Newsletter: April 2019

Newsletter: April 2019

ISSUE # 237

April 2019

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.


The planetary influences taking shape now will have long term effects. Uranus entering Taurus is certainly one of the most powerful, and I’ve written extensively about its potential and will continue to do so. This will uproot many long-held opinions and values, and test the structure and foundation of our very society. The last time this planet traveled through Taurus was from 1934-1942, with brief periods in the adjacent signs. That period was, of course the height of the Great Depression and the beginning of World War Two.

The entire world financial system was shattered, and set into motion a number of issues. For one thing, F.D.R. was president throughout this era. He instituted the New Deal and many of the programs we have relied on for the past 80 years, including Social Security, banking regulations, unemployment benefits, the Wagner Act to protect unions, the Fair Labor Act of 1938, the Security & Exchange Commission, (SEC), to name a few.

Now as Uranus returns to this sign many of these programs are being challenged and tested, as often happens with a recurring transit. Will these programs and the ideology they represent continue to be a powerful solidifying part of American values or will they be dismantled and replaced? That is one of the most important issues we are now facing. It isn’t just Social Security and Medicare that are at risk, but the entire approach to collective bargaining, evaluation, and distribution of wealth.

Will we enter another Great Depression with this transit? And if so, will the resulting legislature aim towards rebuilding the foundation we have grown accustomed to? Or will there be a reversal of values and a return to pre-Roosevelt philosophy where big business is in control of government and social services? That is one of the judgements the 2020 election will decide.

We are also in the midst of that “Capricorn Era” that I’ve also been lecturing and writing about. It will culminate in 2020 just in time for one of the most important elections in our history. The outcome of this presidential contest will affect our country for at least a generation. If Trump wins reelection there’s no doubt that he will have the opportunity to create a Supreme Court that will be 6-3 or possibly even 7-2 conservative. The results of such a court will tip the scales in issues as widespread as the environment, pollution, election laws, human rights, civil rights, gay rights, abortion rights, and international agendas.

While our government was set up to give congress the power to legislate and make policy, it’s obvious that the courts are taking a bigger hand in those things and deciding more and more the issues that should be left up to the Senate and House to negotiate. I have never felt that any judges should be sat for a lifetime appointment, especially Supreme Court Justices. That’s just an antiquated way of viewing the judiciary. Our culture changes from decade to decade, and with it there should be a change in all rulership, just as there is with elected officials. Allowing someone to judge our society for 40 years or more is simply unrealistic and the antithesis of a living constitution. While some people do mature and stay open minded allowing their ideas to change in time, and several justices have changed rather radically, to the surprise of all, the majority do not.

To have a Supreme Court Justice still sitting on the bench generations after his or her appointment stifles our freedom and self-expression. I believe there should be a limited time for all federal judges, maybe 10 years. Perhaps their tenure can be extended when it runs out, if the president and congress agree. But to assume that someone will be in power far longer than any elected official is simply un-American.

Now as we approach this powerful and unyielding source of energy the planets are creating, we are entering a period of severe stress, and whatever the outcome of the election may be, we will not see a smooth transition into the coming administration or the continuation of the current one. I will write more about this topic in the coming months and make my predictions about the election and its aftermath. But for now all I will say is that no matter which side you are on, you must realize the long term ramifications of what is happening and try to keep an open mind when looking down the road.

This isn’t a matter so much for you, but for your children. Some issues transcend any political moment in history and have such long range results that it is very difficult for many to take off the blinders and recognize that what we decide today will still be effective a generation from now.


Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto will retrograde this month. Any planet that is on the opposite side of the zodiac from the Sun (except Mercury or Venus) will be in retrograde, and with these three luminaries all riding closely in the sky they will all turn around. The first will be Jupiter, as it is in Sagittarius. This often represents a reversal in the stock markets. Historically the majority of times this is a top, and I expect to see a pullback in the equities. In June Uranus in Taurus will conjunct Venus in the NYSE chart, and that will most likely be a watershed moment for the financials.

While it could go either way (Uranus is rather unpredictable) with Jupiter in retrograde I expect this to be a very bearish signal. This is not a stock market crash, but it may show the underlying weakness in the markets and force many investors to rethink their position. I don’t believe there will be a real crash until 2020-2021. More about that later. But for now I suggest reviewing your portfolio and preparing for the long term.

