Mercury retrogrades on 7/26

Mercury retrogrades on 7/26


On Thursday July 26th at 1:03 A.M. EDT until Sunday August 19th at 12:25 A.M. EDTMercury is retrograding in Leo. This is an interesting sign for this to be taking place while the world is dealing with so many potentially explosive issues. The North Korean talks have fallen apart, as most of us expected they would. Trump is picking a fight with Iran. The situation in Europe with our used-to-be allies is disintegrating, while Trump’s bromance with Vlad is heating up. The political infighting gets worse and more derisive every day. And Mercury decides to spin its little top in the sign that rules acting! LOL I think Voltaire was right when he said: God is a comedian playing to an audience that’s afraid to laugh. Well people, take a moment out and laugh. Laugh out loud and long and hearty. The joke is on us all. As another famous author once said: All the world’s a restaurant, and all the men and women merely entrees. While Mercury is running backwards, the usual warnings about travel and communication are in place. Use caution especially while on a journey. Leave extra time and make sure you know what you packed in that suitcase (!) before you get on the security line at the airport. And make sure your GPS is working, or you could wind up in Toledo instead of Pittsburg. Retrograde Mercury is a good time to set things straight and uncover secrets. While you should respect the energy of combined planets and use them wisely, don’t be afraid of this or any transit. It’s not there to hurt you, just to teach. Open your heart and your mind to the lessons being offered and things will go smoothly.

Retrograde Mercury can be a great time to communicate and get things off your chest. It’s also good at getting to the heart of the matter. Secrets of often revealed, but not necessarily in a hurtful or nefarious fashion. Sometimes it’s just necessary to say something that you may find difficult to express when Mercury is direct. This can also be a time of great healing spiritually and psychologically. Use it properly and in the long run it will be helpful. Because this occurs in Leo you can expect some dramatics. Stay alert and be prepared. J