Newsletter: October 2018

Newsletter: October 2018

ISSUE # 231

October 2018

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

This month’s Full Moon occurs on Wednesday October 24th at 12:45 P.M. EDT at 1 degree Taurus 13 minutes. Uranus is in exact conjunct to this Full Moon, creating a powerful atmosphere and requiring caution and close consideration in all matters. It will be a few days when almost anything can happen. I strongly suggest caution and patience, which unfortunately will be severely lacking. That will be a week of explosive and dangerous actions and reactions. There may be some violence or an international situation. There could be terrorist issues, either domestic or foreign, and the stock markets will most likely experience a severe drop. For a few days leading up to and following this Full Moon I strongly suggest that you tread lightly and pay attention to your environment. Most of us will be fine. There’s no reason to assume that you are walking to a dangerous situation, and if there are problems the will probably be localized. But it’s wise to keep your eyes open, especially if this sets off your chart.



The New Moon falls on Monday October 8th at 11:47 P.M. EDT at 15 degrees Libra 48 minutes. This is the sign most associated with marriage and all partnerships. It is represented by the scales of justice, and balance is frequently used to define its energy. Libra and the corresponding 7th house rules the lower courts and as such has much to do with our sense of fair play and day-to-day decisions. Marriage and many other close partnerships are really contracts and can be considered legal matters as well, and that’s why the 7th house is the ruler of those kinds of relationships. This is a month when many people think about their intimate connections and often cuddle in anticipation of the coming winter. Of course most of us don’t live in huts any longer, but the mythology is still there. You may be thinking about connecting with someone now, or perhaps just reviewing the decisions you made in the past. In any case, this is a time to consider what you want and need from another person, whether or not you are able to achieve the intimacy. It can be a very fulfilling time, or one seeped in sadness depending upon how successfully you can fulfill your needs and desires. Libra is a very misunderstood sign in astrology. Many people consider it a passive energy, but it is anything but. It’s more of a passive-aggressive force and it will push very hard to get what it needs. Many people will act that way and demand a path to fulfill what is lacking in their lives. This can be a lonely sign for those who are single and wish to in a relationship. But even if you can’t find that special someone, perhaps the energy around you will teach you how and why you are preventing someone the entrance into your life. I wish us all great love and companionship. If you can’t find that, then I wish you solace within and a shared life with good friends. Love comes in many forms. Open your arms and welcome it.



On Tuesday October 9th at 8:41 P.M. EDT until Wednesday October 31st at 12:39 A.M. EDT Mercury will travel through this powerful fixed water sign. Scorpio, and its ruler, Pluto, is perhaps the most delving of the signs and will not usually tolerate superficial solutions. It tends to dig deeply into any subject and will prod and probe until it reaches the truth. We can expect that most of us will react to this transit in a similar manner, poking at the surface until we find what’s buried underneath. Because this is a fixed sign you can expect people to be a bit stubborn and unbending. This can lead to arguments and stalemates, and conversations will be intense and at times severe. The desire to hear the truth is so powerful that even a casual chat may become deep. This is a good time to get to the heart of the matter, and it will be difficult to hide behind pleasantries. So if you need to hear the truth, this is a good time to ask. Just be prepared, because you that is exactly what you will get.



On Wednesday October 10th at 1:35 P.M. EDT this square completes shortly after Mercury enters Scorpio. Uranus is also an energy that exposes things, sometimes in a sudden and unexpected manner. Oppositions always work through other people, and this aspect will certainly expose some secrets and some hidden agendas. Be prepared to hear some things that may surprise you. Because of the suddenness and erratic energy of this aspect it is wise to use some caution, especially when traveling. This is a very impatient and at times explosive force and it’s easy to make mistakes, say something without thinking it through, or even have an accident. Drive defensively and try to take your time. This is a good moment for meditation, even though you may find it difficult to focus. The mind is moving very quickly and you may not have your usual filters or safety guards in place. If you can control this energy you can get a lot of mental work done in a short time, and this combination is capable of truly genius ideas and plans. So use it to your advantage and look over your schemes with an open mind. You may discover something brilliant that you hadn’t thought of before.