When Saturn and Pluto retrograde towards the end of this lunar cycle, we will see some issues that appeared to be heading towards a solution reverse course or at stop in their tracks. When Saturn retrogrades we often find ourselves at a cusp in business and financial matters. With Jupiter in retrograde at the same time I expect that the coming year will show many signs of a weakening economy and a stalled foreign policy. More about these retrograding Planets later in this newsletter.


The New Moon falls on Friday April 5th at 4:50 A.M. EDT at 15 degrees Aries 17 minutes.And so the circle begins anew. This is the first New Moon of the celestial year, and it represents a chance for a fresh start and a clear perspective. All New Moons give us an opportunity for a new beginning on a monthly or lunar path, but the cycles get bigger the further out from the center we move. This one starts the Solar cycle and has a stronger influence. Following that difficult retrograde Mercury we just experienced and our attempt to shake off the fallout and reboot our lives, this offers us all an occasion to do just that. Now I don’t believe that any aspect unto itself will suddenly create an atmosphere of radical change and upend all of the mistakes we have made. That’s just not a realistic approach to astrology or life. But if we use the energy of the planets correctly and aim our attention where it will do the most good we can accomplish a great deal and sidestep many potential problems. This can also be a good time to initiate a new relationship or a different level of an ongoing one.

This is a time to look ahead and make plans that may take weeks or months to complete. There is a sense of initiation now that can jumpstart your projects. Beginning a new venture on a New Moon is often a very good place to start. The wind is at your back and you can move forward without negative energy weighing you down. So look things over and try to decide which have the best chance of success. Just remember that Aries energy tends to begin things and not always complete them. So anything that you take on should have a place of resolution that you target. When I write a novel I often will compose the last few chapters very early on. This way I know where I’m heading and even if I make major changes in the end of the story as I move along, I at least have something that I am aiming for, which can help in the development of the plot and character motivation. The only difference between a novel and life is that one is more real. Though often I’m not really sure which one that is.



On Sunday April 7th at 5:17 A.M. EDT thoughts will be focused and reality oriented, as one would expect with Saturn’s influence in this positive transit. This is a good few days for putting your paperwork in order and straightening things out. If you need to have an important conversation this would be the time. You can put your ideas in order and present them in a succinct and direct manner. Others will appreciate your honesty and you can discuss things that may at times be difficult to express. There won’t be the harshness of a hard Saturn aspect when it’s more likely that you will offend or alienate each other. Today you have the chance to express your ideas without pressure, and you can show that you are willing to compromise to find a solution. Get your work done and don’t waste this transit on frivolous chit chat. Focus on the important issues.



On Wednesday April 10th at 2:14 A.M. EDT this very creative, but not terribly realistic transit will complete. Because this completes early in the morning its influence will be more powerful Tuesday as it applies. This is a very positive aspect for creative ventures, and the day or two leading up to this may be quite productive for artists and dreamers. But it won’t be as positive for business ventures and there may be some confusion or dishonest concepts presented. Don’t believe everything you hear. Try to validate the information before acting on it. If you have to make an important decision now it would be wise to confer with someone who is usually very realistic. With the Sun in square to Saturn soon after this you may find it difficult to put things in perspective. There’s a strong desire to believe whatever is in front of you. That is Neptune’s strength and weakness. But the Saturn influence is more skeptical and may be rather wary of things that seem too good to be true. The combination of Saturn and Neptune can create a very interesting atmosphere that is a mixture of hope and reality. But these two planets are usually in conflict and the results can be disturbing to many. We had a Saturn – Neptune square during the election of 2016. No matter what your politics may be, you certainly can see that the results weren’t what most expected, nor was there much clarity or resolution to our problems. Be careful for a few days and try to find the most secure and real solutions.



On Wednesday April 10th at 4:47 A.M. EDT this low energy square may stifle some of your oomph. Don’t try to do too much as this approaches or you may find that you run out of energy. Take care of the most important issues first and focus on anything that has a deadline. Completions are important with Saturn, and this isn’t a time to overextend yourself or you won’t be able to finish anything. Priorities are very much Saturn’s domain and it’s important that you have yours in clear focus. Jupiter is about to retrograde later today, and that is often the beginning of a slowdown on many levels. The stock markets often reverse direction, usually to the down side, and I expect that this will be the beginning of another long term drop in this ongoing sideways market. Take care of the most important things first so you don’t run out of steam. Then if there’s still some energy left over you can delve into other projects.



