Newsletter: March 2019

Newsletter: March 2019

ISSUE # 236

March 2019

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.


Although Uranus entered Taurus right before this New Moon and I wrote about this in last month’s newsletter, I am adding to my analysis of this rather important transit once again.

URANUS ENTERED TAURUS on Wednesday March 6th at 3:35 A.M. EST:

With Uranus, the most erratic and unpredictable planet just going into Taurus where it will remain for about 7 years until 2026 we are entering a brand new cycle, more prominently than on most New Moons. Because this occurred right on the Dark of the Moon it implies that there are a number of issues that will be ending now. This will include certain personal and financial matters, and we will see some of our values changing in a radical and impulsive way, both in our own lives and in the collective. There are many areas that will be affected by this extended transit, but I am watching the financial markets closely and I expect several periods of instability over the next few years with serious repercussions. For one thing, Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac and thus rules the natural 2nd house of money, values and possessions. While it doesn’t rule the trading markets or banks directly, any activity in this sign will have worldwide effects on the overall finances and create instability on a base level.

This is a time of change, that’s pretty obvious if you look at the world. Values are being upended, ideals that have held fast for generations are now in revolt and the future looks more unstable than I can ever remember, perhaps even more so than in the upheaval of the late 60’s. No matter how this plays out over the coming years we will look back at this period as a watershed moment in our history. Will we regain our footing and pull America back to the center where the Sun-Saturn square in our chart is most comfortable? Or will be swing the pendulum back and forth between far right and far left and leave us precariously dangling over the abyss? Those who follow my writings and my media appearances know that I’ve been predicting for some time that the Great Alignment in Capricorn in 2020 will have a severe and potentially dangerous outcome. What we are going to see in the coming weeks will be just the tip of the iceberg, as they say, and a hint of what’s to come.

This represents our continued entrance into the Aquarian Age, a process that takes centuries, not months. Any astrologer who claims that they know when we actually enter this new age simply doesn’t understand the celestial arts. It doesn’t happen on a particular day, but over a long extensive period. One can say that the birth of historic Jesus represented the beginning of the Age of Pisces, but it was more than 400 years later that the Roman Empire finally took its last gasp. We evolve as a species slowly, no matter what technological advances may appear. They represent generations of imagination and trial and error. De Vinci drew diagrams of helicopters. But it took half a millennium before other inventions made it possible to build one. So it is with social and political ideals. Is the internet the end of matters or the beginning of a new way of life? Will we eventually “beam” ourselves to Paris or Mars? Will we finally find a solution to our financial and social imbalance or slip back into the quicksand it has taken our culture thousands of years to climb out of? Time will tell and humankind will march on, either towards our certain demise or to a future of great accomplishments and charity. For now I am hopeful that we are learning some important lessons about ourselves and that the current state of affairs will not remain and push us backwards into the mire. Peace and love to you all. Mitch


The New Moon falls on Wednesday March 6th at 11:04 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Pisces 47 minutes. The Pisces New Moon represents a special place in the yearly cycle. It’s the last New Moon before the New Year on March 20th when the Sun enters Aries and begins its trek around the zodiac anew. Because Pisces is the last sign this is often a time when we begin the process of completion and endings. It’s a time to say goodbye to many things, relationships and ideas that we have held and it’s best approach with a sense of resolve. Don’t hold on too tightly to those issues that are no longer valid. It can be difficult for many of us to let go and this can be very counterproductive, especially if you are being held back or restricted from trying a new path.

As I said above, with Uranus just entering Taurus we are entering a new phase, a period of radical change in values and ideals. There is no way to know exactly what this will bring, but it is certain to manifest in some unexpected ways. How we deal with the concepts of money and values is essential to our definition of ourselves as a species and culture. There is serious inequity and poverty in a world with an over-abundance of what we require to satisfy everyone’s needs. But unless there are serious changes in how we handle these issues there will be a number of explosive events as Uranus travels through the sign that rules money and values. This New Moon is just moment in time, but it represents some of the deeper problems we face. Let’s hope we can find compromise and rebalance our society in a sane and equitable fashion.

