On Tuesday February 18th at 11:57 P.M. EDT we enter the last sign of the zodiac. The Sun joins Mercury, Venus and Neptune in this mutable sign and you can expect some fogginess and misunderstandings. But if you keep a clear focus and make certain that you are expressing yourself honestly and clearly you should be fine. In fact, with so much Neptunian energy around, this will be a few weeks when on a personal level you may be able to reach a deeper understanding with others and find common ground on an emotional or spiritual plane. Because this is the last sign of the year it’s often a time of completions when projects and plans are tied up as we prepare for the New Year when the Sun enters Aries. This sign favors the arts, medicine and religious or transcendent issues. It’s also associated with psychic abilities, though I’ve known people of all 12 signs who display talent in that field. Look over your projects and plans and see which are closest to completion. That’s where you should aim your energy. If there are any underlying health problems they may demand your attention. This won’t create a medical situation; only potentially bring an existing one to the surface.


Because there is so much Piscean energy in the world with 4 planets traveling through that mutable sign we are seeing what appears to be a dissolving of reality on several levels. Neptune rules all contagious diseases and the Corona Virus continues its expansion in what can only be called a confusing and fearful atmosphere. What the end result of this contagion will be only time will tell. But the panic and distortion it has already created will likely get worse before it settles down. On the political stage Mr. Trump has decided that only he has the right to dictate law as he continues his vendetta and distorted and foggy control over our nation, leading us closer to a dictatorship. With Mercury in retrograde now as well I don’t expect any clarity or resolution to either of these issues for some time; only more misdirection and anxiety. Remember, we can’t sole the world’s problems, so try to solve a few of your own. In that way you will be stronger and better able to help those around you.