On Wednesday April 10th at 1:00 P.M. EDT until August 11th at 9:38 A.M. EDT this important aspect begins. Growth will slow down and there will be a number of issues that will be affected. For one thing the stock markets and the economy in general will begin to show just how slow the growth has become. For the past number of months we have seek the equities move sideways, but to the up side, ignoring all the warning signs of a worldwide economic slowdown. That’s common as the markets run on continued growth and most investment counselors earn their money by getting you to buy stocks. Now those indicators will become very obvious and can no longer be ignored. The stocks move on a combination of reality and psychology. When people believe the economy is strong they buy, when they think things are heading south, they sell. This is one reason why market crashes occur. It isn’t that there haven’t been indicators for some time that there are problems, but rather that many people believe the hype and continue to invest long after the top should have been made.

As I said above, most hedge funds and financial counselors make money when you buy stocks, so it is to their advantage to convince you that everything is just fine. Certainly when you consider that the market go up far more often than they go down investing in the equities makes sense in the long run. But when the markets do go down they get caught up in the psychology of reversal and there is panic selling, which can result in a crash such as the 2008 collapse. Despite the fact that the “great recession” was and continues to be painful to a large segment of our society, had that administration not followed sound advice at that point, we would have entered a depression, which we avoided due to some very intelligent choices. As many of you know I believe we are heading towards another collapse that may not be as easy to circumvent.

Jupiter’s retrograde motion also can create some doubt and disillusionment about our personal as well as our collective potential. During normal periods this is just a few months when we need to slow down and not overextend. You can start new projects or extend existing ones. You don’t have to sit on the sidelines for months waiting for Jupiter to turn around. I don’t believe in using astrology that way. But considering the era we are living through a certain amount of caution would be in order. If this is, in fact a period of slowdown in growth that will be obvious to us on a personal level as well as in world events. Move forward, but cautiously.



On Friday April 12th at 12:18 A.M. EDT we will all be quite chatty as the expansive energy of Jupiter influences our thoughts and communications. This can be a very sociable and outgoing few days when there will be a lot of interaction and conversations will flow. But remember that Jupiter has little regard for boundaries or limitations and it’s very possible that you may say something without thinking through that you will regret later. And with Jupiter just beginning its retrograde motion you need to be extra careful not to overextend.



On Friday April 12th at 11:08 A.M. EDT this sober and focused aspect puts Saturn’s restrictive force in a positive aspect to Venus. Relationships will take on a more realistic and controlled atmosphere and this is a good day for dealing with any ongoing problems between people. You can both see things in a clear and honest fashion, and may be able to reach a compromise that might have been elusive. If you can use this sextile properly you should be able to reach some common ground and possibly settle some disputes that have lingered in the unconscious. You should certainly try to do so and solidify the foundation underneath your relationship. But don’t expect miracles. This is a quick moving transit and will only be in effect for a day or so. We will also experience the Sun in square to Pluto early tomorrow morning, and that can be a rather compulsive and angry aspect.



On Saturday April 13th at 4:04 A.M. EDT this rather harsh energy will present itself. This can be a difficult aspect especially for relationships because both parties will tend to be unbending and can be obsessive about their point of view. If you can see your way to sidestepping unnecessary disputes and not taking everything too seriously or personally you may be able to use this square to your advantage. Pluto demands that we face certain issues, no matter how unpleasant they may be. If you ignore them or pretend that nothing’s wrong you might suffer the consequences and find yourself on the losing end of a power struggle. But if you face the situation head on and deal with what’s really going on, this can bring some things to the surface that require your attention and allow you an opportunity to clean out hidden unresolved problems and making it easier to move forward.

No aspect is inherently good or evil. Some are easier or more difficult to deal with, and there is an underlying direction that the planets push us towards. But sometimes the gentler sextiles or trines may not demand our attention and it is easier to ignore the lessons. The hard aspects – conjunct, opposition & square will not let you get away without action. This is one of those that will certainly demand that we act upon the energy. If you do so, this can be a time when you can release some pent up frustration or anger and clear the air. Just don’t respond to every little disagreement that arises or you will waste your time. Consider each situation and decide if it’s worth your efforts.