Pisces is Neptune-ruled, and it is perhaps the most spiritual of signs, although I find that all 12 of the signs can be very spiritual in their own way. Pisces is less attached to the material world and can at times reach more deeply into the ethereal and the transcendent and connect us to the sense of universality. This is a time when generosity and compassion play a greater role and you may find that you are called upon to express those traits. Try to be as giving as possible. There may not be a material reward or worldly accolade but this is a time for your soul to make its mark and the gains you will achieve cannot and should not be valued on this plane. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces will conjunct the Moon & the Sun shortly after the New Moon, and this will set the atmosphere for the coming month, adding even more Neptunian energy to the mix. With Mercury in retrograde until March 28th this will be a month of confusion, misdirection and a lot of things being kept hidden. But don’t worry; many of them will come to light often at the most inopportune time. Should be a fun few weeks.



On Wednesday March 6th at 8:01 P.M. EST this rather disruptive conjunct will complete. It would be wise to pay close attention to what you’re doing and what’s going on in your immediate environment. Neptune’s influence, which is already rather strong under the Pisces New Moon, may cause some problems as a result of misdirection, mistakes and a tendency to ignore the “real world” and paying too much attention to the ethereal. This is fine is you’re living in an ashram or taking long walks by the river. But if you’re running for the subway and trying to keep up with the pace in a big city you may find that even the simplest things can become difficult to circumvent. As with all Neptune aspects this is a spiritual moment when we should all try to be more compassionate and caring. If this conjunct is used well it can be an exceptionally positive and enlightening time. But if you hold on too tightly to your sense of reality you may not feel at ease.

There may be some news on the world front that either seems too good to be true or too horrible to believe. In either case, wait for conformation before acting or obsessing. This is often a very bad day for the stock markets as confusion reigns supreme and the markets do not like unsureness.



On Saturday March 9th at 2:10 A.M. EST we will all be more reality oriented than we may have been the past few days as Neptune was so active. This is good day for going over paperwork; and with Mercury in retrograde there may be a number of issues that require our attention. It’s also a good day for making plans and preparations. Because of the Rx Mercury it may be some time before you can implement those plans, but start the process now and set your goals. You’ll be glad that you laid the foundation down when it’s time to build upon it.


On Wednesday March 13th at 10:25 A.M. EDT this positive sextile will allow us to delve deeply into any issues regarding relationships, business and personal growth without upsetting the apple cart. Pluto wants to dig into things and can create an atmosphere of compulsion and obsession. But in a sextile its energy is more malleable and can be used in a positive and proactive manner. Don’t be afraid to look at things and even tear apart your perspective and your goals. You may find that there are ways you can improve your approach to your problems and find solutions that are easier and longer lasting. If someone wants to have a serious conversation, you should do so. You may not like everything that you hear, but it will help clear the air and move things to the next level.


On Wednesday March 13th at 9:29 P.M. EDT this square will complete as well. Because Jupiter and Pluto are 30 degrees from each other in the sky they will both be aspected by the quicker moving planets the same day. This square tends to make us all overdo things. It would be smart to keep things in perspective and not try to do everything at once. Jupiter has a hard time with boundaries and limitations, and the square does tend to force itself upon us. This is usually a sociable and outgoing energy, and if used properly can be very productive. But if you let things get out of hand you could find yourself juggle way too much and even if you can keep it all in the air, once this square completes it will all come a-tumbling down. This is usually a good day for travel, but again a word of advice – stay in the moment and deal with what’s right in front of you or you will get lost in the big picture. This is not a very good aspect for dealing with details, and it’s easy to make mistakes or miss some small but important thing. You may run to the airport for an early morning flight only to realize once there that the ticket says P.M., not A.M.


On Thursday March 14th at 6:01 A.M. EDT we have a very positive and useful trine that can put our egos in a good and controlled place. Because this completes early in the morning we may not have as much time to work with it as we may like. It will be more prominent a day or so leading up to it, but it does set the stage for today’s activities. The combination of these two planets isn’t usually terribly exciting, but it is stable and creates a feeling of security. There will be a Sun – Mercury conjunct this evening, which will be very good for all conversations. If you’re having dinner with your significant other or with a friend let the conversation go where it may and try not to limit its direction.


