Pluto rules the elimination of waste and its transits demand that we clean up any mess we have created or let fester. Now as America begins its Pluto Return in earnest we are heading into the most prominent time when many things will come to light and anything that has outlived its usefulness will be obvious. Unfortunately that doesn’t necessarily mean that we will eliminate those worn out ideas, attitudes, project or relationships. Only that they will be brought into the daylight where we will be forced to view them without filters or cover. And isn’t that what’s happening in our nation right now? There are so many topics being discussed that have been shied away from for years. But we can no longer ignore them.


Pluto is the transformer, the mini-me that reflects that greater society and the hidden agendas and power struggles that are going on in the underworld. It’s volcanos, smoldering for decades before spewing their collective dust and lava into the atmosphere. It’s the buried anger and frustration that exists within the individual and the collective, often whispered of but rarely shouted out until that time when the emotional and political volcano erupts. It has erupted over the past years vomiting out the angst and pressure that has been building for a very long time. Now with Pluto not only going direct but rushing towards its completion of the cycle in America’s chart we will be dealing with some very powerful and often destressing events. We see it in Congress, in the Supreme Court, in the gerrymandering of congressional districts and even within the Democratic Party as it struggles with its own internal power struggles. It is apparent in the ongoing battle over Covid vaccines, mask mandates, abortion rights and many other divisive issues. We saw a glimpse of it over the past few days as the Facebook whistle blower sent a chilling warning out to the world about the power, control and hidden agenda of social media. And if you look, you will see it in your personal relationships and your day-to-day interactions with those around you, whether it is in a close connection or a superficial contact in a store or a passing exchange. This is a serious time in our world, and there is no ignoring the signs. How you respond to it and what you do to protect yourself or engage in the collective conversation will decide how it affects you. But you cannot successfully hide your head in the sand. Those days are over. It is a matter of degree how much you will be involved, but don’t kid yourself. We are all in this together and it will be a different world in a short time. Which way will things go? I have my personal and astrological opinion that I will make known soon in my writings and webinar. But for now let me just say that this is a time when we need those we are close to as much as ever and the faith and love of your closest and dearest may be the glue that holds it all together. Have faith and share your love wherever you can. The simplest of gestures can often be enough to help someone get through the toughest of times.