On Sunday April 14th at 9:40 A.M. EDT this very positive and pleasant trine will give us a short respite from the trials and tribulations of life. This is a good time for any social activity. Because it completes in the morning its effect will be felt the night before as well as early today. A late night date or early brunch (or perhaps both, if you’re lucky) should be fun and have good results. This is also a nice aspect for any traveling. If you can get away, even for the weekend, it should be pleasant. Just pay attention to the Sun square Pluto mentioned above. It’s also very positive for any educational projects. A lecture or podcast may be very rewarding.



On Sunday April 14th at 7:48 P.M. EDT we will all have an opportunity to dig deeply into personal issues without upsetting the status quo too much. This sextile may make things a bit feisty and forceful, but without the usual stress or power struggle that can accompany many Pluto aspects. Relationships will be the main focus of this as we all examine our closest connections and try to gage how they are doing. Any problems that have been hidden will most likely come to the surface now. While this may not be pleasant it will be easier to work through them and get to the core. If you handle this sextile well you should be able to expose some difficulties and repair the damage before it becomes a major problem. If you don’t, the next time these two planets are in hard aspect (conjunct, square, opposition) to each other you will be forced to deal with it in a more forceful way.



On Monday April 15th at 7:15 P.M. EDT this very pleasant and enjoyable aspect comes along just in time to wave goodbye to your tax returns. This square can be very sociable, and you should spend time with others. Any interactions, including a date or a gathering of friends will be agreeable, so try to plan something for this evening. But there is a word of warning that comes with it. Venus is all about life’s pleasures, including food, drink and other physical desires.

Jupiter, as we know, has no sense of limitations or restrictions. This can easily lead to overindulgences and any unpleasantness that can accompany it. You need to keep an eye on this and if you can put things in proper perspective it will be a very pleasant day. Any entertainment or creative endeavors will be very satisfying. Travel will also be rewarding.



On Wednesday April 17th at 2:01 A.M. EDT until May 6th at 2:25 P.M. EDT Mercury finally exits Pisces after two months. For the next few weeks we will all be more assertive in our communications. There will be a tendency towards aggressiveness in conversations and other communiques and it’s important to keep an eye on how you’re expressing yourself. You can pretty much count on people saying what’s on their minds without hesitation. This will at least give us all a chance to respond in kind and get the important issues out front. But if you allow any hidden or pent up anger to emerge you may alienate others and make it difficult to find compromise.

Aries isn’t known for its gentle side and can at times be brusque and a bit pushy. While it is very much the initiator or the zodiac a certain amount of constraint will help use its power in a better and more directed manner. It can act more as a laser carefully aimed at one point rather than a blast of light that is scattered. Think of it that way when making your point to someone and you may be able to achieve more with less force.



This month’s lunar peak occurs on Friday April 19th at 7:12 A.M. EST at 29 degrees Libra 07 minutes. This is the 2nd month in a row with the Full Moon in Libra. This sometimes occurs when there is a zero degree aspect, as happened in March. Now with this Full Moon occurring at the last degree of Libra, this will be a time of some completions, both in personal relationships and in the collective. Any issues that have been brewing for the past month, or longer, may finally find a solution now. If you’ve been on the fence about something and haven’t been able to make up your mind (often a problem for Libras) you will be forced to do so now. Relationships will be the main focus of this energy. This will not only be true in intimate or romantic connections, but also business partnerships, close friendships and other one-on-one relationships. Be careful how you respond for a few days. Because of this strong desire to find solutions and complete anything that feels unfinished you may be tempted to pull the trigger on some things that just aren’t ready for a radical ending. Look things over carefully and if you’re sure that something needs to be resolved, then by all means do so. There will be a few situations that seem to come undone. Remember that it’s impossible to unsay something once it’s been expressed, so think it through and make sure you are saying what you mean.



On Saturday April 20th at 4:55 A.M. EDT we enter the fixed earth sign, the heart of spring, so to speak. This sign is known for its stubborn and unbending attitude, and it’s a well-earned one. While Taurus can be very loyal and loving, and deeply emotional (the Moon is in its exaltation here) it can be difficult for the bull to change its mind or its approach to things. There is a tendency to make decisions and fixate on them, not easily swayed into veering off the chosen path. I suggest we all try not to allow this stubborn attitude to control our thoughts and plans.