On Thursday March 14th at 9:48 P.M. EDT this very active mental aspect will make communications direct and forceful. It takes place in spiritual Pisces, so this might be a good time to sit by a fire and look dreamily into each other’s eyes. Ignore the mundane; money, business, long-range plans all have their place. But for one evening perhaps it would be best to just float on the champagne bubbles and let romance take over. Even if you’re out with friends this can be a very pleasant and gentle time when you may wish to express your love to them. Remember, not all relationships are sexual. Intimacy means many things, and we have friends, family and loved ones who also need to feel important and needed. Let your heart do the singing today, and give your mind a res


On Friday March 15th at 7:17 P.M. EDT this active square begins a few days of Mercurial energy during which we can get much done and catch up on things. Because of the retrograde motion of Mercury we are experiencing several quick moving transits that we saw last month once again. On Friday February 22nd we had this square. It will return for a last pass April 12th.

This is a very active transit that will stimulate the mind. Expect to be busy with communications and errands. This is primarily a positive aspect when people will be extremely sociable and outgoing. Jupiter squares are quite unlike any other. They are exciting and growth oriented, and can shake us free from our doldrums. But they do come with a warning. The main concern is that Jupiter has no sense of boundaries or limitations and under its influence we can often take on too much. You may be so inundated with input today that it’s difficult to catch up. This can make us nervous and at times do a shoddy job. Mercury is all about details and getting things right. Jupiter is interested in the big picture and often misses the little things. This combination can result in errors and miscommunication. It’s the type of aspect under which you may send an email to the wrong person and pay the price. I’ve always felt that there should be a breathalyzer attached to the “send button” on computers. Microsoft has ignored my letters so far. Oh well. If you use this square properly and keep things in perspective you should be able to do much and open conversations that are necessary and can expand your relationships. It’s a good day for a trip as long as you pay attention. When traveling you should use some caution and double check your plans. If you are driving, you must pay attention to your immediate environment. Mistakes and accidents are possible as a result of distraction. A little caution will prevent any mishaps.


On Saturday March 16th at 9:11 A.M. EDT we will once again experience this sextile that we had February 23rd. This is a chance to dig into subjects that may at times be difficult to discuss. Most people will be open to hearing the truth, and with Mercury in retrograde now that is almost a certainty. You should deal in a direct manner with all issues involving Pluto. It’s the best way of preventing a hidden agenda from taking over. And because this is a positive sextile you can broach a matter clearly and openly. If something has been on your mind you may find it advantageous to talk about it now and clear the air. This isn’t a superficial transit, although it is a quick moving one. If you do delve into something you must be prepared to hear what the other person has to say. This is a good time to look at long term plans and see if they are moving in the direction you wish. If not, you may choose to redirect your energy now.


On Sunday March 17th at 11:23 P.M. EDT this mentally energetic transit returns. This is the end of the cycle of Mercury aspects for the moment and a fitting finale to this series of aspects. Today there will be a lot of oomph behind what we say. Mars rules the ego, and many people will be apt to express themselves in a direct and forceful manner. Because this is a positive sextile you can do so without being overly aggressive. But you will find that many have an assertive attitude and you should be prepared to deal with things accordingly. This is a good day for any paperwork or for catching up on emails, texts, etc. You can’t accomplish everything in a day, but you can make some important forward motion now. This is a good day for travel, especially short trips.


On Wednesday March 20th at 7:37 A.M. EDT this very positive and productive trine will allow us all a chance to put our egos into a proper perspective. You will find that many people are assertive and not that willing to back down from confrontation. But if you approach them in a realistic and controlled manner you should be able to find compromise. This is a time to be assertive but not aggressive. You will accomplish more by seeking assistance than by bullying or demanding. When these two energies are working well together, such as now, it is easier to get others to work with you towards a common goal. But there must be something in it for everyone or you will face confrontations. This works best as a communal or joint venture, so look for ways to make sure that everyone feels as though they have a vested interest in the project succeeding.