Also on Wednesday October 10th at 10:29 P.M. EDT the two planets that represent the sexes will be in conflict. Any interaction between these two will kindle the desire for contact between men and women, and this can be a very stimulating day for relationships. But because it is a square there may be some conflict in the undercurrent. Try to stay positive and thoughtful in your contacts. This represents a chance to push through some barriers that are in place, and that can be very productive. But how you go about it will decide if this is helpful or not. Often, it’s not so much what we say as how we say it.



On Friday October 12th at 12:07 A.M. EDT this intense energy will demand our attention. This can be a combative and pushy energy. For a few days leading up to this square it would be wise to tread lightly. You may not realize that you are being aggressive, and you could stimulate resistance from others. Pluto can represent power-struggles and it’s easy to get into disputes or to challenge someone’s point of view without meaning to. If you do get into a struggle it’s best to bring it all out into the open and discuss it honestly and directly. That’s the only way that you will clear the air and set yourselves on the path of healing. If you can sidestep the less important battles that would be a good idea.



Also, on Friday October 12th at 4:20 A.M. EDT this focused aspect will make us all more realistic and direct in out communications. Because this completes so early in the morning most of us will not notice it. But for the day leading up to this all conversations and communications will be simple and clear. This closely follows the Sun square Pluto mentioned above, and it will help us use that delving energy in a productive way. This is a very honest and direct transit and it should make any rough spots easier to steer through.



On Monday October 15th at 4:20 P.M. EDT this easy going aspect will make all communications light hearted and gentle. If there are any left over issues from the recent Sun-Pluto square, this would be a good day to smooth them over. You may wish to write or call someone and have a chat about things. You will both be more open to the discussion and better able to express your good feelings. This is a good day for any entertainment or artistic venture. You will be open to new things and have a desire to relax and enjoy yourself. It’s a good aspect for all social gatherings as well.



On Friday October 19th at 5:48 A.M. EDT this very creative trine will give us all a jolt of artistic force. If you work in the arts this is a good day to push your projects forward. But even if you aren’t in the creative professions you will have a keener sense of all creative energy and a better understanding of what the artist is trying to say. Because this is followed closely by Mercury in square to Mars there will be a lot of oomph behind your thoughts and speech. As that square approaches our moods will change and could become somewhat combative. So keep that in mind as the morning progresses.



Also, on Friday October 19th at 1:23 P.M. EDT this somewhat rough square demands our attention. This is a very forceful and powerful transit that can create disagreements and you should pay attention to how you’re communicating. It will be easy to misinterpret something and overreact. If you have something important to say, take a moment and put your thoughts in order, then say what’s on your mind. But try not to take any reaction someone has too personally. We are all feeling a little jumpy and irritable, and arguments will be common. Also, use a lot of caution while traveling. You may not be feeling angry, but the guy in the car next to you might be. If you can focus this energy you can get a lot of mental work done in a short time. But if you allow it to overwhelm you, then you may just be angry and lash out. Awareness is all important under this type of transit.



On Monday October 22nd at 3:11 P.M. EDT it will be easy to dig deeply into any subject that arises without upsetting the applecart. (I love clichés) Serious conversations can be had, and honest open communication is favored. This is one of those transits under which you can discuss things that normally might be too personal or sensitive. But remember, as with all Pluto aspects you may uncover some things that are difficult to hear, or be told the truth when that reality has been kept hidden for some time. As long as you are willing to hear what’s really going on, go ahead and chat.



On Tuesday October 23rd at 7:23 A.M. EDT we enter the fixed water sign and the underlying energy will start to change. Where Libra, the previous sign, tends to be outgoing and gregarious Scorpios can be secretive and hold back their thoughts and feelings. But this energy is often misunderstood. It’s really all about rejuvenation. This sign controls the 8th house that, among other things, we say rules death and rebirth, as well as sex (obviously one important component of birth). Without Scorpio energy we wouldn’t easily recover from illnesses, operations, or emotional trauma. This is the part of us all that can regain our strength and faith after life has beaten us up. And this part of the year is a good time to examine what is and isn’t working out. If something has been removed from your life it may be time to let it go emotionally. By the same token if something seems to have withered but is starting to show some new growth it may be worth the risk of trying to prod little more out of it, perhaps one more flower from an aging orchid, or one last song from a tired writer. It’s not always easy to know just which the situation demands. If you look deeply into your heart, as this sign and it’s ruler, Pluto, expect, you will know how to proceed.