Because Uranus is just getting settled into this sign the Sun will conjunct that most erratic of planets in 2 days. This will set the stage for some rather upsetting events and news. There are places in the world that are about to explode (Israel, our southern border, congress, possibly your marriage (?) to name a few) and there could be an incident very soon that sets off a series of events that will take months to settle.



On Saturday April 20th at 12:11 P.M. EDT until May 15th at 5:46 A.M. EDT the planet of love enters this Mars-ruled sign and for the next few weeks there will be a rather assertive attitude, especially where romance is concerned. While traveling through this aggressive sign Venus loses some of its gentleness and leans more towards a domineering and forceful approach. There’s nothing wrong with a certain amount of assertiveness in relationships as long as it’s kept in a proper perspective. But if you let things get out of hand you may find that you are spending much of your time trying to repair the damage that a few misplaced words can create.



On Monday April 22nd at 7:05 P.M. EDT this potentially explosive aspect will complete. The few days leading up to this transit should be approached with caution and awareness. There’s no way around this energy. It will make itself known in many ways, both personal and collective. You may get into a spiff with someone over something as mundane as your place in line at Starbucks, a parking space or a misunderstanding. It isn’t the event that matters. You could have the same mix-up on another day and it will result in a smile and a nod. It’s the underlying anxiety that this conjunct can create. Many people will be on edge and nervous without knowing why. This can also happen on the world stage. I hope this passes without any major events. Lord knows the world already feels combustible. But this is the kind of aspect when we all must be aware of what’s happening and react to our environment as passively as possible. Try to avoid dangerous situations and pay attention to what’s going on around you. If something occurs beyond your control the only power you have is your reaction to it.



On Wednesday April 24th at 2:45 P.M. EDT until October 3rd at 2:37 A.M. EDT many issues that have been brewing and seem to be about to come to the surface may be pushed down into the unconscious for a time. Pluto wants to uncover things and bring them to into the light. But the retrograde motion will subdue that desire and force us all to internalize some of the problems that do need to be examined. Don’t worry, they will just be mulled over for a while and then come to the surface with hopefully a new and better understanding in a few months. With Saturn also about to retrograde we are entering a period when some important world events and issues will be suppressed as we mull thing over for a while.



On Saturday April 27th at 9:04 A.M. EDT this unsettling and often exhausting aspect will suck the wind out of many people and circumstances. This isn’t the best aspect for physical activity and you may find that you are tired and don’t have the enthusiasm you were expecting, especially if this sets off your natal chart. But this only lasts a few days and my advice is to put some things aside and revisit them once this goes out of orb. This can be a difficult time to assert yourself so don’t plan an important meeting, phone call or first date. You may not be able to project the persona you had hoped for and you could wind up feeling bad about the results. If you pay attention to this and use it carefully you should be able to sidestep any serious problems. Most difficulties happen when we ignore what’s going on around us and try to swim upstream. You’re not a salmon and while it sometimes feels as though we are struggling against the flow of life, astrology is meant to ease that stress and make it a smoother ride.



On Monday April 29th at 8:55 P.M. EDT until September 18th at 4:47 A.M. EDT Saturn takes its yearly trek backwards. This can be a difficult time for many issues, including business ventures and family situations. Saturn rules the parental disciplinarian and its sign of Capricorn along with the opposite sign of Cancer are the two signs most connected to the past. With this energy being drawn more internally for the coming months it’s more likely that some of us will get wrapped up in issues that should have been resolved long ago. Now as Saturn moves backwards we have an opportunity to examine and expunge some of those problems. This is actually a good time to work through some family issues and some self-image concerns that may be blocking you from advancing to the next level.

This is traditionally a time when some astrologers warn against starting a new business or moving to the next venture. But there are many successful companies that have begun with this planet in retrograde. It’s more a matter of what you wish to accomplish with the project than whether it will be financially successful or not. If you pay attention to the underlying foundation of the plan and make certain that it is solid and reality oriented there’s no reason to assume that it will fail. I find that all retrograde actions are a mixed blessing (yes, even the mischievous little devil, Mercury) and can certainly cause some distress, but if you understand what it’s really about and make use of the slowdown that the Rx implies you can actually be more succinct and use the energy to your advantage making a plan or project even more successful in the long run.