On Wednesday March 20th at 5:59 P.M. EDT we begin the new celestial year. This is the very beginning of the zodiac, what we call the Aries point. Many astrologers celebrate this as the New Year, as it begins the Sun’s journey through the signs. It’s significant that each of the four seasons begins when the Sun enters each of the four cardinal signs. Aries are known as initiators. While the often being things anew, as one would expect on the start of a solar year, they don’t always complete what they’ve begun. They are known as a rather impulsive group and quite fiery. This is, after all, the cardinal fire sign. This is a good time to begin new projects and to set your goals for the coming year. We each have a New Year at our solar return (birthday), which is often a good starting place for your individual plans and projects. But today the whole world is beginning a new cycle and it’s a good idea to jump on the band wagon. You should find that many people around you have a sense of newness. This is the first day of spring, and while it doesn’t always manifest as the end of winter’s weather, there is a feeling of freshness and hope that can help push us all towards a new path. For the next month you should be aware of the tendency to take on too much and make promises that will not be easy to fulfill. I like to compare Aries to the kid who jumps off the diving board and on the way down looks to see if there’s water in the pool. A little farsightedness will go a long way towards ensuring the success of your plans. Certainly be emboldened and initiate new ideas and projects. But keep in mind that this is only the start of the process. It will take hard work to complete what you now begin. The Full Moon falls a few hours after this ingress and this will be a day of some intensity. I expect some serious actions to take place over the next few days.


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Wednesday March 20th at 9:43 P.M. EST at 0 degrees Libra 09 minutes. This Full Moon falls on the Aires Point, also called the World Point (zero degrees of cardinal) and its influence is well known. This is a moment when some events on the world stage will take precedent and we could hear something that shakes us up a bit. It could be positive or negative, but it will be profound on some level. Of course with our political and financial situations being so unstable at the moment little would surprise me. The best way to approach this is to be as open-minded and flexible as possible.

On a personal level you will find most people are direct and forceful, and they may respond to even simple things in a rather intense manner. Libra isn’t known for being overly aggressive; it’s more passive-aggressive in its nature. But with the Sun just entering Aries there is an underlying force that will be a factor. Relationships in particular may be disruptive or changing in a radical manner. While change isn’t a bad thing, it can be uncomfortable and emotionally upsetting. If something has been bothering you in a close connection you would be better off bringing it to the surface than letting it fester. Mercury is still in retrograde and it is a time to look at things in an honest and clear way. While there can certainly be some confusion or misunderstandings during the Rx motion, it’s also a time when the world slows down and we have a chance to catch up on many things, including our personal relationships. Venus will square Mars tomorrow morning, and that can lead to disagreements in all personal relationships. Perhaps it would be best to be proactive and clear the air in advance?


On Thursday March 21st at 4:07 A.M. EDT there will be an air of conflict between men and women. This doesn’t mean that we will all be fighting or taking sides. In fact, any connection between these two planets implies interaction between the sexes. But squares can be feisty and it would probably be wise to sidestep any unnecessary conflicts. There’s enough stress in relationships as it is, no reason to add to it. This will stimulate the wish to interact and could arouse our desires, which isn’t a bad thing if you can find common ground and not let your egos overwhelm the situation. Because this completes so early in the morning its effects will be felt more strongly Wednesday night, so keep vigilant and avoid any silly conflicts. This is followed closely by Venus in sextile to Jupiter, which will add a very soft and sociable air to the mix.


On Thursday March 21st at 10:16 A.M. EDT this very positive and optimistic aspect will give us a day of pleasant interaction and good moods. This follows Venus square Mars which completed early Thursday morning and will be replaced by this aspect, so if there is any leftover tension in a relationship you should be able to smooth things over now. It’s a good day for any socializing. Maybe a brunch with an old friend or a breakfast meeting. We will be more receptive to creative works, so taking in a show, museum or other artistic activity will be rewarding. It’s also a good day for travel so if you can get away even for a few hours you will feel rejuvenated. This is a quick moving aspect and its effects won’t last. But it will give us all a respite from the battles of life. Try to enjoy it.


On Sunday March 24th at 1:26 P.M. EDT there will be a sense of confusion about most communications. It’s a day when we should all be careful of what we say and how we say it. Any excuse for a misunderstanding could get blown out of proportion and create a very foggy situation. This isn’t a good day for important conversations, signing contracts or finalizing any serious business or personal issue. If you travel today you must double check all plans and pay close attention on the trip. It’s easy to make a wrong turn, go to the wrong address or have trouble with any transportation. Leave extra time to make sure that you don’t miss a connection.                      