Also on Tuesday October 23rd at 6:46 P.M. EDT this opposition sets up a few days of erratic energy and the potential for explosive events and interactions. This certainly requires our attention and care. This is not a good day to rush into things, although that is exactly what Uranus seems to want. The suddenness and unpredictability of this planet can make you jumpy and feel that if you don’t act right now you will miss an opportunity. That’s possible, and there are times when reacting is better than thinking something to death. But often under this energy we rush to judgment and that can lead to serious complications. Use caution and take your time. If something requires a sudden decision you will certainly be able to make it. Just be sure that you’re paying attention to the entire situation and not just acting out in haste. The Full Moon tomorrow will add a lot of fuel to this energy, so be careful this week.



This month’s lunar peak occurs on Wednesday October 24th at 12:45 P.M. EDT at 1 degree Taurus 13 minutes. Uranus is in conjunct to this Full Moon, creating a powerful atmosphere and requiring caution and close consideration in all matters. I cannot over-emphasize just how important this aspect is and that we all must be careful in how we react to the circumstances and situations that arise. This is not a time to act frivolously or to shrug off the intensity this will produce. It’s a time to focus our attention on the most important things and to take time making decisions.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is in retrograde at the moment. This sign rules the 2nd house of money, and with this Full Moon in conjunct to erratic and explosive Uranus I wouldn’t be surprised by an event in the financial markets. Often when Uranus is in opposition to the Sun there will be a major reversal or a powerful day in the stocks, but when it is involved with the Taurus Full Moon anything can happen. We have been seeing much volatility in the equities already over the past few weeks, and this may be a peak of some sort. I’ve expected the stock markets to start to show weakness as a result of the underlying issues, including the tariffs, rising interest rates and vastly accruing debt, and while I still believe that the major problems will begin in the spring, this may be a harbinger of what’s to come. If the markets go up on this aspect then it may represent a top. But if, as I think, they will drop they may take out support and rest at the bottom until after Election Day. There is so much uncertainty in our nation, and so much is riding on this coming election that we are all sitting on the edge waiting. Let’s see what that uncertainty creates.



On Friday October 26th at 10:15 A.M. EDT this pleasant and easy-going energy will give us a morning of peace and tranquility. Of course it may only last a day or so, and this aspect isn’t as powerful as the Full Moon – Uranus square mentioned above, but you should take advantage of it and enjoy yourself. This is a nice morning for any social events, a brunch or other activity, or for a nice walk in the country.



On Saturday October 27th at 10:52 P.M. EDT this clear headed and realistic transit completes. While this isn’t a terribly social aspect it is very good for any kind of work or for organizing things. If there are issues that need to be discussed or reviewed this would be a good time to look them over. You can see the underlying strengths and weaknesses and make alterations in them without much trouble. This is good for any sort of paperwork or for making plans. You will be able to see what’s needed and act accordingly.



On Monday October 29th at 7:05 A.M. EDT this very positive and optimistic transit completes. This is a morning when you should be outgoing and feel pretty good about things. It’s a quick moving aspect and won’t have a long-lasting effect, but it’s a good day for thinking and communicating. You can reach out to people and say what’s on your mind without fear of misunderstanding. But Jupiter does tend to overdo things and it’s quite possible to take on too much or make promises that will be hard to keep. Try to keep a realistic perspective and don’t try to juggle too much or you will get overwhelmed.



On Wednesday October 31st at 12:39 A.M. EDT until December 1st at 6:12 A.M. EST Mercury travels through this Jupiter ruled sign. As with the conjunct mentioned above, while the winged god is rambling in this mutable fire sign it’s very easy to overdo things. You may try to do too much at once, or take on too many commitments. Many of us will have the desire to expand our consciousness in any of a number of ways. Anything that is educational and brings you new information will be quite satisfying. Travel is favored, as it is a very good way to get new input, and any trip you take will be expansive and teach you something.



On Wednesday October 31st at 4:45 A.M. EDT this derisive square will create an atmosphere of uncertainty and erratic feelings, especially in personal affairs. While some may discover an exciting connection that is radically different from their usual relationships, and may explore what could be an adventurous moment of discovery and new feelings, others may see a rift being torn in what they thought was a stable link with a friend or significant other. Because Venus is in retrograde now, this may have a deeper effect than usual. For a few days leading up to this opposition be careful how you interact. It’s very easy to say something that you didn’t realize would have as powerful an effect on the other person and you may create a fissure that will be difficult to heal. This passes quickly, but as with many astrological aspects that involve the outer planets it might represent a single moment that has long lasting repercussions. Try not to let your emotions control you. If you are in a position where that might happen, if possible, let things go for the time being and revisit them later when the energy is less upsetting.

This may be a very bad day for the equity markets. Venus rules money and has much to do with how we see it both individually and collectively. And because of Uranus’ tendency to disrupt whatever is going on there may be some news that sets off a major change in the economy. While it could be positive or negative, usually this combination is upsetting rather than invigorating. Use caution in your personal relationships, and in your investments. Venus will oppose Uranus again on November 30th in the cardinal signs, and what happens today will be a harbinger of what to expect in a month.



Also, on Wednesday October 31st at 3:42 P.M. EDT until December 2nd at 12:02 P.M. EST after it completes the square to Uranus Venus will retrograde back into Libra, one of the signs it rules. Venus feels at home here, and usually this represents a period of ease and comfort in relationships. But the retrograde motion will make it more difficult to understand what you really want from a relationship and how to express those feelings. This will be a time when intimate connections and partnerships will be most prominent. Those that are well founded and secure will do very well. The retrograde may strengthen them and give you a deeper sense of their purpose. But those relationships that are having difficulties might find that the sense of belonging is being tested and may put pressure on some of your closest. Try to think before you speak and express yourself honestly and openly. Libra can be passive-aggressive and not always the most direct of energies. It is most important now that you say what’s on your mind and not let anything be misunderstood.





On Tuesday November 6th at 1:41 A.M. EST this positive and creative trine will offer us all a chance to express ourselves and to connect to the spiritual side of life. Because this is Election Day, most of us will be more concerned with what’s happening in world events than in the ethereal. But it is a good energy to begin the morning and a long walk or meditation would certainly be advised.




Also, on Tuesday November 6th as 1:50 P.M. EST Uranus retrogrades back into Aries just in time for the mid-term elections. This election occurs on the Dark of the Moon in Scorpio and it will be a very powerful and telling event. We are on the edge of a major change in our society no matter what the outcome of this election is. With Uranus retrograding back into Aries where it was during the 2016 Presidential election it’s very obvious that this will be an important testing of those events and an important moment for America and the world. While Uranus stays in this first sign there are going to be a number of upsetting events that will affect us all. Once it gets back into Taurus in early March we will begin to see changes in our financial markets and a clearer sense of just how unstable the foundation is. For now it is more a matter of our need to redirect changes on a fundamental and functional plane. Those of us with late cardinal planets in our horoscope may feel this as a jolt and a testing of our stability in personal issues. Don’t let the challenges throw you. Uranus shakes things up because you need them to be pushed. It’s not there to hurt you or to destroy what is needed. But it can remove people, ideas and projects that have outlived their purpose. If something is leaving your life, look at it honestly and you will see that it no longer is serving you. Hold on too tightly and you may be jostled and put off kilter. No matter what you do, Uranus will institute changes where they are needed. One of its lessons is to let go when you should.



The next New Moon falls on Wednesday November 7th at 11:02 A.M. EDT at 15 degrees Scorpio 11 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition.

All times are Eastern Daylight Time:

October 9th 4:50 A.M. – October 10th 12:09 A.M. ***Moon is void 19 hours

October 11th 7:12 P.M. – October 12th 5:53 A.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

October 13th 8:58 P.M. – October 14th 3:17 P.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours

October 16th 5:49 P.M. – October 17th 3:36 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

October 19th 8:27 A.M. – 4:20 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

October 21st 7:47 P.M. – October 22nd 2:58 A.M.

October 23rd 2:18 P.M. – October 24th 10:33 A.M. ***Moon is void 20 hours

October 26th 10:49 A.M. – 3:41 P.M.

October 28th 12:37 A.M. – 7:27 P.M. *** Moon is void 7 hours

October 30th 10:31 P.M. – 10:42 P.M.

November 2nd 12:31 A.M. – 1:48 A.M.

November 4th 2:26 A.M. – 4:01 A.M.

November 6th 3:19 A.M. – 8:02 A.M.

November 8th 5:42 A.M. – 1:59 P.M.

November 10th 10:35 P.M. – 10:55 P.M.

November 13th 10:13 A.M. – 10:45 A.M.


October 2018

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