On Wednesday May 1st at 2:38 A.M. EDT we begin a series of four Mercury aspects as the winged god set off transits to the four planets that will create the Great Capricorn Conjunction next year. Pay attention to what happens this week and you may get a hint at what to expect in 2020 when this all comes to a head. This sextile is a positive and productive day when there will be a lot of energy in our communications. But it’s followed closely by the square to Saturn, so don’t expect too much energy.



On Wednesday May 1st at 4:50 A.M. EDT Mercury will continue this period of activity. The square to Saturn is often a low energy day when it’s difficult to express yourself and you may find that the general attitude is pretty low key. Many people will not be able to say what’s on their minds, and even if you can it may be misunderstood if the other person has fallen under the dour spell of Saturn’s influence. Be honest and realistic and make sure that you are direct in your communications and this won’t give you too much trouble. But don’t expect to have a lot of oomph or take on too many projects. You will run out of steam and be disappointed in the results. If something just doesn’t seem to be working you may be better off leaning it alone for a few days and then revisiting the situation. With Saturn and Pluto in retrograde now the energy of each will be stimulated by the quicker moving planets and you may find that a number of issues that have been stuck in the unconscious come to the surface now and demand your attention. Don’t ignore them or you will have to contend with them more severely on the next aspect they create.



On Thursday May 2nd at 5:49 P.M. EDT this challenging square will demand a lot of attention and force us to deal with some things that perhaps we had hoped would stay in the unconscious. That’s not going to happen. Anything that has been bothering you will most likely come out now. You may have to confront someone with an unpleasant bit of truth and get to the heart of what’s going on. With Pluto retrograde now this will probably stir up some things that have been hidden or buried for some time. The interesting thing about retrograde motions is that when the planet is activated it will actually dig deeper into the situation than usual and may create a need for more enlightenment than it would when the planet is direct. Pluto wants to reveal everything it can. It rules the underworld, so to speak, and much of its power comes from uncovering that which has been in the shadows. If you can consciously bring those things to the surface you can avoid much of the difficulties involved in the transits it sets off. With Mercury ruling the conscious mind, it’s through that mental activity that you can set this off. Use it to your advantage and it will be a positive aspect, even if it may be a bit uncomfortable in what is reveals.



On Thursday May 2nd at 11:59 P.M. EDT this last Mercury aspects completes this cycle. This is a very good day for any conversations or exchange of ideas. You should find people open to hearing new things and willing to see your point of view without challenging it. This is a very positive and optimistic trine that will expand our ideas and open our thoughts to any new plans or actions. Because this is the dark of the moon much of this will occur in projects and ideas that are being completed. If you have a venture that is nearing fruition I suggest that you give it a great big push and try to take it across the finish line before the next New Moon. Don’t worry if you can’t complete it now. It just means that it will take at least another lunar cycle to reach satisfaction. But if you’ve been procrastinating and having difficulty putting the final touches on something this may be a good time to do so.



The next New Moon falls on Saturday May 4th at 6:46 P.M. EST at 14 degrees Taurus 11 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:

April 5th 10:15 P.M. – April 6th 9:06 A.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

April 8th 4:28 A.M. – 5:15 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

April 10th 1:27 P.M. – 11:31 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

April 12th 3:06 P.M. – April 13th 3:50 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

April 14th 9:38 P.M. – April 15th 6:14 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

April 17th 12:29 A.M. – 7:22 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

April 19th 7:12 A.M. – 8:40 A.M.

April 20th 11:59 P.M. – April 21st 11:59 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

April 23rd 7:43 A.M. – 6:50 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

April 25th 3:48 P.M. – April 26th 5:27 A.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours

April 28th 5:44 A.M. – 6:11 P.M. ***Moon is void 13 hours

April 30th 5:57 P.M. – May 1st 6:24 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

May 3rd 4:47 A.M. – 4:18 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

May 5th 11:10 A.M. – 11:40 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

May 7th 7:50 P.M. – May 8th 5:06 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

May 9th 10:06 P.M. – May 10th 9:14 A.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours


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