On Tuesday March 26th at 3:43 P.M. EDT until April 20th at 12:11 P.M. EDT Venus travels through this sensitive sign. This month we will see more compassion in our close relationships. This doesn’t only relate to romantic ties. Friendships and partnerships of all sorts will be recipients of this and it will be easier for many of us to express our deepest feelings without fear of rejection. This is a month of spirituality in our day to day existence that is often limited. With the state of our nation and the world at the moment we can use any support we can get, especially on a personal level. While this transit won’t cure the ills of a society run amok it can give us an avenue of expression that will be gentler and more understanding. It may even produce some changes in people who are usually unbending and set in their ways. Again, I don’t expect miracles but I do hope there is some movement towards the ethereal. Once Mars enters Gemini on the 31st there will be a more assertive side to our interactions, but even then this warm fuzzy side will make itself known.


On Thursday March 28th at 9:59 A.M. EDT Mercury turns around and we will soon see misunderstandings begin to subside. But a word of advice: As this planet reverses direction either way there is a great deal of confusion and errors. For a few days as this planet changes direction you need to be vigilant and make sure that you understand what’s being said. This is often when the worst mistakes are made. We are all trying to catch up on things and often do so without paying attention to details. We perceive that things are clearer than they really are, and that is where the problems come in. This can be a time of misunderstandings even more so than when Mercury is in the depths of its retrograde. In a few days when we have settled into the new motion you will feel more at ease and able to express yourself without misunderstandings. While this change of direction won’t suddenly fix all of the problems in your life (what does?) it will make communication and travel a bit easier. Just remember that Mercury is still in Pisces until April 17th, and there will be an air of illusion and misdirection until then. This is a great placement for artists, musicians, writers and actors. Not so great for financiers, business-types or politicians. With a bit of caution and clarity you will be able to regain your footing and move forward.


On Sunday March 31st at 2:12 A.M. EDT until May 15th at 11:10 P.M. EDT the god of war goes through the sign of communication. For about 6 weeks there will be a lot of energy behind our words. This can be a very productive period if certain precautions are followed. This can add fuel to conversations and bring a lot to the surface. But there may be a tendency to be overly argumentative and many people may be speaking in a harsher voice than they realize. If there’s something that you’ve wanted to get off your chest this will be a good time to do so. But remember that someone’s reaction may have more to do with how you say something than what the message is. 


On Tuesday April 2nd at 5:38 A.M. EDT this conjunct completes once again. We had this aspect on February 19th and recently on March 24th. On each pass it can create confusion and misdirection, often resulting in mistakes that can confound and possibly have long term effects, so please use caution and double check all of your paperwork. This is a day or two when it’s easy to misunderstand or for someone to misrepresent themselves, either on purpose or inadvertently. Make sure you know what someone is saying, what the contract you’re about to sign implies, and what you wish to accomplish with your actions. Any error can lead to a misinterpretation.


The next New Moon falls on Friday April 5th at 4:50 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Aries 17 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time.

March 7th 2:08 P.M. – 3:27 P.M.

March 9th 12:14 P.M. – March 10th 3:10 A.M.

March 12th 5:31 A.M. – 11:48 A.M.

March 14th 8:31A.M. – 5:49 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

March 16th 2:03 P.M. – 8:57 P.M.

March 18th 11:19 A.M. – 9:41 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

March 20th 11:22 A.M. – 9:28 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

March 22nd 2:10 P.M. – 10:16 A.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

March 24th 10:24 P.M. – March 25th 2:06 P.M.

March 26th 10:37 P.M. – March 27th 10:07 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

March 29th 8:05 P.M. – 9:46 P.M.

March 31st 11:02 P.M. – April 1st 10:48 A.M.

April 3rd 11:36 A.M. – 10:56 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

April 5th 10:15 P.M. – April 6th 9:06 A.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

April 8th 4:28 A.M. – 5:15 P.M. ***Moon is void 13 hours

April 10th 1:27 P.M. – 11:31 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours